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  1. J

    Supply storage,,, what do you use?

    I have a very small fridge in my bedroom for anything that needs it. It allows me to keep any meds that need to stay cool separate from food, is just a few steps from the bathroom (where other meds are kept), and just seems more safe and sanitary that way.
  2. J

    Anyone inject inner thigh? Getting Muscle Spasms (daily injector)

    Call my silly, but the argument for better "absorption" with either IM or SQ doesn't make any sense. The testosterone is 100% absorbed by either method, no matter where it's injected. It's not cream, gel, or oral, where there are multiple factors that can affect how much of the product is...
  3. J

    Has Anyone Felt Better After Adding in an AI

    I can't really give you good advice in that department. For me, it's never been about E2 balance. It's simply about keeping my E2 in a range somewhere between ~18-30. It doesn't really matter if my TT is 700 or 1700, or if my FT is 23 or 50. I have to keep my E2 in that tight range, otherwise...
  4. J

    Has Anyone Felt Better After Adding in an AI

    I can say for a fact that it's very easy to tank E2, even while using HCG. I've personally used higher levels of HCG, and crashed E2 by not respecting the dose of AI I took. ....not fun for a few days. I've since learned my lesson and have estradiol on-hand for those very rare times that it gets...
  5. J

    Has Anyone Felt Better After Adding in an AI

    When I use an AI correctly, I feel much better. I have a pretty narrow range of E2 that works for me, so AI dosing is a little tricky (regardless of what testosterone dose I have each week). My humble opinion - Using a certain dose of an AI isn't a good recipe for success. If someone uses too...
  6. J

    Pin cushion effect?

    If you're using a 27g .5" insulin syringe you can spread out the IM injection sites quite a bit. Side and rear delts, upper pecs, 2-3 spots on each glute. That's at least eight injection sites, and you can vary those slightly so it's not always the exact same spot. Getting massage every once in...
  7. J

    Dbol not working for crashed e2

    The 2nd-easiest way to quickly correct crashed E2 is to have some E2 on-hand. Simply purchase some estradiol cream from Amazon, and have it ready if you need it. The other option is to purchase some low-dose estradiol valerate pills from an online pharmacy, but that takes much longer to get to...
  8. J

    Do higher estrogen levels in men on TRT make them more emotional or irritable?

    An estradiol level of 35 pg/mL or above definitely make me emotional, moody, anxious, less able to handle stress, and worsens ED symptoms. I do much better at a level in the low 20s. This is true regardless of what my testosterone level is, so the E/T ratio doesn't mean too much to me. I've...
  9. J

    Transdermal progesterone use in men

    Cataceous - What form of progesterone do you use to inject (brand, etc.)? Injections always seems to be the best delivery method for me. It would be interesting to see if doing it that way would give me the benefits of progesterone without negative side effects.
  10. J

    Transdermal progesterone use in men

    I've tried transdermal progesterone multiple times, but the only thing it's does for me is make me more prone to ED. It's never had any positive effect that's noticeable. I might try it again with a low-dose 5mg per night and see if that makes a difference.
  11. J

    Dose Too High = No Erections

    Once I hit 180mg per week, adding more never made my erections long as I kept my E2 in a tight range. Then again, any time my E2 goes out of that tight range everything goes to crap. For many others that's not the case at all, and there are other factors that influence erection...
  12. J

    The FDA and hCG: Approved NDAs for Biological Products That Were Deemed to be BLAs on March 23, 2020

    If you have a prescription, why not just keep ordering it from Empower? I've used Empower and the online pharmacies. I'll take Empower any day.
  13. J

    Max Prescribed dose for Testosterone Enanthate

    My current doc said he can Rx up to 400mg per week of testosterone, but if he goes higher than that "the pharmacist starts giving him funny looks".
  14. J

    Pregnenolone to Combat Water Retention

    The key to taking magnesium is knowing which type to take (what it's bound to). I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but made a crude chart based on a video (I think it was one of the Thomas DeLauer videos on Magnesium). I learned there's a ton of cheap versions that are sold as...
  15. J

    Pregnenolone to Combat Water Retention

    If I have an E2 of 40, I'll definitely start retaining water, but for most that would be a perfectly fine number. What I've found worked best for me is the exact opposite of what your doing. I very liberally add sea salt to almost every meal, and do still supplement with some potassium. I've...
  16. J

