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  1. maxadvance

    Using nandrolone with Testosterone for less side effects

    The acne is from the deca for sure, try Nizoral, it's the only thing that semi works for me
  2. maxadvance

    Using nandrolone with Testosterone for less side effects

    I'm with Will, what is your source, please post it?
  3. maxadvance

    Nandrolone and anabolic steroids effect on thyroid

    I think Nelson is living breathing proof.
  4. maxadvance

    hct and ethanate

    You never know, maybe it's true. One thing is for sure though, noone who responded knows either. Ask him where he got his info. From personal experience my body responds way better to sustanon than cypionate. Noone can say why, but I can tell you different esters produce different results.
  5. maxadvance

    Other Pharmacies that Defy will use??

    Reality is they say you must use them for prescriptions because to be able to get such reasonable fees associated with your TRT at Defy, they make some of the profit on the meds you buy. That's not a terrible thing, and I get where they're coming from. Their fees are very reasonable. Go to that...
  6. maxadvance

    High Hematocrit: Effect on Blood Pressure & Effect of Altitude on Hematocrit

    So Jay and Dr Nichols are doing a full court press on evidence based symptoms, saying most initial sides are basically psychosomatic and to quit being pussies and get through it, Dr Nichols wents so far a couple days ago and said pretty much the entire membership of Excel Male needs to apply...
  7. maxadvance

    rouzier: maintain 2000 ng/dl at all times

    The time is posted on the op's first post, 1"03"40
  8. maxadvance

    E2 Levels and Migraine

    not necessarily.. "A total of 61% of men with migraine reported symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency "
  9. maxadvance

    Why can testosterone increase water retention?

    Actually within that same podcast 2 of the Docs specifically state bloat is almost always from T
  10. maxadvance

    Help with my recent Labs

    "I feel good, no issues, " Your own words. Why would you chase a number if you feel fine? Quit trying to fix something that isn't broken. If you supplement w hcg you're just taking a different pathway to aromatize T to increase your estrogen. Why? You feel good. You could accomplish the same...
  11. maxadvance

    Help with my recent Labs

    looks really solid to me
  12. maxadvance

    Hematocrit off the charts! Please read...

    OP, at 54 you're just over the normal range I wouldn't freak out. Things that will lower it include cardio and grapefruit. Also, guys who live at high elevation are prone to high hematocrit like yours or above and are not more prone to coronary events. Dr. Rozier has a video out somewhere where...
  13. maxadvance

    Low Libido while on TRT

    really? tests were done on sedentary fat guys? show me these tests you speak of
  14. maxadvance

    Low Libido while on TRT

    Not if you're not working out it won't. All 400mg a week will do is destroy your lipids and your health. A fat guy who doesn't exercise with that type of intake will be dead inside 6 months.
  15. maxadvance

    Deca - Joint Health

    I've used it. 150-200mg is ideal as long as it doesn't exceed your T dose. There is no ed concern at that low of dose, infact at that dose my libido increased and sexual function did too. Things to be concerned with will be your blood pressure, back acne and your blood labs. If you're fat this...
  16. maxadvance

    Opening an Unscored Ampule

    this works Ampule Vial Opener - FREE SHIPPING | eBay
  17. maxadvance

    Water Retention Caused by Testosterone May Have Nothing to Do with Estradiol

    Look up fodmap, there may be a high fodmap food that you take consistently that may contribute to your bloating. Apples are one of the worst culprits, as are onions, mushrooms and some grains. I saw low potassium is also a culprits, so good low fodmap foods with high potassium include spinach...
  18. maxadvance

    Anything Different About Working Out on TRT?

    lol that guy is full of shit
  19. maxadvance

    Anything Different About Working Out on TRT?

    200mg per week to start sounds right, hopefully your shbg will drop with the exogenous T. Even though you look like you're in great shape recovery between workouts should improve. I'd recommend compounds with progressive overloads to see if you can jumpstart some muscle mass. Bench 4 sets for...
  20. maxadvance

    Another hematocrit question. I know....I know

    #1 way to lower hematocrit? Cardio, though the only things discussed seem to be adding supplements or chemicals into your body. Run, bike, jog, and lower your hemoglobin. Why do elite cyclists blood dope? because they lose hemoglobin when they perform and exhaust and deplete the oxygen carrying...
  21. maxadvance

    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    against the grain, but on cursory looks at your bloods they look amazing. The guy who suggests that your e2 is high at 37 with a total T of 1200 is on crack, as is the guy who suggests an ai. I suspect the damper is the high dose of hcg of 500 eod, I know personally my body reacts more...
  22. maxadvance

    Nandrolone ( Deca Durabolin) Improves Joint Pain in Hypogonadal Men Within 8 Weeks

    There is zero "impotence" factor at that low of a dose, nor is there any at 200 mg a week either. In fact at 150-200 mg a week it's just the opposite, it increases libido and anything else associated with your penis. Deca dick is a phenomena that starts occurring when the deca dose is at least...
  23. maxadvance

    Injection Site Issue/Question

    cool, good luck, I thought Nelson did delt pins with a luer lock and a 5/8 25 gauge needle. I know the insulin needles are usually 1/2 and from 27 to 31 gauge, it just takes too long to draw thick oil through such a thin membrane and same goes for the pin. For delts 5/8 seems right, for glutes...
  24. maxadvance

    Injection Site Issue/Question

    imo the blood is no big deal , but the lump is the oil not getting deep enough, likely not in the muscle at all. The issue likely is the insulin needle, it is too short and not designed for im. Not to mention insulin needles are designed for water based solubles not oils. I occasionally had...
  25. maxadvance

    LDL cut in half

    What prompts an NP Thyroid scrip?
  26. maxadvance

    Where to Buy Bacteriostatic Water

    I got my last mixing batch on ebay a couple months back, looks like they have supply in stock SupplySales9303 | eBay Stores
  27. maxadvance

    Quitting TRT after 1,5 years. There is hope

    Jesus man, all i see is a guy self prescribing and seeing if the shit sticks on the wall, just reckless if you ask me. Your e2 is up and down and you're saying you're taking arimidex 'as needed', what the hell does that even mean?
  28. maxadvance

    Protein bars

    Quest bars and cookies, that's the only brand I eat
  29. maxadvance

    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    You might be crashing e2??? You think you might want to check? 1mg of arimidex is a big dose, when I took it my dose was .125 mg and I had to stop. The fact that you're free T is over 188 and in the upper zone looks positive. The fact that you're upset over #'s and more worried about that than...
  30. maxadvance

    7 weeks on TRT- changed protocol again. Nuts?

    Defy will likely put you on a 160mg per week in 2 doses. Whatever protocol you settle on realize your e2 will usually be a little high and then settle. Avoid an AI to lower your e2 if you can as long as you can. They can suck, make you second guess everything you're doing, just like you're doing...