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  1. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TB-500 not new but a miracle Peptide

    This is the tried and proven protocol of another experienced TRT user and this is his personal protocol and I went a little heavier with my pre loading dose for the 1st mth., than he did ! But all men are different ! " The TB-500 showed up today, and in hand. The injection protocol will be as...
  2. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Reconstituting Sermorelin

    GD a question as to if you have ever dosed like this or is this voodoo from another forum ? I did this for 9 mths and IMO almost as good as HGH ? CJC 1295 w/o DAC Semorlin GHRP-6 & GHRP-2 alternating the GHRPs and not take GHRP at night due to uncontrollable munchies and inject 3 x's a day...
  3. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Bruising with sub-q HCG injections?

    Is it just me or is part of this question missing ? Stating the amount of mL is not accurate to give and answer depending on the mg/mL ratio and the type of Testosterone ? Is it not needed to know the mg rather than the mL which could be several different mg ? lol , besides my eyes are to bad...
  4. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TB-500 not new but a miracle Peptide

    Oh so true ! TR is a smart man ! He is not muscle freak he knows his stuff and I am not sharing hearsay I am stating fact from personal research ! I am new here and I am not clear as to the rules for sharing sources ? I would need a moderator to clear any source info because I would not want to...
  5. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    What happens to the carbs?

    This is from 270lbs to 219lbs 2 & a half years ago and and now 235lbs still same waist as when at 219lbs But this was on a 0 carb target and as you can see no lean muscle mass and still some fat ! lol , that would be Marine dude :) lol ! Different goals and mine is fat loose and lean...
  6. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TB-500 not new but a miracle Peptide

    TB-500 or Beta - 4000 has been around for years and Vets have used it to repair racing horses tissues for many years ! It is not a pharmaceutical profitable compound to be used on humans and probably will never be used on humans by Dr,'s . This being stated I will share my experience and I have...
  7. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    A peptide for specifically burning belly fat ?

    Not all hype and marketing can be believed ? With this stated I have used Frag 171-193 and seen a minor reduction in fat in my abdominal region ! This being said it is recommended to use or 30 days and take a 30 day break and begin again ! From what I have read we do not loose fat we have the...
  8. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    I am single and have used PT-141 extensively for that very needed occasion when I would be busy all night ! My personal research has shown when used all the time the more you use the less the effect if used regularly ! In addition I have found that different batches from the vendor vary in...
  9. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Bruising with sub-q HCG injections?

    A very good point IMHO ! I still use a 5/8in pin for all water soluble compounds injected Sub-Q and I have had no bruising in 3 years ! Have anyone getting bruises used a pin even 1/2in and I would not think anyone has gone shorter than that and make sure not to inject close to the same site...
  10. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    What happens to the carbs?

    Wow ! What a good read , kinda long haired and all the medical terms make it a little boring and hard for me to follow but what stood out to me was the 1500 calories a day from carbs ? I am new to this forum and have done a fair amount of personal research associated lifting above the age of...
  11. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Tamoxifen dosage

    Mr Old Bud GD is a straight up experienced guy IMO and he is so very correct on the low dosage at .25 I tanked my E2 and takes a week or so to get back balanced and not a good feeling as well as effecting sexual performance ! So Go GD Oh and the male ultra sensitive Estroniol is a needed test...
  12. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Time for anastrazole?

    There is a difference in arguing and discussing ! The time between injection and the level of you Estrogen or need for an Ai are directly related in case you are unaware and I only offered clinical opinions and experienced opinions and the reason for lower doses ! So they seem to be directly...
  13. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Should I worry about this E2 level?

    For me and I am not married so I like to keep woody ready at all times and when my E2 gets high I have ED issues ! Although when I 1st started TRT my E2 shot up to 70 in 6mths. and had no effect but now after 3 yrs my ED is in direct relation to my E2 level ! I think most men fell 25 again when...
  14. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Time for anastrazole?

    This is a link from and a lot more clinical & detailed explanation of Cypionate , Testosterone Cypionate - FDA prescribing information, side effects and uses Great here , so both points of view and for each person to make their on decision :)
  15. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    Exactly and that makes for a better digestive tract and also aids in the burning of fat cells :)
  16. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Time for anastrazole?

