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  1. C

    new protocol new labs

    Thanks man. yeah, i feel that bad. the anxiety and hot flashes are off the charts.
  2. C

    new protocol new labs

    so should i take just 1 of my .25 mg of anastrozole i have leftover today to speed things up or is that not a good idea? I'm really feeling like shit!
  3. C

    new protocol new labs

    I'm assuming once i stop HCG the e2 will regulate on its own? i wasn't having high e2 symptoms before and I'm not on an AI. I do have a couple leftovers of .25mg of anastrozole left. would it be wise to take one today to bring me back down a little?
  4. C

    new protocol new labs

    I already threw it in the garbage. LOL! definitely does not agree with me. I took it for the atrophy symptoms but the way i feel now is far worse than the atrophy.
  5. C

    new protocol new labs

    You're not kidding. I was feeling great until i introduced the HCG. This stuff makes me feel very weird. I don't like it and i don't think 100iu's is going to do anything at that low of a dose. I appreciate your input. Thank you Vince!
  6. C

    new protocol new labs

    Vince, I started injecting 250iu HCG every 3.5 days with my 50mg of testosterone cypionate and i'm not having a good experience. My anxiety is off the charts, disruptive sleeping pattern, skin feels like pins and needles and i notice this weird on and off eye twitching throughout the day that...
  7. C

    for those that suffer from occasional prostatitis.

    I hope it works for you like its worked for me. keep us posted on your experience with the oregano oil.
  8. C

    for those that suffer from occasional prostatitis.

    I have suffered from occasional bouts of mild prostatitis while on TRT over the past couple of years and wanted to share some information. Anyone who has ever experienced prostatitis will tell you the horror stories that comes with it. Weaker urine stream, burning sensation, constant discomfort...
  9. C

    new protocol new labs

    Thanks Vince! So if i have to increase, should i do so by 100iu intervals? if I'm at 250iu now i would increase to 350iu for 2 weeks then increase again to 450iu if needed of course.
  10. C

    new protocol new labs

    so i started yesterday with 250iu of HCG every 3.5 days with my testosterone injections. how soon could i expect to see results at this dosage? My testicles are so tight to the body that they ache during ejaculation. I'm hoping this kicks in soon.
  11. C

    new protocol new labs

    Vince, would 250iu at time of injections be a good starting point or is that too low of a dose.
  12. C

    new protocol new labs

    As I mentioned in a previous thread titled (am i heading in the right direction) I changed my protocol about 6 weeks ago to 50 mg of test cyp every 3.5 days. I feel so much better on this protocol but feel there is still room for improvement beginning with a better diet and exercise. I've been...
  13. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    hello again everyone, I just wanted to give you all an update on my new protocol. so its been about 4 weeks since switching to 50mg of test cyp every 3.5 days and i must say its been a great improvement. My anxiety is still there but it is significantly lower than it was before. i feel better...
  14. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    CoastWatcher, I'm with you. I chose a protocol and sticking to it. I'm taking it one step at a time. I'll check my levels in 6 weeks and make adjustments if needed. I was just was curious as to what an EOD protocol would look like is all.
  15. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    30005Gator, your input is noted but i already started with injections every 3.5 days and no anastrozole which is a huge change from what i was doing previously. I want to stick with one thing at a time to see how i feel before changing protocols again. Also the thought of injecting EOD seems...
  16. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    I have suffered with anxiety for 19 years due to mild PTSD but it has always been manageable. Since starting TRT, it is 5 times worse. Anxiety is terrible and hard for people to understand but i feel your pain. Meditation, eating well and exercise helps get rid of that excess anxiety but yes...
  17. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Will definitely wait 6 weeks. Thanks!
  18. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Thanks again CoastWatcher and everyone else who added to this this thread. I at least have a much better understanding and have a plan of action.
  19. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Agreed! would you say that the 50mg every 3.5 days is a good starting point then?
  20. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Thanks CoastWatcher, the anxiety issue for me is my biggest thing. I did suffer from anxiety prior to TRT but since starting TRT my anxiety is at another level. I was very clear with my Doctors about it and wish they would have started me slow but hey, at least i found a good forum and protocol...
  21. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Thanks for your input Vince. My E2 has been consistent between 18-29 with .25 mg of anastrozole 2x per week and depending when i draw my blood. i cant stand the anastrozole so im hoping that the split dose at 50mg every 3.5 days will help control estrogen. i have to give it some time as i just...
  22. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    can anyone shed some light on what could be causing anxiety while on TRT as this is my main complaint since starting a year ago. E2 has been consistently between 18-29
  23. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    so would checking my labs after 4-6 weeks on this protocol of 50mg every 3.5 days be ok? also, i was wondering what some of you guys think about incorporating HCG later on as my testicular atrophy is beginning to freak me out a bit.
  24. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Amen to that brother!
  25. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Thanks Mountain Man. I started to listen to my body and started to question all the other drugs. I felt 200 mg 1x per week was a bit much but this protocol was coming from a TRT expert according to many people on the forums. he's written books that have gotten rave reviews on testosterone...
  26. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    so low SHBG is why i have the anxiety symptoms im experiencing? My free t isn't to high at 127 (35-155 pg/ml) is it possible to have low SHBG and not have free T issues? never been an issue for me unless 127 is considered high.
  27. C

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Hello, I'm new to the site and not very familiar with all the forum etiquette so please bare with me. I'm 48 years old and started TRT 1 year ago after my T levels came back at 201. As you can imagine i felt like shit and decided to start treatment. A friend referred me to a local men's...
  28. C

    Hello, new to the site.

    just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to the community.