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  1. buggies100

    Latest T lab work at 49!

    Well, if you read my last post, i have been off T cyp for almost 4 weeks now due to extremely high hct. It is dropping but still was 55.2 taken now about 10 days ago. I just got my T resulr back and it is at 49 (348-1197) and free t 1.5! How am i functioning LOL. No wonder no morning...
  2. buggies100

    Hct coming down

    Well I met the hematologist today and he had the same concern as my TRT DR did. My H&H has been high for years. HCT has not bee under 50 since 2001, 12 yawners before starting TRT. So he is ruling out primary polycythemia testing EPO, Jak2b gene problems, and for CML, some type of leukemia...
  3. buggies100

    Hct coming down

    Hi Vince, Yeah I take 2 baby aspirin in the am and again in the pm. Also 3,600 mg of fish oil a day. I have read that posting. As painful and uncomfortable as it has been without T for the last few weeks, it is certainly better than a stroke!!! I am monitoring my BP. It is good to see my hct...
  4. buggies100

    Hello to all

    Here we go Steelers! Love the bucs and oens too. The wife and i head to the burgh a couple times each summer to catch baseball and drink some good beer
  5. buggies100

    Hct coming down

    Well on feb 7 i went to red cross for a threaputic phlebotomy. In the process my hgb was 20.7 Had a blood draw an lab corp a few days before that at bottom of trough and hct came back at 59.4. i was very short of breath with minimal work, loke emptying ashes out of stove. Chest tight. So i...
  6. buggies100

    anybody ever go to hematologist??

    Vince Carter, Thanks for your post. I believe due to how high my Hct went, 62, with only 40 mg T cup every 3.5 days and the fact that I have never really ever been under 50 since I been keeping records from 2000 , way before any TRT, he wants to make sure there is not an underlying cause for red...
  7. buggies100

    7 lessons about finding the work you were meant to do

    I am truly blessed to be in the "zone". Still it is work, but almost everyday I am glad to go out the door and do my job. I realize that most do not get that feeling. If you are on the bubble about changing to a job that can get you there, I would advise to give it serious consideration, it...
  8. buggies100

    anybody ever go to hematologist??

    Due my perpetually high hct, even years before TRT I was at 50, my dr is requesting me to see a hematologist to verify there is no other underlying problem and if not to get a phlebotomy schedule for us to follow. So my question is has anybody ever had to go down this road and if so what kind...
  9. buggies100

    10ml T Cyp vial

    I have been getting 10ml bottles from walgreens here in VA for 3 years. I just got bottle about two weeks ago. Maybe a state by state thing. I pay baout $80 with no coupons
  10. buggies100

    How to Respond to Very High Hematocrit

    Thanks Ratbag for the article and Coastwatcher for your comments as well. I saw my new trt dr today. It is a men's health clinic in northern Virginia staffd by two urologists who specialize in mens issues. He basically said the same thing, although was not comfortable with hct being over 60...
  11. buggies100

    State-by-State Laws Regarding Syringe Purchases

    The walgreens i use here in VA insists that i have a script on file with them that requires syringes. Then i have to sign a form they fill out
  12. buggies100

    How to Respond to Very High Hematocrit

    Yeah i hear ya and agree. Unfortunately red cross will not take blood at this level and o ly let me do theraputic every 4 weeks. Dropping 2-3 points per time will not get me down to 50 for naother 4 months! Yikes!
  13. buggies100

    How to Respond to Very High Hematocrit

    I will look to add hcg when i speak with new dr, and speak to him about clomid or tamox. Inam afraid i can take no more T cyp at this point with such high hct. Apparently the 40 mg every 3.5 days is not so fine, as it sent my T way higher than the 200 every two weeks did. Kinda...
  14. buggies100

    How to Respond to Very High Hematocrit

    Good afternoon all. I hope everyone's new year is moving along fine. I have, as posted last week, a very high hematocrit level, in the range of 59-60!!!! I had been running 55-56 for 2 years and my dr never said it was an issue. Thanks for that!! So i went from 200mg every two weeks to 40...