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  1. J

    Vitamin K: the missing link to prostate health.

    Nelson - This subject is very interesting to me, as I'm very primary hypogonadal, have a varicocele on my left testicle, and slight BPH. I've been on TRT (test cyp) for almost two years. Is this article in essence stating that i should have my varicocele repaired, simply start taking more...
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    Lipo-C - Who's using / what doses?

    I use Lipo-C 5-7 times per week. Dose is 1ml, using a 29g 1/2" insulin syringe. When I first started I was doing SubQ in stomach and sides. This made me "lumpy" and was uncomfortable. I switched to upper glutes, shallow IM, and it's been great.
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    Hematocrit monitoring at home?

    It doesn't get much cheaper than the Discounted Labs test, and you get the entire CBC panel. Even if there was a home testing kit, it wouldn't be as accurate and wouldn't cost much less over a 2-3 year period. Thanks Nelson!
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    Estradiol deviation for improvement or symptoms

    Nelson - If my estradiol gets much above 30 then I tend to get moody and short tempered with my family. If my estradiol gets under 20 then I tend to get emotionless/clinical with how I treat those around me, and lose both emotional highs and lows. I agree that small changes don't matter a lot...
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    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    CoastWatcher - This is why ExcelMale is my favorite TRT forum. Members here realize that while there are protocols that "work for most", not everyone is the same. That's why I value everyone's responses so much. GA8314 - There are tons of reasons why some guys do great on 1x per week...
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    Have you ever DECREASED your dose?

    GA8314 - I started at 100mg per week, then 160mg, and finally 180mg. I always felt better with each increase. I would hate to ever go back down.
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    HCG and Trimix Cases for Travel

    covino33 - Yes, you can bring cypionate and syringes in your carry on bags. The TSA won't bat an eyelash at it. I called them before the first time I did it just to make sure, and they explained that injectable medication is something they are well-trained on and that they see it every day...
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    How to Travel with HCG and Trimix and Keep Them Cool

    covino33 - Yes, you can bring cypionate and syringes in your carry on bags. The TSA won't bat an eyelash at it. I called them before the first time I did it just to make sure, and they explained that injectable medication is something they are well-trained on and that they see it every day...
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    Great probiotic fact sheet for download

    +1 to what salasman said. I started making my own sauerkraut last year, after watching a YouTube video from Evan Centopani (bodybuilder) that showed how to make it, and why he decided to do it. I can say that I've noticed several positive health effects from doing this. Not only is it very...
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    What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.

    Dr. Saya - Thanks so much for this post. These results seem to mirror my results when changing hCG dose. I initially used 500iu twice per week. However, by day three I noticed a definite diminished effect on how I felt, and testicular volume. I tried changing to daily injections of 150iu...
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    Proper timing of Test Cyp + HCG injections with a low SHBG?

    Canada - I have low SHBG, and currently inject testosterone Sun/Tue/Thu. I inject hCG every Mon/Wed/Fri, which works well for me. If you browse this forum long enough, you'll see that it usually takes longer for low-SHBG guys to dial in their protocol. For some hCG-injection timing doesn't seem...
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    Potatoes vs white rice

    fmalianos - I think you answered your own question when you ask "which is worst". They are both generally bad. My opinion, and take it for what it is, is that if you're going to need lots of carbs for energy shortly after a meal (manual labor, or going to the gym) then they can be an acceptable...
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    T serum level DOWN over three months on exact same protocol! What is going on? Any Insight?

    Xerxes - I also have low(ish) SHBG and am a Defy patient. I work with Dr. Saya, and he's fantastic. I tend to do a LOT of research on all my labs, before each consult. Each time I'm done speaking with Dr. Saya, I feel like I've received a year's worth of education on how to interpret the test...
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    Estradiol bloodwork results and how to interpret ranges sensitive vs. "regular"

    I don't agree with the statement that it holds true for any level for everyone. I'm a low-SHBG guy, and almost all of the rules that apply to most folks simply don't work for me. I can say without a doubt that whether my total test is 840 or 1600 the following holds true. If my estradiol is...
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    Nandrolone - What it's done for me

    For anyone using nandrolone for tissue-damage issues, would you mind posting what clinic you're using? I'm currently on TRT through Defy. I have several degenerative discs in my neck, with one being herniated. I also have a spinal-chord cyst in that same area. My neurosurgeon wants to fuse C6-C7...