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  1. H

    had consult today

    Wow,I never even thought of it like that.i guess keep it simple and see where we go from there. I must admit I was puzzled,as once,a,week isn't the norm.but it does make thing I do remember was him saying that one single shot vs 2 smaller ones will get me feeling better faster...
  2. H

    had consult today

    My appointment was with Dr crisler.i probably should have asked,but I was overwhelmed with info.not his fault,but mine.
  3. H

    had consult today

    I should have asked the doc why only once a week vs two,which seems to be the norm
  4. H

    had consult today

    What changes have you noticed in yourself if you don't mind me asking? Also,thanks for the replys
  5. H

    had consult today

    How long have you been receiving treatment jv?
  6. H

    had consult today

    We did discuss dostinex,pending new labs,as I'm suffering from some forms of gyno,however my labs say my estrogen is low.
  7. H

    had consult today

    Yes,once per week.we did discuss hcg,I however decided against it. I'll also be doing my labs in 5 weeks vs 6.
  8. H

    had consult today

    Met with Dr at defy,briefly went over symptons,labs. I'll be starting with one shot weekly of 160 mg. Also talked about primary testicular failure/also secondary. Wish me luck!!
  9. H

    final labs before thur consult with defy

    Here are the labs I was waiting for,hopefully the knowledgeable can give me some insight until I speak with crisler on thur. Lh. 5.1. Ref 1.4-7.7 Dhea 5.270. Ref 1.33o-7.786 Dhea sulphate 385 ref 120-520 Estrogen serum fract. 12.6 ref 10.o-42 Estrone 19.8. Ref. 9-36 Total...
  10. H

    Large Decrease in Testosterone Blood Levels During the Day

    Interesting,very interesting.
  11. H

    Large Decrease in Testosterone Blood Levels During the Day

    I've always had estrogen issues/poblems
  12. H

    Large Decrease in Testosterone Blood Levels During the Day

    Come 9mm,I must be damn near zero! Sheesh
  13. H

    Large Decrease in Testosterone Blood Levels During the Day

    I'm not currently being treated at this time,although my phone consult is next week.
  14. H

    Large Decrease in Testosterone Blood Levels During the Day

    Just curious,how many others have numbers plummet as the day goes 7 am and fasted,I'm at 425 total,however by noon,I'm at 276.these were however done on different days via diff.labs. Anyway,my appointment with Dr crisler is for the 31st,which seems too far ready to get back on...
  15. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    Yea,i had my labs forwarded to estroidal qas a 23,which wasnt the sensitive awaitibg my lab results for the sensitive.i posted lab results few weeks back in the lab sect. Main concern,as always ,is e issues.other than that,i cannot wait for treatment
  16. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    Gots me really nervous
  17. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    I personally have a some gyno tgat has me worried,as well as high e symptoms
  18. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    Do many people start trt with these such symptoms or conditions?
  19. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    Even if you have symptoms or conditions(such as slight gyno,etc) prior to starting?wouldnt that make it worse once testosterone is introduced and levels go up.
  20. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    Listening to everyones story/protocol and the various dilemas etc of finding the right dose kinda sucks.actually alot.i avent started yet,but i gotta admit its kinda unsettling
  21. H

    Just Curious of AI need

    Why the switch from 2x a week to eod?
  22. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Thanks vince.i kinda thought that after going all over illinois,seeing various docs,I would eventually arrive there.boy,did I spend a lot of money on office visits and tests!
  23. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Interesting, but I'm doing ok in that problems with orgasm. Here I come defy!!
  24. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Yea,I've been to two separate trt docs,one in skokie,the other chicago.i was hoping for a face to face doctor I could see in the physical. After I got home from my visit,I filled out the forms,sent over my labs to defy.
  25. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    I'm estrogen sensitive. I've suffered from it my entire life.had surgery in 2006. Also,thank you everyone for the responses.its fascinating and so helpful.
  26. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    I asked for arimidex,but was offered the caber stuff.i suggested biweekly doses after the initial suggestion by the doc to do once weekly.he was however open to twice weekly.
  27. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Yea it made uneasy/nervous.i declined the instructions /tutoring on how to inject myself, and gave back the scripts.
  28. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Thank you for the response ero.
  29. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    I've been doing some Google searches on just puzzled why he would prescribe it too me.i don't even see prolactin listed on my labs. Hmmmm
  30. H

    cabergeoline as ai

    Just curious if anyone is using cabergeoline as part of their treatment/ai?I was at a clinic today and the doctor stated that is what he prescribes his patients.i might be spelling it wrong.thoughts?