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  1. B

    Zinc vs anastrozole

    I take 50mg zinc daily and take AI on an infrequent basis as needed when I feel symptoms of elevated E2. When I do take the AI its only .25mg maybe once or twice a week at most. I feel better with slightly elevated E, but thats just me. I used to try to manage e2 with just zinc and chrysin...
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    Switch from topical to injections

    So I took my first shot yesterday after being on cream for over 2 years. I'm on 200mg week split into 2 doses and while on creams I avg 600-800 TT and all other areas in balance. So after yesterday I don't know if it was psycoligical or physical but I had this burst of energy I hadn't had in a...
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    Switch from topical to injections

    I used 22ga 1 inch in the delts today with no issues but I ordered 29ga 1/2 inch insulin needles to try. I'm every muscular so I figure based on what I been reading here I should have no issues doing IM with the smaller and shorter needle in delts or quads.
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    Guys on Gene's stack. When are you taking the Cialis?

    I get mine from ADC or mysecuretabs and question the potency and consistency of them. I split 20mg tabs and take 10mg every morning and have no complaints. I actually think they are somewhere in the 5-7 mg range. Occasionally I get acid and upset stomach but it passes quickly. They work great...
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    Switch from topical to injections

    Well I pop my cherry later today and will do my first injection. Ready for the change! Got the T and it's actually 80/20 blend of cyp/prop not the prop/cyp like I orig thought. Going to do a shallow IM and see how I feel
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    Guys on Gene's stack. When are you taking the Cialis?

    Morning with all my other Morning pills
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    Switch from topical to injections

    For those that transitioned, do I stop topical say on a monday and inject tues then e3d or is there a transition protocal. I have an appt with Dr next week but I'm just curious before hand so I can go in with an idea of the ways others have had success or issues with transition. Makes sense...
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    Switch from topical to injections

    Thanks for the feedback. Think I'm going to go the shallow IM route and get some small ga insulin needles/syringes
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    Switch from topical to injections

    I am switching from a topical to injections because of some cross contamination issues with my wife we recently discovered. I have always used a topical for several years now and have had great results with it but its time to switch. I will be using a compounded prop/cyp blend that I believe is...
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    Heart issues 10 years in (Left Ventricle Hypertrophy)

    Relax my man. I was diagnosed with HBP which ultimately led to LVH although I don't recall the percentage and measurements of the enlargement. Im in my 50's and this was later determined to be work related so workers comp covered it. I've been on TRT for several years, physically fit albeit...
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    An Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey

    I had a moment of weakness and actually read this letter, note to self.....stay strong and maintain willpower. Who the hell cares what a talking head full of hot air TV or movie personality says or thinks? Whether its politics or global warming most of them are morons. Unfortunatly probably a...
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    Saliva test for testosterone levels

    That's what I thought too. I hadn't been keeping up with all the new studies or info latly and wasn't sure if I was missing something new. The part about the $85 dollar test made me laugh.
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    Saliva test for testosterone levels

    Any thoughts on using saliva test in lieu of blood or in addition to blood? A nurse in my doctors office said that if someone is on a transdermal that the blood won't show correct T levels in the blood and that I needed to pay $85 for a saliva test since I'm on a TD. I politely disagreed with...
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    TRT Doctor in the Nashville area

    I moved to Nashville last year and found a good doc. Check out Dr John Monaco. He operates out of St Thomas Med Group in Nashville. Very familiar with TRT protocol and I have no complaints
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    Keeps on going

    My experience with over the counter stuff like Dim and chrysin which both are reported to help lower e2, do not really work. With me personally I wasted some good money on a ton of these before going on a small dose of AI. .25 e3d and keeps e2 easily managed with no adverse effects. It...
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    bio-identical cream absorption issues

    How do you feel? Side effects? I see you posted numbers but if you feel good or have side effects under control whats the prob? Dont over think this.... I use a compounded cream that I primarily apply to inner thigh. Because it has more body fat there, I need to manage E2 as it converts in...
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    Choice of HBP medications

