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  1. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Insomnia difficulty falling in sleep

    Wow you really are trying hard to deny your addiction problem aren’t you. Temazepam is a straight up benzo. It’s only meant to be used as needed, not every day. Hopefully you’re only using it twice a week max.
  2. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Insomnia difficulty falling in sleep

    The funny thing about drug addicts is that they refuse to admit they are addicted, or they don’t know they’ve become addicted because they’ve taken the drug for so long they don’t know what normal is anymore. It’s even more sad that physicians provide a constant source of these drugs even though...
  3. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Done with TRT and recovered within two weeks

    How much caffeine were you taking? Caffeine just seems so benign to me. What makes you think caffeine is the source of your issues (besides this test result)? Ie What other problems do you have with taking caffeine?
  4. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Insomnia difficulty falling in sleep

    Just my experience with ambien for anyone reading this or contemplating taking this drug. I took the lowest dose for 9 months, four to five days per week. I began having interdose withdrawals early in but didn’t attribute it to the drug because I thought it was “safe”. According to my doctor...
  5. Hyrulewarrior1978

    At what Free T level do you feel optimal?

    Isn’t the quest diagnostics range (considered the most accurate of all lab tests) 35-155pg/ml? So 15ng/dl is the cutoff. Am I missing something or not calculating something right?
  6. Hyrulewarrior1978

    At what Free T level do you feel optimal?

    I would like to add one thing to this discussion and that is that when men are young all parts of the system are young not just their hpta. Their brains are young their bodies young their mitochondria all young. So maybe some men might need free t in the higher range to compensate for the other...
  7. Hyrulewarrior1978

    At what Free T level do you feel optimal?

    This just made me want to look at the masterbation frequency thread that I had been previously ignoring. So much fun.
  8. Hyrulewarrior1978

    The Case Against Antidepressants

    Yea it sounds like you have a bad social anxiety disorder that was never addressed when you were younger. Exposure therapy works for that. I had that at one point, and then I grew out of it as I got older. Also mushrooms can help with that as well if you’re looking for something more natural.
  9. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Rate my protocol

    Yes he is the ONE exception I agree although I didn’t know he has a YouTube channel. Most of these YouTube docs are full of shit.
  10. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Rate my protocol

    Yea as mentioned before make sure you get your facts from credible sources. There’s a ton of shit out there online. Real, credible doctors don’t need a YouTube channel, and they usually don’t post on forums like these.
  11. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Rate my protocol

    Is your doctor an MD, DO, or physician assistant? Also never completely trust your doctor, and do your own research! I’ve been burned before so yes I can say that.
  12. Hyrulewarrior1978

    How Accurate Is The Online Tru-T Free Test. Calculator?

    I’ve seen several members now mention how fluctuations in their testosterone dosages keeps their libido alive. For me scrotal creams do that very well (better than any other method I’ve tried). Once a week injections worked for me as well (dailies never worked for me). It’s definitely a...
  13. Hyrulewarrior1978

    How Accurate Is The Online Tru-T Free Test. Calculator? Vermeulen free t calculator link above
  14. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Primo fo estrogen management!

    I don’t know how you guys feel so safe injecting untested products from unknown sources into your bodies. That seems crazy to me. No judgements just opinion.
  15. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Questions for long-term users (>15 years)

    Have you experienced any negative effects to your organs (liver, kidney, heart, lipids etc.)? Do you ever get elevated blood markers for these systems? If so are they transient? Thank you.
  16. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Primo fo estrogen management!

    How’s your libido and penis on jatenzo?
  17. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Primo fo estrogen management!

    Just curious have you tried the orals or test p? I’m with you. The creams work best for me, and I feel the most natural on them.
  18. Hyrulewarrior1978

    The Case Against Antidepressants

    No worries man you do you. Given the choice between klonopin and lexapro I think you made the right choice.
  19. Hyrulewarrior1978

    The Case Against Antidepressants

    I just thought that you might stop the lexapro after reading the stories. Hopefully you can see past the bullshit that’s out there.
  20. Hyrulewarrior1978

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    So how long are you off trt for? Are you saying if the biopsy comes back negative your urologist will give you the green light? Do you feel comfortable doing that?
  21. Hyrulewarrior1978

    The Case Against Antidepressants

    So are you still taking Lexi after reading all the horror stories? Lol. Imo the ssris are pretty harmless.
  22. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Start up bad side effects... ?

    Let us know how it goes!!
  23. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Start up bad side effects... ?

    Are you taking any other medications other than zoloft and testosterone? Something doesn’t sound right.
  24. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    It took me four months to regain hpta function when I stopped to get my wife pregnant. I had been on it for three years at the time. Not sure where you’re getting this 9-12 month period from. I think most people recover within the first six months or so. If you’re using steroids that’s a...
  25. Hyrulewarrior1978

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    Yea this was my concern with taking it so late. It’s the same as cream if I take it too late it disrupts my sleep.
  26. Hyrulewarrior1978

    The Case Against Antidepressants

    Why did you stop the lexapro if it was working for you?
  27. Hyrulewarrior1978

    Does FT have a greater impact on libido than TT??

    I don’t think taking Enclomiphene is such a good idea. It’s a drug and like every drug it’s toxic to some degree. It’s also doing something else besides raising free t because it lowers igf-1 and blocks estrogen in the brain. I would be concerned about possible pituitary enlargement over the...
  28. Hyrulewarrior1978

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    Please post your lab results. Thank you for sharing. So I guess it’s like the creams and a blood test is required 4-6 hours after. Good to know. Honestly I think these short half life preparations are the best for trt long term. Jmo
  29. Hyrulewarrior1978

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    Okay so you take one 237mg pill at 8am and when do you take the next pill? At dinner? Sorry if I’m confused.
  30. Hyrulewarrior1978

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    Do you take both pills at once then?
  31. Hyrulewarrior1978

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    With the jatenzo what time do you take it? If you take it too late does it interfere with sleep? I’m thinking of trying this next.