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  1. F

    Is Morning Wood a Sign of Good Testosterone?

    DHT cream to shaft. Worked wonders for me, plus lowering SHBG because it was super high. I'm also PFS. There is hope so stay working on solutions.
  2. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Almost always once daily. I'll add little bit to nipples to ward off gyno. I stopped taint application after badass mentioned it lowered semen volume.
  3. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Sorry, .7 ml. Just applied 10 min ago to shaft and already feel it.
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    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    I have blood work confirming alpha gels DHT. Mine was like 40 something before and 400s after.
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    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Using 7ml I felt it pretty quickly. Try twice daily if you don't feel the difference in a few days. Keep us posted.
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    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    None. BUT worrying about that is how I got in this situation to begin with. My advice...shave your head and have a badass dick.
  7. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Yes. Massive. Kind of scary. I had to stop pushing my bench press just to make sure my bones and joints have time to get stronger. I went from forcing 1 rep of 225 to being able to do 10 reps 225 or 4 reps 245 clean and under full control. Took maybe 6 weeks.
  8. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    I'm taking T cypionate. 3ml ever 3rd day. I add more when I feel bad day before the shot. I burn through it fast. Any ideas for trying other T esters?
  9. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Comes in a brown unlabeled glass dropper. They will replace intercepted orders they say. Customs form said it was cosmetics. As for E2, I struggle with libido so if it's too high I will get some symptoms. Don't want to crash, just get a little lower until I figure it out. I actually felt great...
  10. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    UPDATE: Just got back blood results. DHT is over 400. That is with 20% DHT from Alpha .5ml once daily. SO it's super legit. Takes a good month to get here and payment with bitcoin is a pain, but it's good stuff. I took a break from Proviron 25ml daily to see if it's still needed. My SHBG...
  11. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Using a month or so. Well past the honeymoon phase. Still get a intense feeling of almost euphoria most days. Still need the proviron to reduce SHBG for libido. I've tried to go without any and it didn't work. The dht works so well I'm stressing over getting replacement bottles before I run out...
  12. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    PFS sufferer. About a four year journey to this point. So this is a game changer for me. My skin also feels amazing and the teenage penile sensitivity is back. Nice walking around chubby frequently also. Sometimes the libido is too much but I'll take that over being dead any day!
  13. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    About 100% sure RP is fake. Ordered 20% dht from Alpha. Took a month to complete the transaction, but I've been running it daily for a month now. Just ordered a bunch more. My strength, libido, and general well being have been unreal. Just blew the doors off my max high school bench press as a...
  14. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    well that's not a good sign! Someone PM me a sure thing legit source?
  15. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    It's a thin oil so you will need to spread around to avoid it going to waste. I rub in as best possible. It says it's a cream, but it is not. I do the entire shaft and just wait for the tissues to get the boost. You can literally feel it. Like its buzzing? Very pleasant and you get a good chubby...
  16. F

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    I had a very fast transaction with Russian Pep. Soon as order placed on site they sent a payment link for paypal. I took the chance and sent payment. Got a tracking number with photo of package a few days later. Got in the 35% dht "cream" its really an oil in a small bottle. 4-5 drops on the...
  17. F

    Stanozolol for Sexual Function?

    I'm working with pfs. Please update us on this. I may ask to try it. Concerned about the cholesterol impacts since I run high naturally.
  18. F

    Erection peptide: Pt-141

    Bac water from Amazon is easy and cheap compared to what these peptide companies charge. Ridiculous what pep science charges for bac.
  19. F

    22YO Natural Bodybuilder -- Seeking advice on Peptide Use

    Personally I'd be focusing on nutrition and training for longevity. Put yourself in a position that you can still be enjoying this lifestyle in 30 years. Watch some of Mike Ohearn and John Meadows on YouTube. Nothing wrong with peptides. Easy gains are gone. Good luck on your journey.
  20. F

    Positive first impression with PT-141

    Pt141 acts on the part of the brain that controls nausea and libido. That's why most get mild nausea from it. Try a much smaller dose and see how it goes. I get nausea for a few minutes. Nothing bad.
  21. F

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    She just started using scream cream from empower to go on top. Topical estrogen, pt141, 25mg V, and scream cream 30 min ahead. Largest most on fire pussy you'll ever see. Damn just thinking about it lol.
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    I've been very depressed. I don't know what to do.

    Hang in there. Any hormone replacement therapy will take time to work the kinks out. You'll see tons of posts from guys here trying to get themselves better so it's normal for it to be a process. Loosing a part of your body like that is a big deal. I can't imagine how must feel but you're not...
  23. F

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    First oxytin I tried was a sales sample from my dr, but I don't recall the manufacturer. Not a research product. I have oxytin and pt-141 from reputable peptide companies, and I find these two work incredibly well together. You know the 100% painfully hard erection we can wake up with? Finally...
  24. F

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    I combine almost daily. Started very slow over many days and worked up to what I feel is a good dose. I take 25-50 mg V almost every day. I'll take UP TO total of 100mg if I have something planned for later.... PT-141 does more for erection quality for me though. Really surprised at how...
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    Sildenafil / Apomorphine HCl combination

    I hope someone jumps in here with some experiences. I'm interested in the same question.
  26. F

    TRT shot frequency

    I was thinking the same thing. Problem is with shrinkage came very unpleasant feelings and lack of hang. Having a testicle try to bury itself in your pelvis isn't a good feeling. I'm using some hcg and peptides to make this better. The boys feel great when they's just how it is. I...
  27. F

    Current Techniques for the Objective Measures of Erectile Hardness

    Nelson, I'm interested in this tech so let us know how your experiments went. I'm curious if this device would help us objectively measure changes to lifestyle, meds, stress, etc? Seems like it could. Thanks
  28. F

    Is Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) Outdated?

    Had a DRE recently and found that I have a very tender prostate. Very uncomfortable under the pressure. That lead to some prostatitis discussions etc. It's quick and easy with no risk, so it seems like it's worth while to me.
  29. F

    Are you worried about being dependent on TRT during the upcoming trying times?

    I'm steady stocking up. I have a pharmacist that agreed to fill 1ml vial as two .3ml doses due to difficulty with those small vials. Every 90 day supply puts me 30 days ahead, which I put in my stock. Of course when or if something bad happens I'll be able to cut back and stretch it even...