    Not meaning to disagree but did you really mean to post half life of Cypionate is 8 days ? If you did intentionally can you tell me where to find that info , please all due respects ! I always like to be more educated . I do see what the FDA states as clinical studies and we all know TRT has...
  17. BuzzzardMarinePumper


    I have seen it for sale from many vendors and wondered what it is good for ? I train at night , late as in 1:00 am is it a good sleep aid ? does anyone have any hands on research experience ? DSIP doesn't do anything for me and over the counter sleep aids linger into the next day to long ! Way...
  18. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Sermorelin, GHRP2 and GHRP6 : How does your Doc Prescribe?

    Why is CJC 1295-W/O DAC not listed in this Combo to trigger natural GH release ? I have always used it 3 x's a day and over a 6 to 9 mth period ? Never seen GHRP-1 , From my research this is supposed to be used like GH but this doesn't shut down natural production of GH ! It increases your...
  19. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Sermorelin and trt

    They do not even have the same properties ! When used with the other correct peptides you can make a peptide ****tail of natural GH but will not replace Testosterone !
  20. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Time for anastrazole?

    The whole life is 7 days so it peaks at 3.5 days and starts to decline again ! Google Cypionate whole life and half life and you will see a chart on how it goes up and down !
  21. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Needle size question

    lol, you are such a funny guy :) But in all honesty I do use a 28 gauged 5/8 pin Sub-Q doesn't work on me and I like to get deep in the muscle :) I pin Delts like gluts except look at 6 pin points on each shoulder and when pinning each shoulder every 7 days or every other shoulder every 3.5...
  22. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    List of Nootropics: Brain supplements and medications to increase focus and mood.

    I just read what was posted , sorry ! I did not download the file . I will and read it !
  23. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Time for anastrazole?

    I didn't think it was possible for one to be worse than mine but you have one for sure IMHO !
  24. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    The 10 Health Conditions that Marijuana Benefits the Most

    I am 57 and 38 years ago weed was accepted even in the USMC as in don't ask don't tell so to speak and I was a don't tell at 18-19-20- and stopped because it took away my motivation ! I was ran over by a truck in 2002 and prescribed the strongest meds + opiates and Benzos on the market ! 2 years...
  25. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    I still say again on fluid retention get that Gal of water a day in and no guessing ! filter a gal and take it with you and pour from Gal Jug and upon waking when your feet hit the floor drink 16oz of warm lemon water and you will be amazed a what happens in the next 20 to 30 minutes :)
  26. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Time for anastrazole?

    After 3 yrs I have found for me and many other men that every 3.5 days is optimal keeps you on a level wavy Testosterone baseline and your E2 will drop ! IMHO 70 is way high and due to the massive 400 mg all at one time even 1 x a week is against the whole life of Cypionate not healthy at all...
  27. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    With all due respects ! I am not a Dr. and just my own experience and we as men retain knowledge better when we get several opinions on a product ! I would recommend that you Google it or even get pure opinion and not so much facts from YouTube ! It is an anti-aging product used by anti-aging...
  28. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    Never over look the power of the most low cost and most beneficial part of a healthy life style a gal of water a day and if not doing this now you will be amazed in as little as 30 days on all the different positive effect you will feel on your body ! After the 1st week of peeing all the time ...
  29. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Needle size question

    I could not take the time to use a 30 gauge pin but I use my shoulder most of the time so I heat the Cypionate over a lamp light bulb about 5 minutes and this thins the oil and to my knowledge has not effected the MG of injections and they go much faster ! I am a DA Marine over coma and adapt :)
  30. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    Low SHBG and 13 Recent Lab Work

    Just a note from my research and other not clinical but random studies my Testosterone levels dropped over a 4 mths period switching from IM to Sub-Q and I went back to IM ! All men are different and some men can do Sub-Q with no change ! It did have a lowering effect on ME !
  31. BuzzzardMarinePumper

    List of Nootropics: Brain supplements and medications to increase focus and mood.

    Nelson : Have you ever read or research Deprimyle and HCG as a Brain enhancer and to stop altizimers + aid in memory and maintaining current brain activity and levels ? I currently take both for this reason and I can research and post studies that back this up ! Deprimyle was accidentally...