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  1. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Help me understand my results(

    What he said in addition IMHO there are no over the counter supplement to actually cause a drastic rise in Test levels and the only remote compound you can get from my knowledge is HCG and that may be an option for you sine you are in range and you may be able to address your other not in range...
  2. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Not sure how to deal with my Doctor

    IMHO It would be easier if you would just post your BW and From what I have learned most uninformed Dr.'s will script 200mg EOW . After 3 yrs on TRT and much self research on whole life and half life of Testosterone Cipionate the proper injection times are every 3.5 days and this will keep you...
  3. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    "Peak" and "Trough" Testosterone test,Sensitive Estradiol,DHEA-S,IGF-1 tests

    Thank you really I think I read it wrong just checking I try to never go over 1200 even on a blast of small daily Tren and still cut get hard and burn fat ! just add an extra .25 mg of Astrosnol ! That stuff is out of this world ! - just remember more is not better ! So he an I are at about...
  4. BuzzzardMarinePumper


    I didn't think it was that pricey even on some of the high profile sites ? Never used it but I swear by PT-141 as a fact of self research ! Never really knew the intent for it to be used ? Just like Delta Sleep Inducing Pep ( DSIP ) it did nothing for me and some ppl rave about it ? I guess it...
  5. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Blood Tests Needed Before and During Testosterone Therapy

    Nelson: Wow you are a smart man and I complement you ! Are you a Dr. or in the research field ? I have seen on other forums a longer list of items to get checked on a male blood panel ? Is the list at the top of this thread a basic minimum test for BW ? From what I have researched and admit no...
  6. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    DHEA Supplementation in Men: What Do Studies Show?

    Thank you for clearing that up for me ! So is Pregnenalone a pro hormone and I have read several places that only micronized worked effectively and creams but just tabs not micronized were a waste of time . ( this is second hand info and not meant to be argumentative ) . Thank you for great...
  7. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    After balanced on TRT and over porn star stage is gym time and sex drive related ?

    Thanks for that come to Jesus follow up and yes it was tongue in cheek ! Just the thought of a needle in my penis makes me go soft but I do fine on TRT and Calais ! I just miss that point in TRT about 6 mths to a year in when you are out of control and need superficial sex any and all the time...
  8. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    After balanced on TRT and over porn star stage is gym time and sex drive related ?

    Yes, lol ! Soooo true ! I was up to 1 ml for an evening and stopped for about 3 mths and still good sex just not as much and a little less drive ! TRT and anti-aging great stuff but less is more ! So hard for men to understand that boy in a middle aged man , lol :) Just call me a wus ! That...
  9. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    "Peak" and "Trough" Testosterone test,Sensitive Estradiol,DHEA-S,IGF-1 tests

    .3cc ? I am used to ml and thought he meany 3cc's I am so sorry ! Yes I do take 140 mg per week 70 mg every 3.5 days and almost have no need for Arimidex even on HCG and Calias ? Feel great between 650 and 700 ? I do hope you were replying to my post no intent top hi jack thread !
  10. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    After balanced on TRT and over porn star stage is gym time and sex drive related ?

    I can hardly wait for my next labs ! I am seemingly all happy and pumped ready to go to the gym when I have regular full time GF ! Even to the point that I want to go to the gym more and sex is better also ? When I am on the prowl Gym motivation lessens and sex drive also ? I am 56 almost 57 and...
  11. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    "Peak" and "Trough" Testosterone test,Sensitive Estradiol,DHEA-S,IGF-1 tests

    I am just asking due to lack of knowledge But he said he was dosing 1200 mg a week if I read that right ? Is that a TRT dose ?
  12. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Biceps injection

    New to Forum :) almost 57 and 3 yrs. TRT and research ! I have personally read many post on other Forums chat but heard of many men doing serious injury by improper bicep injection and I tried one time would never consider again ! Not to try to sound stupid for trying but I tried before research...
  13. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Are you tired even with normal testosterone? Adrenal fatigue may be the problem.

    I can hardly wait for my next labs ! I am seemingly all happy and pumped ready to go to the gym when I have regular full time GF ! Even to the point that I want to go to the gym more and sex is better also ? When I am on the prowl Gym motivation lessens and sex drive also ? I am 56 almost 57 and...
  14. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Hello to all new to forum not new to TRT

    Yup Vettester I think you are correct ! I have really come a long way and learned a lot since I was asking so many dumb question 3 yrs ago ! Good to bump into you again ! Still on track and very balanced . I have tried 100 mg a week and the small 20mg drop every 3.5 days drops my T level 200...
  15. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    DHEA Supplementation in Men: What Do Studies Show?

    Is DHEA one of the Pro hormones targeted in the new law sighed and passed by the Obama Administration ? Now on the DHEA list also ? During my 1st year , I took every supplement and Pro hormone suggested by the Crisler studies and felt great . I am almost 57 and have slacked on the supplement...
  16. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Hello to all new to forum not new to TRT

    \ Not to argeu but I am taking 40mgs a week more than 100ms'a and my E2 is in check ? And only .25 mg of armidaex ? Please explain why you say I am taking to much when E2 and test are in good range and only a very small amount of AI (.25mg every 4th day ? With all due respect ? I like to...
  17. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Hello to all new to forum not new to TRT

    Yes tester I beilive you may ? This one is a lot harder to navigate than most I have seen ? vet
  18. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Hello to all new to forum not new to TRT

    Yes I do believe ! This is much harder to navigate than the other ?
  19. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Hello to all new to forum not new to TRT

    Not to try to start off by disagreeing , but @ 70mg every 3.5 days and only taking .25mg of Armidex , What donupi base your opinion on that I am taking to much when I feel great and at a o lower dose my mood and energy level drops ? I am dosing 140 MG per week = 28mg every 2 weeks ? @ 100mg per...
  20. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Hello to all new to forum not new to TRT

    Hello all I am have been on TRT for 3 yrs and I am balanced ! I always have question since I am prescribed TRT from my MD who is a DA . Scripts improper doses and doesn't know how to read BW ! It took me about a year of research and his prescription for 200mg of Cypionate EOW and 1mg of Arimidex...