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  1. H

    Most common total weekly dose for cypionate/enanthate

    sh1973 and Gman86 - I also have high SHBG and don't tolerate Ai's too well. What're the implications of this?
  2. H

    Thoughts / Experiences with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) for hCG mono induced Gynecomastia?

    Hi Nelson, thanks very much for the reply. That's disappointing to hear - one of the best things about the hCG is that I've dropped about 3% body fat while adding around 5lbs of muscle. I look great, save for the feminine nipples. Is it likely to destroy my libido as well? Does this make sense...
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    Thoughts / Experiences with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) for hCG mono induced Gynecomastia?

    Thanks, this is tremendously helpful. I've read that anecdotally, not a lot of people feel too hot on Nolva, and I'm kind of dreading this...but plastic surgery isn't a realistic option at this juncture. Any other side effects? Mood, energy, weight? And do you mind if I ask what your current...
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    Thoughts / Experiences with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) for hCG mono induced Gynecomastia?

    Howdy folks. Without posting my full history - I've been on hCG mono for the past 3.5 months with really excellent results. No side effects, except that I've developed a minor case of gynecomastia. I feel fantastic - T at around 1000, E2 is at 59. We tried Arimidex, but the side effects were...
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    Cautionary HCG Story and Need Help w/ Estradiol

    Thanks for responding. Would you mind if I PM you? I suspect that we're close in age, and we seem to be really similar responders, I'd love to ask you a few questions.
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    Cautionary HCG Story and Need Help w/ Estradiol

    Really interesting post Gman. I'm secondary as well and taking generic, non-compounded hCG. It's extremely effective, almost identical dosage and numbers as you, but I'm developing gyno. I'm considering giving Pregnyl a try, both brands are covered by my insurance, but it's $15 vs $50. So...
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    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Super helpful everyone, thank you. I really appreciate your feedback, Re-ride, especially as you have hCG monotherapy experience. A few quick details: I'm not self treating - I'm seeing a highly experienced Urologist that was recommended through this website. I have tons of lab work, so...
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    T vs HCG, and how that effects Estrogen production

    Thanks Madman that answeres my questions exactly. I'm not really seeing any negatives from the HCG, the positives are overwhelming. My libido has returned, my mood and energy levels are great. It's just that when I increased the dosage from 1500 to 2000 weekly, I really saw benefits - but...
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    T vs HCG, and how that effects Estrogen production

    Hi all, My apologies for what might be a redundant question - I've read so many threads and stickies, but I can't find a clear answer. Why does HCG raise E levels more than T supplementation? Does HGC actually raise E more than T supplementation? It's my understanding that regardless of the...
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    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Hi all, I realize there's another active thread with a similar question - but this is slightly different, so bear with me. After 9 years of Clomid monotherapy, and then 6 months of Clomid/anastrozole, I'm currently on HCG monotherapy - not taking anything else - and the benefits are amazing...
  11. H

    Best time of day for hCG monotherapy injections?

    So I'm 3 weeks on HCG mono, and I figured I'd give a little update. I have another thread going with my history, so I might add something there, in case it helps others. I'm currently doing 750iu twice a week. No labs yet - but I feel way better than I ever did on Clomid, or Clomid +...
  12. H

    Best time of day for hCG monotherapy injections?

    After 9 years of Clomid use, I'm switching to hCG. I'm doing 750 units 2x a week (Monday and Thursday). Is it better to inject in the morning, or evening? I'm assuming evening, since natural testosterone production tends to occur during sleep. I read a few other threads on this topic but was...
  13. H

    HCG Quality; brands/sources

    Can I ask how people here test the quality of their HCG? After 9 years on Clomid, I've decided to give HCG a try in hopes that it'll work better, with fewer side effects due to the bioidentical nature of it. I have a prescription from my MD, and I'm trying to get my insurance to cover the cost...
  14. H

    Labs Show Low T - Looking for a Doctor in Los Angeles to Treat

    If you get insurance again, Dr Jesse Mills at UCLA is excellent. He's on this website's recommended list. I had been living on the east coast, and seeing Dr. John Mulhall in New York, who is considered a leader in the field. He recommended Dr Mills, who I've been seeing for about a year now and...
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    Severe hair loss from Clomid + Arimidex

    Thanks for the reply. We know how Propecia can effect men with healthy T levels - and we know that HRT is commonly used to combat the side effects of Propecia useage...but is there anyone out there doing HRT w/ Propecia at the same time? My doctor said it's very common, but I'd love some actual...
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    Severe hair loss from Clomid + Arimidex

    Howdy. My history can be found in another thread, but in short: 10 years on Clomid for secondary hypogonadism. TRT is not an option (I'm secondary, don't want to induce primary). Last year, it started to become less effective (blood levels were fine, but I was feeling symptomatic), so I...
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    Dr. Jesse Mills - Santa Monica Dr - Any Patients With Knowledge?

    I see Dr Mills and he's outstanding. I'd highly recommmend seeing him - and he's at UCLA, not some some private clinic that doesn't take insurance.
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    Recommended Testosterone to E2 ratio while on Clomid? / Pituitary questions / HGH?

    This is a follow-up to an earlier post. I've been on Clomid monotherapy, for 9 years now. My labs are coming back excellent but I've become symptomatic again. I started seeing a new Dr that was recommended through this site. I recently tapered off Clomid as to see what my baseline was, and to...
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    Post Accutane- 9 Years on Low Dose Clomid / Cialis - no longer working

    I'm definitely looking for second opinions, unfortunately the Dr I had in NYC doesn't accept marketplace insurance plans any longer, and won't see me remotely. I've looked into Defy and Prime - and I'm definitely open to it, but the first thing that comes up when I google them is "scam". Is...
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    Post Accutane- 9 Years on Low Dose Clomid / Cialis - no longer working

    My apologies for the delay in getting back to everyone, I'm currently traveling. This is tremendously helpful, the feedback and support is extremely comforting, I can't thank you guys enough! Quick response to some of the issues brought up: I don't think straight up TRT is an option just yet...
  21. H

    Post Accutane- 9 Years on Low Dose Clomid / Cialis - no longer working

    Hello, first-time poster. I'll try and be as direct and succinct as possible - I have a long and complicated history. I'm 38 years old. I started Clomid almost 9 years ago at the age of 28. I've been taking .25 mg 3x a week for the past 4-5 years. My initial doses were higher. I was diagnosed...