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    ED Drugs Have Benefits Beyond Treating Erectile Dysfunction

    Hey mountain long have you been taking it, what dose and have you noticed any negative side effects? I just started taking 2.5 mg of tadalafil about 1 month ago and haven’t really noticed anything good or bad..I will continue at that dose for about 3 months and if nothing, I may...
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    ED Drugs Have Benefits Beyond Treating Erectile Dysfunction

    Why would someone over 50 not take low dose tadalafil on a daily basis for all the many health benefits? It sounds like it would work synergistically along with TRT and other hormonal therapy...Or are there negative side effects that were not mentioned in this article?
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    Higher IGF-1 and DHEA levels, longer telomere lengths

    Growth hormone supplementation would probably be an excellent start after 55 years..
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    End of patent protection for Viagra and Cialis in the United States

    Hey WB134, I have been researching Gene’s NO stack on this site and wanted to also to add the daily Tadalafil..I did have some minor ED issues prior to starting TRT and HGH therapy 6 months ago but the HRT seemed to fix that..I would like to try Gene’s NO stack for the health benefits, as I do...
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    Hey Vince..I am going on 6 months of TRT..50mg every 3.5 days (subq) testosterone enanthate ..I was low on all the testing prior to starting, low TT 14, Free T 240, bioavailable T 5.7 etc..I even had mild anemia..after my first 3 months of blood work on TRT all my bloodwork went up to the...
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    Metformin Weight Loss Combo: Effect of Leucine plus Metformin and Sildenafil Combination

    Thanks Vince, Are you taking the larger dose split 2 Xs a day? Did you experience any side effects (negative) when starting? Are you taking the Tadalafil (cialis) or the sildenafil (viagra) daily? I thought that viagra wasn’t a take daily drug? Only cialis? This is a very interesting
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    Metformin Weight Loss Combo: Effect of Leucine plus Metformin and Sildenafil Combination

    Vince, what dosing and combination/type medication are you taking? What did you notice when you were taking it? Side effects/benefits etc.. MSB
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    You can’t? Why? how much is it in the US? I’m only taking 10 mg or 30 IUs per month..I use the 10mg prefilled Norditropin Nordiflex’s really easy to just put on the disposable needle, set the dose and inject..easy peasy..
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    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    Hi Nelson, I too took MK677 at 12 mg per day for a year...I did notice some benefits but the appetite and weight gain were a problem for me as well..I did not like that feeling of constant hunger and at times it felt uncomfortable.i also noticed I didn’t feel quite right on it ( for me...
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    Dreambody clinic does everything for you..cooler, prescription, everything you them and check it out..Josh will even give you the law which allows you to bring it back with is all pharmaceutical grade..
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    You can bring back HGH from Mexico with a script..At least to Canada where I’m from..there is a clinic in puorto Vallarta Mexico called dream body clinic that provides testosterone and hgh to Americans and Canadian them and see What you think..I was going to go there if my...
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    No..Its an "off label" prescription and it costs $300.00 per month.I use the 10mg norditropin flexpen. Its already pre mixed and i just use the disposable syringes provided, dial the dose and inject..Very easy.It can also be kept at room temp for up to 4 weeks after first use.Great if you...
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    Norditropin. No. There really isn’t any type of study showing which dosing schedule works best. I chose the 5 and 2 protocol. My doctor usually prescribes 1.5-2 IUs 6 days on and 1 day off. I chose this for cost vs benefits. I have read other people doing the 5 and 2 schedule and have...
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    I took MK 677 for 1 year at 10 mg a night..I gained weight on it because it gave me an almost uncontrollable appetite..I did not like how hungry it made me may not effect everyone that way but it sure did for me..I can’t say that I noticed any difference using it..I am starting real...
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    Thanks Jack, What else do you supplement with hormone wise? And what doses? 3 months ago I started Testosterone enanthate, 50mg, subq, 2Xs weekly and have definitely noticed an improvement..Do you think supplementing and adding HGH would make a difference? What were your IGF 1 levels pre and...
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    Growth Hormone Product Review

    Thanks Jack, What else do you supplement with hormone wise? And what doses? 3 months ago I started Testosterone enanthate, 50mg, subq, 2Xs weekly and have definitely noticed an improvement..Do you think supplementing and adding HGH would make a difference? What were your IGF 1 levels pre and...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Yes..I am currently using the BD 28gm 50 cc, 1/2 inch needle..they work well..I found it way more difficult to fill the 29 gm needles and almost impossible to fill the 30 gm needles..I tried them at the start..your probably right, I won’t find any 28 gm, 5/16 inch needles out there unless I go...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Thanks are rght about the bilirubin. The doctor thinks I might have Gilbert’s disease which is not that serious but gives some sort of explanation for the bilirubin not being removed quick enough through the liver..the other item was the ferritin decrease which has lowered since...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Hi everyone..just to update on my TRT progress..I just did my 3 months post TRT bloodwork on my 50mg, subq, every 3.5 days protocol of enanthate..I attached the pre and post bloodwork for everyone’s perusal and for any comments or questions you may took me about 9-10 weeks before I...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Thanks MarkM..that’s helpful.i’ll watch for symptoms and watch my levels.. Regards, Mark
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Thanks for that conversion the way mine is being calculated (pmol/l), what would be an optimal estradiol range for me to be in?
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Sounds good..I think if it is an issue and can’t be regulated via T dosage, I believe he will still use an AI..I got the impression that it was a last resort and he didn’t like his patients on it long term if possible.. I’m new and still learning but all you guys have been a great help..this...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    By the did you do that estradiol conversion?
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    phew..thats a relief! Thanks, that really helps! I'm going to keep an eye on that.. Regards, Mark
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life are probably right on the money..I guess I won’t notice a big difference when my LH drops to zero now that I’m on my doesn’t have that far to go..haha..
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Thanks Jim..Sorry estrodiol was: Estradiol 83 <157 pmol/L The doctor doesn’t like AIs..He said studies are showing long term use can cause bone degradation? Or something like that..He would rather regulate estradiol via T adjustment/dosing.. We will definitely see how the blood work looks...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Oh by the way..I found it interesting that my lutinizing hormone was quite low prior to starting TRT therapy? Any thoughts on that? Regards, Mark
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Hi Jim, Thanks for your feedback! I posted some of my numbers pre TRT DHEA was high due to supplementation of 25 mg daily he stopped me taking the DHEA when I started the TRT. My vitamin D was also high so my doctor cut me down from 6000 IUs a day to 3000. My B vitamins were also good...
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    How was your journey in the beginning?

    Hey Coastwatcher, How are you..It’s Mark from Canada..We connected a while back but somehow I got blocked from replying to you and couldn’t seems this new updated site allows me to respond to posts again? Anyways, I ended up going to that $$$ Doctor we spoke about and I can now...
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    HRT has been a game changer in every aspect of my life

    Hi Jim, Thanks for that intro..I am also new to TRT, 4 weeks now, 100 mg, sub q, 2 Xs weekly..I haven’t noticed big changes yet but do feel about 30% better overall. I won’t have my numbers back until the 3 month pre TRT numbers were almost identical to you and I am 53. I was anemic...