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  1. R

    Marijuana Use Prior to Sex Improves Orgasms in Women

    I agree, my wife has much stronger orgasms and sex drive when smoking even a couple of tokes just before sex. She finds the strain called "Super Critical Silver Haze" works the best. Gets her really horny then she's up for just about anything if you know what I mean...
  2. R

    What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)

    Watching this as well since I have similar issues. Currently on TRT .25mg Subq twice a week and my Estradiol is quite high. I'm having some sex drive and ED issues.
  3. R

    IM Testosterone Given SubQ

    .2CC of 250Mg/CC enanthate twice weekly for 2 years with an insulin needle into belly fat. Works perfectly, no issues at all.
  4. R

    Looking for TRT docs in Toronto

    I do have a doctor (a couple of them actually) who check my blood work at least every 3 months. Unfortunately none of them have experience with this which is why I'm asking on here.
  5. R

    Looking for TRT docs in Toronto

    I'm 60. Been on TRT about 9 months. I almost non existent sex drive, difficulty maintaining erections. Local GP and several endocrinologists all said basically I need TRT but my tests were not quite low enough, nothing they could do legally. One told me to go to a local gym, find the biggest guy...
  6. R

    8 Months on Daily Scrotal T Cream, E2 Still High

    When you say 10-20mg Masteron is that per day?