    Whey and egg protein alternative

    Deuce12345 - I've had problems with whey and egg protein powders in the past, with some of the symptoms you mentioned. I've tried the plant-based powders, and they are even worse for me (and I've tried just about every variation of them). I don't know where you live, but if it's available I...
  17. J

    TRT and high BP Pulse

    Ronny - My BP and resting heart rate were very similar to yours, for many years (usually at least 140/90 and 100bpm). I would be turned away from Red Cross donations because their cutoff is 100bpm, and had to always get an Rx for therapeutic phlebotomies. FWIW, changing dosage and/or use of an...
  18. J

    Best TRt dosage

    "What's the best dose for TRT" is a loaded question in a forum like this. The answer can be entirely different for anyone, even if they have "perfect" numbers. I tried so many protocols the first few years, and for me the "more is better" approach actually worked the best. We're told not to...
  19. J

    Estrogen - Ejaculation

    For me...absolutely none. Others may have entirely different results. lol - editing this post. I didn't mean that I had no ejaculate. I meant that any variation in estrogen made absolutely no difference in the amount.
  20. J

    B6 to get back strong orgasms?

    I'm glad that seems to be working for you. It will be interesting to see for how long. For myself, that low of a protocol would just make things worse for me. I spent a long time doing small dose amount and frequency adjustments, and it just made things more difficult. The higher the dose, the...
  21. J

    Defy Medical Help

    Don't buy into the hype that anything over 1,000TT is supra-physiological. That's simply not the case. Just five years ago, having a peak of ~1500TT would have been considered barely above normal range. LabCorp changed the range 2-3 years ago to 264-916TT.
  22. J

    Excellent article: Prostate Cancer and the Waiting Game

    Thanks very much for posting this! So many articles on this subject are subjectively biased towards one side or the other. It's nice to see an article that is simply sharing data, stating views from either side, showing trends in choices and benefits over many years, and asking some thought...
  23. J

    Is it legal to come to the US with testosterone prescribed in another country?

    There's a clinic in Mexico (DreamBody) that claims that it is, and that they have many clients get an Rx of Testosterone, Deca, HGH, and/or Modafinil and bring it back to the U.S.. They give you a copy of your blood test results, up to "50 dose units" of testosterone, and a copy of laws that...
  24. J

    How Long to Feel Better Off AI??

    The "AI vs. no AI" debate is the topic that just keeps on giving (seemingly forever), with strong opinions on both sides and so many thinking they're the ones who are right because they feel better on their particular protocol of choice. That being said, I'll add to the debate. I've tried low...
  25. J

    Low Testosterone Not Linked to ED, Fatigue or Depression: Study

    In my opinion, I'm not sure this study really says very much at all. They consider anything above 250 ng/dL to fall into a normal range (even if it's categorized as low-normal). 30 years ago this reading would've definitely been considered as very much "not normal". With the information in the...
  26. J

    average weekly T dosage on this forum

    200mg testosterone cypionate + 200mg nandrolone decanoate each week.
  27. J

    SubQ experience?

    I tried SubQ a few times, and it simply didn't work for me. Huge red lumps that took several days to go away, and I simply didn't feel good with that method. IM was 100x better for me. This is another example of an aspect of TRT that works great for some, and is terrible for others. I've learned...
  28. J

    Empower Test Cyp vs Pharma

    There are a few others that use grapeseed oil. I know Hoye's currently uses grapeseed by default for both testosterone and nandrolone products.
  29. J

    Test and (npp) nor 19

    Personally, I had the same problems around week five of using nandrolone with testosterone. I would have to stop the nandrolone after that time due to sexual side effects. I started using taurine and vitamin B6, which has helped tremendously. I'm at week 12 of nandrolone this time, and so far...
  30. J

    Reliable Rx HMG?

    Reliable Rx has HMG that's not already mixed. If you search on HMG it might not show results. If you search on "human menopausal gonadotropin" you'll be able to find it in 75iu and 150iu sizes. I've used that before, and the version from Defy as well. No comment on effectiveness for pregnancy...
  31. J

    Deca - Joint Health

    My HRT doc prescribes 200mg Deca per week. I've had a ton of neck issues/damage though the years, and the addition last year of nandrolone has helped me tremendously. It was difficult finding a clinic that would do that, which was very frustrating, but do the research and you'll find one.