    I use losartan (hyzaar) for HBP and have been on it for couple years with no adverse side effects. I follow Genes stack along with occasional use of viagra or cialis (recreationally) but have never had ED that was related to the BP meds.
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    Transition from TD to T cyp

    Just met w ith new doc to review recent labs. TT 866 (250-1100) FT 146.7 (46-224) SHBG 29 (10-50) Bio 301 (110-575) Alb 4.5 (3.6-5.1) Prog 0.4 (less 0.2) H DHEA 541 (38-313) H E2 ultra sens 47 (less 29) H Preg 51 (13-208) DHT 169 (5-46) H Did not switch protocols and will stay on compounded...
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    Everything You Know About Cholesterol Is Wrong

    I have high bp and some heart issues related to 30 years on my job. Although I have had no incidents related to cardiovascular problems, I want to keep arteries clear, using copius amounts of fish oil and niacin. Currently bp is in check and no clogging evident from my last ecocardiogram and...
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    Everything You Know About Cholesterol Is Wrong

    Ive read a couple articles posted here about statins. For several years I was on a statin and suffered from leg cramping that came at times of very little exertion that I wrote off to hydration or electrolite issues as I am very active outdoors. Not until I read some of these studies and...
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    Thoughts on Progesterone

    I have a couple thoughts going here on this forum in my search for a new doctor since my move across country, anyway, I started using my new cream that was compounded with 10mg Progesterone for about the last 2 weeks. Im here to say that my libido is ramped up and OFF the charts right now! My...
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    Transition from TD to T cyp

    Hey Gene, this is from my last blood work 6 weeks ago. I do not have my most recent back yet as I just took it last Friday. TT 759 (250-1100) FT 102 (46-224) Bio 201 (110-575) SHBG 37 (10-50) E2 40 (less than 29) ultra sens test DHT 178 (16-79) DHEA 558 (38-313) (I dont concern myself with E2...
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    Transition from TD to T cyp

    Out of curiosity, how is your hemacrit and E2 management since you switched protocals?
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    Transition from TD to T cyp

    Met with a new doctor the other day and went over my protocal with the TD. Avg 700 T and managing any and all side effects related to this type of TRT. I read all the treads and trying to figure out a new protocal. Although hes not opposed to continueing my protocal he prefers IM twice weekly...
  25. B

    Is Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio Important in Men?

    Im trying to figure out how you guys do the copy quotes....Im not very computer literate. Hahahahaha..... I have been using a compounded cream since starting TRT and respond really well to it. As far as body fat %, not sure. As I get older its harder to lose weight than maintain it. I have...
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    Is Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio Important in Men?

    I was on TRT for about a year before I had to use an AI. I take .25mg E3D and keeps it in check. I had all the symptoms of high E2 and tried all the OTC stuff. Nothing worked and I just spun my wheels. Like previously posted I use Nelsons theory for E2 ratios and feel great.
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    Is Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio Important in Men?

    My current doctor is very open minded and progressive when it comes to TRT. We actually discuss treatment and things I learn from this site, books and others. She listens to the T/E ratio whether or not she fully understands it, because I dont. I just know it makes sense and I feel balanced...
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    Is Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio Important in Men?

    I wasnt sure if I was putting the cart before the horse so to speak regarding my treatment. Ive called several dr out here and most of them do pellets or androgel and wont do injectables or what im using now, a compound cream. Im not even going to waste my time with an appt with them. I have...
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    Is Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio Important in Men?

    Couple months ago Nelson had a take on E management and understanding E follows T makes perfect sense and treating symptoms vs numbers on bloodwork. There was alot of conversation about a ratio of keeping E2 (14-20) using the math of T÷E2. I recently moved to Nashville from So Cal and starting...
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    Thoughts on Progesterone

    Found this article this morning and thought it was pretty interesting especially when comparing progesterone and Deca.