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  1. H

    Daily Injections of Testosterone

    I've been injecting 24 mgs every day using an insulin syringe for well over 6 months sub q. I have a routine, where my alarm is set for 0440 hours everyday. I administer my shot. Pregnelone, and thyroid pills. On Fri, I take my cabergoline. I'm exciting to say that I haven't had any need...
  2. H

    Ready to give up

    Whether my prolactin is higher, or e2, I've always had tender sore nipples on trt. Even when my e2 was a 26, which is still low. It makes no sense the tenderness with such low e2. There might not be a actual factual reason, other than predisposed genetics. I'm guessing. Which leads me to my...
  3. H

    Ready to give up

    As far as trt, I think your right. Thanks for the insight.
  4. H

    Ready to give up

    Low e2 would cause the soreness??
  5. H

    Ready to give up

    My only guess is thyroid is causing this. I'm to the point where I no longer want to inject.
  6. H

    Ready to give up

    When I took these labs, I was on cabergoline .5 twice a week. I'm now on .5 once a week. I was taking 10 mgs of pregnelone via compounded pharmacy, but wasn't sure if it was contributing too my tender nipples
  7. H

    Ready to give up

    I'm suffering from sore nipples
  8. H

    Ready to give up

    For everyone who probably remembers, I've always had issues with gynocomastia, even before trt. I've been on trt for approximately 9 months. I've been injecting sub q everyday 13 mgs for 5 months. I've started taking .5 of arimidex every 3 to 4 days and it doesn't help. I've went down now to...
  9. H

    Are my thyroid labs ok

    Hello everyone. Just looking for some feedback on my thyroid labs. Very much appreciated. T3, free 3.76 ref 2.52-4.34 T4, free o.87 ref o.55- 1.60 Tsh o.880 ref o.270- 4.200 Reverse t3 21.5 ref 9.0 - 27.o Again I appreciate anyone's feedback
  10. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    How do you figure your own test to estrogen ration?
  11. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Thanks for the help. Very informative.
  12. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    I'm very sluggish in the morning. It's hard to get out of bed. One wierd thing, I have more energy,and feel stronger in the evening vs mornings. I did a cortisol test, but need the doc to review them
  13. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Any concerns with low glucose? Or its effects?
  14. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Thanks for the insight johndoesmith.
  15. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    You might be onto something there.
  16. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    It's around the chest area that I get them. That's what led me to believe. I'm gonna let it get up into the 20s
  17. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    It comes and goes. I'm very sensitive. Although it's low, I'm not comfortable saying it's crashed.
  18. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Of course, however I've been on everyday injections for about 4 months. I would think thst it would subside.
  19. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Ok, I Googled ahedonia. Yes you could say I'm suffering from it, although it is broad and encompassing alot. My mood is usually down. Again attributed to the low e2
  20. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    I'm trying too let my e2 get up. But then I have my days where there sensitive, slightly tender. I inject everyday sub q, which has greatly reduced the sensitivity. When I was on an am /pm twice a week injections, I was using alot of arimidex. I notice that when I back off, my skin is better...
  21. H

    New labs. Still battling e2

    Hello everyone. Here's my recent labs work. I've been trying to get my e2 up, but everytime I start backing off my arimidex, I start having chest issues in itching, hotness, and sometimes a shooting sharp "flash" for lack of a better term. I've put on a little weight, which I'm guessing is from...
  22. H

    Where to Buy Proviron

    Anyone know of any reputable places online to purchase proviron?
  23. H

    Estrogen crash causing permanent apathy/lethargy - by destroying your dopamine neurons?

    Very good info. Might explain my inability to get off the couch or out of bed sometimes.
  24. H

    Cortisol results

    8am 0.333 ug/dl ref 0.122- 1.551 1200 noon 0.113 1330 hours 0.059 2010 hours <0.012
  25. H

    HCG injection frequency when injecting T daily?

    After 6 months of trt, I think I've finally been able to get my estrogen under control once I went to every day injections. I'm barely using any arimidex. I'm now contemplating on having a talk with my doc about adding hcg, although I'm hesitant due aromitizing in my testes- I'm very sensitive...
  26. H

    Everyday injection blood work

    When using an insulin syringe 1/2 sub q, the shots aren't even noticeable. I kinda like everyday. I have a routine, takes less than 5 mins. As far as lab codes, the script stated sensitive. They also did a different thyroid Test than specified by the doc. Seems commonplace with this lab. Oh well.
  27. H

    Pill Splitter?

    I know it's not professional and might be construed as "ghetto" but I use a razor blade and a plate. Cuts right through it . I do fourths no prob
  28. H

    Everyday injection blood work

    I just looked at labs. Your correct it doesn't say. However it was specified by the doc. This lab always makes an error
  29. H

    Everyday injection blood work

    Yes sensitive.
  30. H

    Everyday injection blood work

    I'm very sensitive too the testosterone. I start getting chest issues. Hence why I'm on tamoxifen and arimidex. Daily injections allow me too use alot less arimidex, a whole lot actually. When I was on twice a week injections, I still had issues. I'm now doing my injections subq as well which...
  31. H

    Everyday injection blood work

    Yes 200 mg /ml test cyp. Thanks gene