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  1. F

    my bloods , libido issues

    Yeah I'm stupid sorry. I forgot to upload my labs. I attached a pdf. Thanks.
  2. F

    my bloods , libido issues

    I was off for months but it was higher test, masteron and proviron. I use dht to look good and keep water down. But I was at least off for 3-4 months.
  3. F

    my bloods , libido issues

    I was on 100mg for my cruise for 5-6 weeks and I still had weak erections and numb orgasms and low libido. So I upped the dose to 120mg and at about the 6-8 week mark I did bloods which I am posting now. I still have the same sexual problems. Erections are average a very best but that's not good...
  4. F

    Is this the sensitive e2 test?

    I wonder if bloods taken inside a hospital can get access to sensitive e2? In a hospital in Canada all blood tests are free. I saw a endocrinologist there and he said if I get it done inside the hospital its free but if I leave and go to a regular lab they will charge me for some of the stuff...
  5. F

    Is this the sensitive e2 test?

    I am in Canada and Im not sure we have the sensitive e2 blood test. I read this article at one of the labs and im not sure what it means. The link is below. Is this the senstive e2 test?
  6. F

    Got my results - now what?

    Id say you just lack lots of different vitamins. Your vitamin deficient. Everyone is but they some how think its there hormone levels making them tired. And low and behold almost no one gets them tested and that is how your body runs off. Vitamins make testosterone , make your thryoid function etc.
  7. F

    What is actually the best T level? When is it too high?

    Glad you didnt take arimidex. You would have killed your estrogen and you would feel like shit for at least a week or more.
  8. F

    Switching to e3.5 days help

    Monday and Thursday for me. I do my injections night time. And usually the same time. It may fluctuate 1-3 hours apart but thats good enough.
  9. F

    What is actually the best T level? When is it too high?

    Did you feel good at 100mg of test?! If you did then go back to it. This is the simplest fix. This is for a life time remember that. Do you really want to inject 3 or more times a week for your ENTIRE life?
  10. F

    1 Yr Update with 250mg/mL Lab results are in!!

    I was just reading this post and the op is comparing himself to Nelson. Nelson is HIV positive and they get prescribed deca-durabolin sometimes. And for low testosterone he was given testosterone injections.
  11. F

    Estradiol in Men: Interview with Urology Professor Dr Ranjith Ramasamy

    Where is this poster that you talked about in the video?
  12. F

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    Sensitivity loss and taking long time to orgasm are exact symptoms of low e2. It happens to me. But its the tell tale signs of low e2.
  13. F

    Feel good range of 2? or Test:e2 ratio?

    What is the typical feel good range e2 levels on trt when using around 200-250mg of test. Also is there a ratio test and e2 I should be trying to aim for?
  14. F

    Hormones and dry eyes?

    Dry eyes are often caused by dehydration. Drink 500ml with quarter to half tsp of salt multiple times through out the day. It will fix your problem. Just chug 1liter of water with half a tsp to 1 tsp of salt in it and shake well and it will be almost a instant fix.
  15. F

    Dry eyes

    Hey I know exactly what to do for your dry eyes. I had this problem for years and then I found the answer. Just drink more salt. I use Himalayan salt but any salt will do. When you wake up in the morning drink about 1 liter of water wtih 1-2 teaspoons of salt and then sip on water throughout...