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  1. M

    Lowering Test Cyp Dosage - Can't Sleep And Irritated

    agree...take the data from what he comes up with and use it. MM is what he is and I think he really gets into it. I would not want my wife to talk that way to me but I am fine with him on the forum and think he adds value.
  2. M

    Traveling with TRT

    If you are going to another country I would want it in the vial with the script on it. My wife and I went to Europe las summer for two months and zero issues but they did look it over.
  3. M

    Kyzatrex or Jatenzo

    I am at a total loss why you would change if you are so happy with what has worked.
  4. M

    Beta-blocker responsible for significant ED, searching for BP meds that don’t cause ED.

    I would be cautious with an injectable with that half-life. I just tried one Repatha injectable and 6 weeks later dealing with all sorts of bad sides. going to let my cholesterol run...sorry did not mean to hijack the thread but I am now real cautious with long half-life anything.
  5. M

    Detection of microplastics in the human penis

    Totally agree the plastic in the ocean is in our total control. Climate has changed for thousands of years.
  6. M

    Too much T3 causing high blood pressure?

    Why are you running it so high? Have you tested reverse T3? are these labs done 24 hours after your last dose? I would feel uncomfortable with T3 that high. How do you feel? You do not give your actual BP##.
  7. M

    Lowering Test Cyp Dosage - Can't Sleep And Irritated

    do you stay well hydrated? I drink 6 liters of water per day and it keeps my hematocrit around 42. A friend only drinks about 1.5 liters and he cannot figure out why he has high hematocrit.....
  8. M

    Best Sleep Supplements

    10mg? that must put you out the next day too???
  9. M

    Melatonin and Brain

    at 61 have been told I have dry eye macular degeneration so I am in a full court press making sure I am doing everything possible! Good to hear about this!
  10. M

    Growth hormone affecting sleep apnea and heart rhythm?

    BS totally fine. just really want to know any other issues just stopping after 7 years of 1.5iu daily.
  11. M

    Growth hormone affecting sleep apnea and heart rhythm?

    Can you just stop taking HGH if you were on a low dose of 1.5iu daily for last 7 years? I just have not seen any real benefits with it. My IGF-1 was 70-100 pre GH now 200. I stopped 3 days ago cold turkey. I see my heart rate already down and curious to see if I have less shortness of...
  12. M

    Swapping red meat for herring, sardines and anchovies could save 750,000 lives, study suggests

    Sorry Vince I stopped before I read when I saw it was from The Guardian.
  13. M

    Timing of blood draw

    Thank you. Yes, sorry I should have said Cypionate.
  14. M

    Anabolic steroid use can increase heart disease risk

    hate to admit but coffee is a problem in many ways. I cut back to 2 cups only now to see if that helps with afternoon fatigue and other....
  15. M

    Timing of blood draw

    I hate to ask but I was to had a mobile draw set at my home tomorrow and had a call from Quest they could no longer do it mobile...I had already done my 14mg daily injection today at 8:30am and then decided to just drive over to Quest and have them do the draw now. I normally do my draw 24 hours...
  16. M

    New Simple Prostatectomy Surgery is Minimally Invasive

    I have a friend that just had this robotic surgery last week. He seems to be doing very well and was released from the hospital after 2 nights.
  17. M

    Testosterone and prosocial behavior

    My neighbor just told me I should go on a testosterone suppressor to avoid prostate issues given I am 61 now. I just do not know how people can stay out of the sun not eat anything but plants, have wrinkles like she is 20 years older and think that is healthy?
  18. M

    Optimize Sleep for Enhanced Prostate Health and Testosterone

    MY main take away is you cannot have dessert and not impact your sleep for the worse. It is just NOT worth it after dinner 8:30pm...Funny he says 2 glasses of wine is gone in 3 hours as long as you hydrate with water....
  19. M

    Testosterone and prosocial behavior

    My wife is on full HRT including T cypionate. She is very level headed and only cares about the more important things in life.
  20. M

    Libido issue

    MM. that was my question......I know it will not do diddly for T levels.....but at 61 in reasonably decent shape zero stress now but a 35 year burn it 24-7 career, I am always working on fatigue and libido. I have a very attractive wife of 41 years we are pretty much together 24 hours a day and...
  21. M

    Libido issue

    so you feel tribulis helps libido? I have heard it may boost T levels but did not consider given I take T cypionate. any sides from it? any other intel on Trib?
  22. M

    Men on NDT, what dose are you taking?

    I had slightly elevated TSH over 5....I kept trying to eliminate fatigue but did not find that it helped much but I do take 60mg to keep my numbers in range. I am 61 that had a hard 30 year career that did not help my health.
  23. M

    Men on NDT, what dose are you taking?

    I am now on a low dose of Armour 60mg. My TSH is 1.3 FT3 is 3.4 FT4 .8 typical RT3 is like 13. I have tried up to like 180mg but did not feel any better at high doses.
  24. M

    Armour thyroid dose

    if the FT3 and FT4 were the same before you took anything then I would cut back to 1 grain and see what they does. I was always trying to find more energy in getting a higher FT3 and never worked. I take 1 grain and get 3.3 FT3 and .8 FT4 and 3.5 TSH....ask your doctor but I would be careful...
  25. M

    Armour thyroid dose

    Do you have a full set of labs for thyroid? hard to believe at 4 grains....
  26. M

    Do I have T3 pooling?

    You have not said anything about how you feel???
  27. M

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    it is hard for me to say! I am now 61 and ran hard in business for 35 years before walking away 5 years ago...I just do not have near the energy I had and cannot tell if Nebivolol has added to that or is it just age....either way I want to keep my RHR and BP in a comfortable zone. Sometimes I...
  28. M

    Testosterone mixed with MCT oil

    I appreciate the input we get here. I also like Madman and his snarky comments keeps me laughing and coming back for more. Have a great day everyone!
  29. M

    Why do so many Quit TRT?

    it was over a couple of years and now coming up on ten years. This along with just better everything it now stays in a tight range 4.8-5.1. I think gut health impacts so many things including your glucose levels.
  30. M

    Daily Baby Aspirin?

    I have noting to back it up but feel there is better blood flow in all the right places.
  31. M

    Bone/ joint growth, not arthritis - what is it?

    I do not have any idea but can you tell a little about your self? age? on TRT? lifestyle? career?