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  1. H

    What's your favorite beet powder? Been seeing many advertisements for Superbeets

    I went through 2 bags of this. Never felt any benefit from it so I stopped. Might try it again some time. I suppose the only way to know if it is doing anything for NO is to buy some Berkeley test strips.
  2. H

    Tadalafil(Cialis), how long to kick in?

    I got those pressure headaches for daily Cialis as well, my doc said that he also got them. Very uncomfortable and they didn't go away for me, even at 5mg.
  3. H

    Tadalafil(Cialis), how long to kick in?

    It's FDA approved to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension in both men and women.
  4. H

    Tadalafil(Cialis), how long to kick in?

    I don't mean to nit pick, but sildenafil (Viagra) under the name Revatio is FDA approved for daily use. The down side is that because of the half life the dosing is 3 times a day.
  5. H

    Dr. Mark Gordon question...

    Well for me it is the fact that I'm doing worse now that my total T is over 800 than I did before starting TRT when my total T was 200. My body doesn't respond well to the traditional approach.
  6. H

    Dr. Mark Gordon question...

    Actually I'm the wrong person to do that experiment. When I stop TRT entirely my total T drops to about 200 or less and I don't feel much different than when my total T is over 800. I'm actually intrigued by the idea of a low dose like 50-60mg/week. My doc suspects my androgen receptors get...
  7. H

    Dr. Mark Gordon question...

    How do you define "clinically low T state"? Just curious.
  8. H

    Thyroid issue

    What is your typical body temperature?
  9. H

    Thyroid issue

    Make sure you emphasize the hypo symptoms you are having, I find that usually helps when requesting labs that they don't normally do.
  10. H

    Dr. Mark Gordon question...

    There is an LEF article where he is quoted as saying: "Gordon explains that conventional medical dosage for testosterone is at 200-300 milligrams per week, which he has shown is far too high! "For example, a typical 25-35 year old male naturally generates 4-10 milligrams per day, or 60...
  11. H

    Discounted lab, Is ID required

    I had to show ID the first time I went to either lab, but once I was in the system they never asked again.
  12. H

    Boston Area Doctors

    Of course Dr. Morgentaler is a legend in the field. I don't personally know anyone who is a patient of his, but I have read that in general he does not like to use HCG (see NO HCG: Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, Dr. Rand McClain, and Jay Campbell??) and I also believe he is hesitant to use an AI...
  13. H

    Starting on Anastrozole/dim

    Don't overthink this. You are in the hands of one of the top experts in the field. It is normal to take a few months to dial in a protocol, but with his expertise you may get there quicker. Just be patient and do what he tells you to do.