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  1. C

    Androgel 1% 2.5gm Question

    Thanks for your input Ron and good luck to you. Plenty of kind words to be had on this website that go along with the piles of knowledge. Funny you said chest because in the print out (in bold) it says "do not apply to chest or back." It says only shoulders and abd. I am not sure what I...
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    Androgel 1% 2.5gm Question

    I started my treatment about 6 days ago and feel absolutely nothing. Still fatigued with possibly a touch more energy due to an active effort by myself to help the drug and kick start "a new life" so to speak. I know injections take some time as Nelsons' graph shows but I thought transdermal...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Gene, I did a lot more research the last couple of days on HCG and the benefits are huge. I did not fully understand the importance of continued LH production not only to keep the testicles functioning but the beginning process of some cholesterol conversion. My cholesterol chems are all...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Thanks Nelson and Gene thank you as well. I appreciate the help.
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Gene, I am far from ok with anything at this point and am pretty dam lost about what to "have at". This site, you, Nelson and the other members of this forum are my sole source of information that I trust. I am a few weeks into this "journey" and just trying to figure out which direction to...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Thanks for your reply Nelson the whole incorporation of HCG really has me baffled. I have read the HCG sticky over and over and still do not fully understand its relevance when dealing strictly with T. I do understand it helping with atrophy but again god blessed me with small nuts so I am...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Im not sure what you mean by "total blood chem". The did not order a BMP or CMP just the cholesterol. I'm not really sure why he didnt just order a BMP to kill two birds with one stone. So by my Estradiol being a 9 you dont think the transdermal will work? I specifically asked for the...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Well I got my lab work back and my Dr. did not order FSH or LH values. I am not sure how important they are for a baseline. Value Range Cholesterol, total 180 100-199 Trig 121: 0-149 HDL 40...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Luckily he only answers to himself. He has had his practice for near 40 years. I do fear when he retires I will be hard pressed to find another Dr. who is as open minded as he is. I hope he can last awhile though and by that time hopefully my levels will be balanced out and I can find a Dr...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Rorinsmith that is a real bummer about your Dr. just dropping you like that. On a positive side maybe there was a reason. Old dumb saying but usually things do happen for a reason. I was worried that a specialist may be to arrogant and stuck in their ways to essentially do things the way I...
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    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    I will for sure Gene. I feel like my kids do the weeks leading up to Christmas. I am really curious to see what the tests show and get your opinion on them.
  12. C

    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    Thanks for all of the responses fellas and Dr. Crisler thank you for your "simple", to the point map. It in and of itself has given me some piece of mind in starting this process and I now know that things will be heading in the right direction. Taking the first steps I think is the hardest...
  13. C

    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    It is funny how little most practitioners know about TRT. I am a paramedic and have always felt like I could talk "medical" with anyone. That is until my recent tests and I delved deeper into hormones. I can put a 12 lead on someone and break it down better than most cardiologists can. I can...
  14. C

    A possible option for those who are struggling to find a TRT specialist.

    I was at a loss finding a knowledgeable Dr. to treat me after I found this site and started to educate myself. Prior to finding this site I would have just went with what a Dr. said but the knowledge and information from here changed my view on the matter. I have fairly low T (low 200s) and...
  15. C

    This site is amazing.

    As a new member to this site and a new patient of low T the information and help I have received from this site has armed me with the knowledge I need to help my Dr. help me. Not to mention having a place to ask those questions that you may normally shy away from asking. The admin and members...
  16. C

    Nipple growth caused by testosterone

    Israel posted this link in my thread and I just got done reading the paper. Dr. Crisler discusses the issue of nipple growth/sensitivity toward the bottom of the paper "a recipe for success" which is found easily on the first page of the web site. Heres the link...
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    Finally found somewhere I can communicate with people.

    Israel, I printed out the "Recipe for Success" paper and cannot thank you enough. I lays out each lab test and why it needs done. Great piece of information there my friend thank you very much. My wife happens to be a medical technologist (shes the one looking at your blood in the microscope)...
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    Finally found somewhere I can communicate with people.

    Chris, thank you for your reply. My PCP is very old haa and his PA is 79 years old. They are amazing pcp's but way out of touch. I asked her to order the labs just on a hunch and all she ordered was total T and thyroid. Prior to my second lab I found this site and had a better idea of what...
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    Finally found somewhere I can communicate with people.

    Thanks for the words Everett. Our lifestyle is crazy. I have been a fireman for 16 years in one form or another and like to think that I am immune to the stresses of it but that is me merely convincing myself that it has no impact on my everyday life or health for that matter. The fact is it...
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    Finally found somewhere I can communicate with people.

    No they ran a CBC and BMP + Testosterone levels. My other values were all right in the middle. My TSh was 4.2 and your right she did not run a thyroid panel or t3, t4. Her follow up lab order did not include them either or free T. .
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    Finally found somewhere I can communicate with people.

    Boy am I glad I found this forum. My name is Cody, I am a 34 year old firefighter/paramedic in Colorado. I am married and have 3 little ones (6, 3, 5 months). I recently had my T and thyroid checked due to many symptoms and just generally not feeling myself the last few years. I...