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  1. B

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Im 51 years old and in and out of the gym my whole life. Just retired from LE after 30 yrs and went through several surgeries and med issues related to the job. Needless to say I was a physical wreck with pain meds and hard miles on the body! Lol...Gettin old aint for pussies!! Been on trt just...
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    Injections for muscle, gels for sex drive- Role of DHT

    I can only speak for myself but I respond really well with a TD, recently my last BW showed I had elevated DHT but had not been checked previously so we did not have a pre trt baseline. It was in the 160 range. I have no baldness issues but broke out with acne..Im in my 50''s so this was...
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    Managing hematocrit levels with red blood cell donation

    I gave blood today to manage my HEMO, but the nurse at red cross was trying to explain a red blood cell filter called ALYX system where they filter your blood just removing the red cells and returning your whole blood back. You can only give blood every 120 days with this instead of the...
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    TRT questions

    The more time I spend learning about the bad side of finesteride the more it scares the shit out me. What I can't get a handle on is what are the drawbacks of elevated DHT? Also my PSA was 0.6 so what I can determine is this may be one of the issues with the DHT right? I manage the other...
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    TRT questions

    New bw, new issue. Here is the results of bw Total T. 517 Free T. 65 Bio aval. 123 SHBG. 37 E2 ultra senst. 31 DHT serum. 169 ng/dl DHT free. 14.89 ng/dl For the last 3 months I had lowered dose of T cream by one click, so using 3 clicks daily instead of 4. Obviously my T levels dropped...
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    TRT questions

    Thanks for your response. I will get new bw in January but wasn't sure if I tried a different area for application if the body would convert the T differently than what it's doing with e2. Its like a constant experiment finding the right combinations. Will know more after bw
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    TRT questions

    Had to dig out my last bw. Total test: 1087 Free T: 187 Bio avail: 380 Shbg: 32 E2: 78 HEMO globin: 17.3 Crit: 53 I was On 4 clicks of cream daily and been using 3 for past one and half months. The only side effect I noticed before was sexy erect nipples before I lowered dose...
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    TRT questions

    Forgot to add that my bio avail and free test is high end of normal now around 800-900 if i remember correctly.
  9. B

    TRT questions

    I am new to this forum but not new to TRT. I am 50 and on TRT for about a year and ive been reading on this site but had couple of questions. I use a bioidentical transderm from compounding pharm. 175mg test/50mg chrysn/40mg DHEA daily applied to inner thigh. Question: does the body...