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  1. Hyrulewarrior1978

    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    Have you tried adding hcg to your injections? Has that helped with libido?
  2. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Target Free T Levels

    I still to this day do not understand why people continue to take these type of anti estrogenic drugs. Why would you take a drug, a toxic compound not naturally produced by the body, and expect anything positive to come out of it? Nebivolol would also be on that list, but having been harmed by...
  3. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Swapping To 1 Injection Per Week.

    So doctors don’t know what’s wrong with your heart? Why don’t you just get the mri so you can at least rule it out and see if you can treat whatever it is? No judgement just asking the question lol
  4. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Swapping To 1 Injection Per Week.

    This is what I’ve been saying but it seems as though some people on this forum would rather pin everyday (makes no sense and not how the drug was intended to be used… duh).
  5. Hyrulewarrior1978

    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    I have MPB that runs in my family so I’m already susceptible to it. I used two or three clicks in the morning only daily. If I use it at night it disrupts my sleep. My t levels were in the 600s the next morning.200mg/g cream
  6. Hyrulewarrior1978

    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    I actually had the exact same experience as Eli. When I used cream alone….amazing. When I combine it with injections or injections alone, not as good..not even close
  7. Hyrulewarrior1978

    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    Also you could try injecting in your scrotum and see if you get that same effect lol
  8. Hyrulewarrior1978

    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    Do you have access to some? Why don’t you look into it for us and get back to me ;))
  9. Hyrulewarrior1978

    T-Cream on scrotum, what makes it work so good for low shbg men?

    I have the same experience as you. I think maybe it’s because we are applying it where it’s produced naturally lol. Honestly I think it’s because of the quick fluctuations in hormone.
  10. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Back to TRT

    Good luck although might I suggest starting one thing at a time and taking it slow rather than throwing everything but the kitchen sink. Start with just testosterone cyp then add whatever else you think you might need as time goes on otherwise you complicate things
  11. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Thoughts on David Sinclair research
  12. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Thoughts on David Sinclair research

    Yea I mean huberman gave that response and I was like what? Not sure i believe that’s the reason. But he’s buddy buddy with all those longevity experts and doctors so who knows? And what’s your definition of hypogonadal because every doctor has their own definition of what that is apparently. T...
  13. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Swapping To 1 Injection Per Week.

    I don’t think cypionate is intended to be injected more than once a week, so it’s reasonable to follow the guidelines of the drug manufacturers. I think some people experiment with more than once a week just because they’re reading too much on the internet and forums. I’m guilty of that.
  14. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Thoughts on David Sinclair research

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Peter attia is on trt. None of those longevity doctors and scientists are. Even Huberman mentioned stopping trt after one year. Also i mean trt does increase gh and igf-1 and also shortens telomeres. I would also like to add that rapamycin only...
  15. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Thoughts on David Sinclair research

    I think you’re either one type of person or the other. Do you want to focus on being muscular and eating surplus calories and be on trt or do you want to take rapamycin and live longer with potentially longer healthspan/lifespan. For those who have kids maybe the latter would be the better...
  16. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Perplexing result.. thoughts?

    Not sure if dht blood readings from topicals even means anything. This directly from Wikipedia: DHT was the last major sex hormone, the others being testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone, to be discovered, and is unique in that it is the only major sex hormone that functions principally as...
  17. Hyrulewarrior1978

    51yr old have Testosterone, but hesitant to use

    Let’s not assume he’s shut down. The body has a very good way of regulating itself back to baseline over time. Don’t be his doctor.
  18. Hyrulewarrior1978

    For those who are struggling on TRT

    I like it when someone responds that’s been on trt for a long time. I like even more that his protocol is simple . One injection per week. Thank you for sharing your story.
  19. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

    I think that’s probably why the FDA will crack down on some of these clinics. The ones prescribing those steroids off label will be targets.
  20. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Future FDA restrictions on trt use?

    With the fda cracking down on compounded products like hcg and Enclomiphene and possibly hormones, is it likely that they’ll restrict the use of trt in the next few years like they did with gh (ie Trt only for those less than 264ng/dl)? Will they treat trt clinics (most of them fly by night)...
  21. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Is There An I’m Doing Awesome Thread?

    Are your trt days over? Or do you think you’ll pursue it again?
  22. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

    What is your protocol now and does it work as good as cream in all departments? Are you still losing hair?
  23. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

    This thread is kind of funny because everyone is arguing about the safety of long-term elevated dht, yet there aren’t any so-called long-term studies on the use of testosterone in general. And the fda explicitly states that trt shouldn’t be used for anti-aging purposes because of its unknown...