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  1. P

    HCG Injection Timing

    I had started injecting my test cup EOD and HCG every Mon, Tue and Fri. I'm going back to E3D on test cup and HCG at twice per week. I was poking too many holes the other way. If I do test cup every Friday morning and again on Monday evening, does it matter when I do the two HCG injections...
  2. P

    Supplement List - Opinions Welcomed

    Thanks so much for your input...I have made changes to my supplement protocol! Thanks again...
  3. P

    Supplement List - Opinions Welcomed

    I take the pumpkin seed oil as I read it was good for prostate health. As for the other supplements, the I take the Dandelion Root and Milk Thistle as it is supposed to help shed water. I also read that DIM helps with estrogen, but as you state, the proof is iffy. None of the other...
  4. P

    Supplement List - Opinions Welcomed

    Here is a lit of the supplements I take daily. Some are standard and some are anti-imflamatory-related, as I have a herniated disc in my lower back. Lastly, I probably read somewhere that some of them may help with working out. I am looking for opinions to see if any of these supplements aid...
  5. P

    TRT Follow-Up - Concerned

    What is a sensible reduction? Downward from 200mg a week to 150mg? 140mg? 160mg? Thanks...
  6. P

    TRT Follow-Up - Concerned

    Based on an earlier reply, I will cut the dosage back to 160 mg per week, spread out every other day. Question: using 3ML syringe, I was drawing 1ML to get 200MG of test cyp. How many ML do I draw to get 160MG of test cyp? Once I determine that, I can figure out how much to draw for my EOD...
  7. P

    TRT Follow-Up - Concerned

    So, I was still on the Arimidex when I had my bloodwork done for Low-T and he said to stop taking the Arimidex immediately, so it may have tanked it. I hate to say, but I never got a copy of my original lab work from Low-T.
  8. P

    TRT Follow-Up - Concerned

    I tried Arimidex once when I was on pellets - I was taking .25 mg every other day. Noted side effects were loss of sensation in my penis, delayed orgasm to the point of sex was getting to be a chore and diminished pleasure at orgasm. Has anyone else experienced these side effects? Once I got...
  9. P

    TRT Follow-Up - Concerned

    I wanted to post my most recent lab work and get everyone's feedback and input. My original protocol as prescribed by Low-T-Nation was 200 mg of test cyp once per week and 250 units of HCG twice per week. I did this for two months prior to spreading the test cyp out EOD and the HCG three times...
  10. P

    Test Result Timeline

    Hey! Today is the 8th day since I did bloodwork at LabCorp through DiscountLabs...TRT follow-up. How long does it take to get results back? Thanks!
  11. P

    TRT - Follow-Up Bloodwork

    I am fixing to go to the discountlabs website and order the "customize TRT male hormone/wellness follow-up panel". Does anyone recommend any of the add-on test options to ensure I get what results I need at this time? I've been on TRT for just over three months and I'd like these labs to...
  12. P

    Pellet to Injection Conversion: Libido

    Hey...I did switch and I inject the test cyp every Friday PM and Monday AM...I also spread the HCG out over three shots, done on MON, WED and FRI. Thanks for the reply...will post blood work.
  13. P

    Pellet to Injection Conversion: Libido

    Got my follow-up blood work done today…hope to have results in a few days. I converted from pellets to injections two months ago. I had five pellets, 200 mg each, implanted very three months for a total of 18 months. I made the switch to injections due to the trough I had to go through the...
  14. P

    Syringe Conversion

    I have been using a 25 gauge 1" 3ml syringe so do IM injections. I'm not sure what the technical term is, but I draw the test cyp up to the 1/2 mark. I am doing a shallow IM injection in my quad in the morning...27 gauge 1/2" 1ml. What is the equivalent draw for this syringe that would be...
  15. P

    Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

    When I was on pellets, I was put on Arimidex for four weeks...not noticeable improvement or decline. One interesting side effect was a loss of sensitivity of the penis. It started approx four days after I started taking and the issue went away in the same amount of time after I stopped taking...
  16. P

    Traveling with T and HCG

    I am also traveling on Friday for the first time by air with my TestCyp and HCG. To clarify, I can put my syringes in my backpack/carry-on, along with the vials?
  17. P

    Switching to E3D...need help

    The downswing is nothing too dramatic...I can live with it if that is what is best until bloodwork is done...
  18. P

    Switching to E3D...need help

    Thanks for these replies. I am having bloodwork done April 3rd. Being that is the case, should I continue with the weekly protocol or move forward with E3D?
  19. P

    Switching to E3D...need help

    I seem to be on a bit of a swing with weekly injections...I inject every Friday, so around Wednesday morning, I begin to feel the positive effects dwindling.
  20. P

    Switching to E3D...need help

    Hello...I'm switching from Testopel pellets to IM injections. Here has been my protocol: one weekly injection of 200mg Test Cyp along with a injection of HCG. The following day, I do another injection of HCG. I'm not sure about the dosage of the HCG, but the vial is drawn down between the '2...
  21. P

    Newbie: First TRT IM Today - Thigh

    Well, I had the wife inject into my glutes. 25g...1"...3L syringe. Didn't feel a thing, so she did a good job. I need to administer myself into the thigh next time...
  22. P

    Newbie: First TRT IM Today - Thigh

    This is my first week on TRT injections...I am converting over from pellets. These first four injections are a blend with some oil in them. They have a color much like a mildly dark beer. I do have some 27 gauge 1/2 needles they gave me for the HCG. Would those work and do they go deep...
  23. P

    Newbie: First TRT IM Today - Thigh

    Okay, I am doing my first IM into my thigh today. Any tips on location? Using a 25 gauge 1"...assuming that is okay. If I chicken out, my wife is willing to stick me in the glutes, but she has never done before. Either way, a but apprehensive here...Ha!
  24. P

    Anastrazole - What should I watch for?

    I took 25mg EOD when my estradiol shot up while on pellets. My side effects were muscle aches and soreness in some joints. Oddly, some muscle twitchng as well in both upper arms. I did nootice that libido returned somewhat, so that was a positive.
  25. P

    New Poster: Pellet Conversion Has Begun

    Not disagreeing with what you are saying...there is certainly some concern on my part. To clarify, though, I checked and my estradiol was 6.1, not in the teens like I thought.
  26. P

    New Poster: Pellet Conversion Has Begun

    I went to Doctor in Atlanta and reviewed blood work, which was done 18 weeks after last insertion of 5 pellets. My T was at 287 and my estradiol was in the teens. So, I am have begun the conversion over to TRT IM. I have a one-month supply of Test Cyp and HCG. I was injected with 200 mg test...
  27. P

    Switching from Testopel pellets to Injections

    I was only getting 5 pellets every 12 weeks...cost for 4 inserts, which had to be prepaid, was $3,200.00, which included blood work. However, the blood work was the standard Estradiol test, not the sensitive test.
  28. P

    Switching from Testopel pellets to Injections

    Hello member/first post! I've been doing Testopel pellets for 18 months now...usually every 14 to 16 weeks. Small dosage of five pellets each time. I felt great for the first 12 months...all the usual positive side effects. However, these last six months, which has been two...