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  1. Markee

    Two FDA Approved Drugs May Help Fight Baldness

    Any word on when the stuff we actually be available ?
  2. Markee

    People who sleep too little or too much have increased calcium deposits in their arteries.

    Any excuse to take a nap will work for me ;)
  3. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Just diet a little bit and as your weight drops watch how your veins will pop out
  4. Markee

    Managing hematocrit levels with red blood cell donation

    Just wondering if there is any direct evidence or even research showing that donating double red cells is more beneficial to managing Polycythemia or TRT induced Polycythemia then standard donations ?
  5. Markee

    Zinc Supplements Can Lower Good (HDL) Cholesterol

    Does that mean I should stop taking my daily 50mgs of Zinc ?
  6. Markee

    Are there real topical DHT blocking products out there ?

    Is that really the only topical DHT blocking product out there worth mentioning got to be something better then that ?? Pretty sad stuff been using it on and off for over 20yrs defiantly can say from my personal experience stuff is junk never worked for my hair loss issues doesn't even work...
  7. Markee

    Are there real topical DHT blocking products out there ?

    Does anyone know of any real / legit topical DHT blocking products that actually work and don't cost a arm and a leg ?
  8. Markee

    Where to buy syringes, HCG, ED drugs online without a prescription

    I used this place last time cheapest I could find free shipping 3 days to my door Southeastern Medical Supply I Use the 28 gauge 1/2" for the subcutaneous injection of testosterone Cypionate and the 31 gauge...
  9. Markee

    Transdermal vs. Injections of Testosterone

    Gene What legit topical DHT blocking products do you recommend ? Which one do you use ?
  10. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    To each there own My dad passed away last year at 95 never went to a gym or took a vitamin in his life
  11. Markee

    APS Compounding Pharmacy Florida Still has the best pricing

    Test CYP 200 ml 10 CC bottles $44 HCG 11000 IU $58 HCG 5000 IU $35 $10 Shipping Anyone seeing better pricing out there please go ahead and post it Telephone: 888-547-2654 FAX:727-330-7840
  12. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Gene Whats brand where do you get the 150 mg of Icariin Horny Goat Weed at ?
  13. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Thats good to hear in the past I've had many many packages coming in from overseas seized by custom
  14. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Have you ever had customs confiscate one of your packages ? That use to happen alot when ordering from overseas
  15. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    They don't sell any Testosterone products ?
  16. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Yeah that's the first thing i looked at killer cheap What do they charge for shipping ? It's been a while since I've ordered from overseas but back in the day before i was on HRT I did it countless times but back then always had to send Weston Union or Money Gram this place excepts visa much...
  17. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Gene Your a trip :) How reliable is this place whats the approximate turn around time ?
  18. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Don't forget its mainly used for High Blood Pressure
  19. Markee

    What high blood pressure meds are the most erection friendly?

    My doctor keeps telling me my blood pressure is borderline high or a bit high side he first asked me to try and reduce my salt intake now talking about maybe putting me on some meds I've never taken any blood pressure meds before and really don't know much about the different drugs they...
  20. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Thanks again I appreciate the help
  21. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Thanks Gene Hows the shipping how longs does it take to get the stuff ? What do you do to accurately measure out the doses ?
  22. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Wow information overload when i Google Liquid Cia to much info to many companies to choice from and no idea which ones are legit Where do you buy from? Could you point me in the right direction to save some bucks?
  23. Markee

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Is this the cheapest place to buy Cialis with or without a script ?
  24. Markee

    Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds
  25. Markee

    Just diagnosed with a inguinal Hernia advice ?

    I was Just diagnosed with a inguinal hernia. Starting to look into what my options are? My insurance has a $5500 deductible and its a HMO so maybe its best to look into getting the surgery done on my own out of network with some place that specializes in some kind of laparascopic hernia surgery...
  26. Markee

    Testosterone Health Insurance Advice ?

    Want to bump this up hoping someone can give me some advice here anyone ???????
  27. Markee

    Testosterone Health Insurance Advice ?

    My health coverage started on the first of March with Coventry Florida. Very cool I haven't had coverage for most of my adult life maybe 30yrs :) Anyways Labs are covered 100% through Labcorp Test Cyp is on there covered meds list with a $15 copay to me both covered as long as they runs through...
  28. Markee

    Some compounding pharmacies used by Nelson Vergel

    It would be nice if people could post prices along with there pharmacy reviews makes things alot easier then calling around to them. Prices for APS Pharmacy are pretty dame good Test-CYP 200ml 10CC botttle = $38 , HCG 11000IU's = $55, and HCG 5000IU's = $34 plus $10 shipping per package they...
  29. Markee

    Some compounding pharmacies used by Nelson Vergel

    Can you post there prices on HCG and Test Cyp ?
  30. Markee

    Testosterone Health Insurance Advice ?

    Actually I have to make a correction to my above post I knew it was a little to good to be true. Anyways I applied with the wrong set of numbers we used my Taxable Income line 43. on the 1040 form instead needed to use the MAGI (modified adjusted gross income) basically line 37.with a few...
  31. Markee

    Testosterone Health Insurance Advice ?

    You get healthcare subsidy or credit based on your adjusted gross income the less you make the more you get mine is around $350 a month that the government pays directly to the insurance company as you can see the plan actually cost $354.15 but with my credit only costing me $2.15 a month...