Search results

  1. P

    Traveling with Syringes

    Thanks...I had looked through that search earlier but found nothing addressing the question about leaving space in the syringe before packing them away.
  2. P

    Traveling with Syringes

    I am going on a multi-day trip and that will require two HCG injections. I think I prefer to travel with two pre-filled syringes rather than the vile in case they confiscate anything. If I prefill two syringes, do I leave bit of air in the top? Has anyone used the Frio Insulin Cooling Case...
  3. P

    My November 2018 Bloodwork

    I thought I had caught them all. We're all friends, right?
  4. P

    My November 2018 Bloodwork

    I know...have cut that back to two. I have struggled with alcoholism in my seems to rear its head every so often.
  5. P

    My November 2018 Bloodwork

    I didn't catch that...this was the lab order from Low T Nation. I can order the proper E test from Discount Labs. I started the upper arm injections two months ago...I am feeling a it more agitated as of late...feel tired a times. The agitation is a noticeable increase...lack of patience...
  6. P

    My November 2018 Bloodwork

    I'd love to read your thoughts and opinions, concerns, etc. My regiment: 50mg test cyp every other day via 25g 5/8" into my upper arms...150iu of HCG every 3.5 days into abdomen. I may have that measurement on the HCG wrong...I draw it up to the '15' marking. I've been feeling tired as of...
  7. P

    What is Your Experience with Magnesium Supplements?

    Does anyone here take magnesium? If so, what type? Recommend a brand? Thanks...Peter
  8. P

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    This. I've had this same experience...I somehow developed a non-sexual related bacterial infection in the mid-90s and it took about a month of Doxy to clear it...avoid caffeine as much as possible...take pumpkin seed oil daily (Doctor recommended). I also ejaculate - at a minimum - every other...
  9. P

    Sex drive and semen

    When I was on pellets, my I had shrinkage but no reduction in volume. When I went on injections and HCG, the shrinkage went away and no effect on volume. What DID effect volume and quality of orgasm was taking an AI. Horrible. Within two weeks of my stopping the AI, volume and quality of...
  10. P

    Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride

    The last three of my monthly shipments have had a notice that there is a national shortage of Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride that is used to mix HCG. Has anyone else received this same notice? What is the shelf life of this?
  11. P

    What brand of Testosterone do you use?

    Hallandale...have had no issues.
  12. P

    Tart Cherry Supplement

    Supplement # 2 that I am seeking input on...I’m curios about other’s experiences with...effect on TRT...effectiveness, etc. TART CHERRY 1000 mg Tart Cherry Extract 1,000 mg Take 1 pill per day As with Tumeric, I was told that Tart Cherry can help with inflammation, so I assume it might help...
  13. P

    Turmeric Curcumin Supplement

    I want to list - not at once - the various supplements that I take and why I take each particular one. I’d enjoy some feedback from others regarding its effectiveness or’s interaction with the goals or TRT, etc. TURMERIC CURCUMIN with BIOPERINE Turmeric (Curcuma Longs...
  14. P

    How Much Protein

    I am 52 years old...lifelong runner, so I've always had a runner's build. Suffered herniated disc six years ago that I recuperated without surgery. I am 95% now, but cannot run due to the impact on the disc. I could learn to tolerate “toe-running” but just haven't done so. I do not want to...
  15. P

    How Much Protein

    I read an interesting article on Business Insider that mentioned the following: (1) Working out every day does not give you body enough time to recover and rebuild, which can actually hinder your progress. They suggest taking one of two days a week off. What do most on here do in regard to...
  16. P

    TRT and Alcohol

    Not sure under what category to post this, so I'll put it here to start. Bit of history: I've been on TRT for just under four years...good results. I went through a seven-year stretch when I was ages 36 through 43 where I stayed "medicated" with alcohol all day...never drunk, but medicated...
  17. P

    Low T Nation vs Defy Medical

    I am currently under the "care" of Low T Nation but am considering switching to Defy. I wanted to post this to see what the differences between the two companies are: (1) Low T Nation cost me $299.00 per month...that is an all-inclusive cost...there is not additional charges for blood work or...
  18. P

    Creatine HCL

    What is the side effect of lactic acid build-up? Thanks...
  19. P

    Creatine HCL

    I began taking 2 grams of Creatine HCL with my whey protein shake two months ago. I can say that I’m not lifting more weight now...increase in muscle size is not readily apparent per the wife. However, some increase around the waist is evident. Has anyone else tried this? Thoughts...
  20. P

    Workout Routine & Supplements

    Thanks for the response...I sent you a PM concerning your NO mix...
  21. P

    Workout Routine & Supplements

    Thanks for the suggestions...I will begin to incorporate lateral raises and dumbbell raises into my workout. It is hard to do shoulder press with my back straight and having to raise the weight straight up. I can do some work on an inclined bench because it shifts the weight somewhat away from...
  22. P

    Workout Routine & Supplements

    I'd welcome some feedback and suggestion on my work-out routine and supplementation. I am 51 years old and I weigh 175 lbs...always had a runner's build. I herniated a disc in my lower back six years ago and cannot run anymore. No surgery on disc...rehabilitated with non-surgical measures and...
  23. P

    What's my best choice pellets or injections?

    I did pellets for almost two years...the cycle was noticeable, thought not unbearable. The plus was my libido would skyrocket for around six weeks and then level off at a nice place. I never get the skyrocket effect with injections...just a steady level of libido at or about the same level as...
  24. P

    Pharmacy Mall - Good Source for Cialis?

    Hey...I just ordered and it did not ask for a script, though I do have one.
  25. P

    Pharmacy Mall - Good Source for Cialis?

    I take 5mg of Cialis daily for BPH symptoms. My insurance does not cover as they consider this a recreational drug, so a 30-day prescription cost me $355 out-of-pocket at Publix Pharmacy. I found a place online called 'Pharmacy Mall', which is a Canadian-based company. Has anyone used them...
  26. P

    Anastrozole 0.3 mg

    I was not on an AI when this bloodwork was done...
  27. P

    Anastrozole 0.3 mg

    Sorry about not doing they are: Ttl Tesosterone: 1530.1 (348-1197) Free Test: 28.0 (7.2-24) Dihydrotest: 77 Prostate: 1.5 (0 - 4) TSH: 1.75 (0.45 - 4.5) Estradiol, Sensitive: 50.9 (8.0 - 35.0) SHBG: 36.4 (19.3 - 76.4) Ttl Cholesterol: 192 (100 - 199) Triglycerides: 56 (0 - 149) HDL...
  28. P

    Anastrozole 0.3 mg

    Hello all...during my last consultation with my Doctor, he suggested I start taking 0.3 mg of Aanastrozole every 3.5 days. Is this considered a heavy dosage? Small dosage? I’ve taken this previously and has the following sexual side effects: desensitized penis...delayed orgasm and diminished...
  29. P

    What percentage men on TRT uses an AI?

    After six months on TRT, my Doctor prescribed .25 mg E3D...took for three months. I noticed no benefit. What I did notice was delayed orgasm and diminished orgasm. I'm not talking a 5-minute delay...more like 30-45 minutes. I was going through every position imagineable to keep sex from...
  30. P

    Mobic Interaction

    Thanks for the replies! I apologize for not noting that I did ask my Ortho about possible interactions and she said "none that she knew of". However, there are often personal experiences that are out of the ordinary that I was wondering about. Just curious if anyone here had had any. Thanks...
  31. P

    Mobic Interaction

    I have a strained quad and my Doctor prescribed Mobic (Meloxicam) to help with the associated swelling and pain. Are there any known interactions between Mobic and Test cyp of HCG? Thanks!