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  1. Kirk001

    Did anyone who started TRT have a decent libido before hand?

    I don't think this makes you any less of a candidate for treatment. Besides, to me, the thing that determines your libido is your desire to have real sex, not your desire for masturbation. I would say that I have a low libido, and yet still masturbating 3 times per week would be normal for me...
  2. Kirk001

    Syringe accuracy for Test Inj???

    This is why you should inject directly into the testicles, half your dose in each one :cool:
  3. Kirk001

    Finally dialed in after 2 years (my current protocol)

    Good to hear :D So how much of the CALM are you doing and do you inject right before bed? I was considering that as well...
  4. Kirk001

    Decision Time: T-Cyp or Clomid

    At 55, unless you are wanting kids, don't waste your time with Clomid.
  5. Kirk001

    4 Week Results are In...What to Make of It?

    Hang on let me go grab some popcorn ;)
  6. Kirk001

    Opinion Needed About Taking Testosterone

    I don't know how much research you've done into all this stuff but I would do a ton of reading and this site is a great place to start. I'm going to disagree with some of the others and say I like how this doc is thinking. It's still a serious decision that you have to weigh and get as much info...
  7. Kirk001

    Hidden Benefits of Being on TRT

    That confidence and different quality of interactions with females is definitely something I'm hoping for!
  8. Kirk001

    Need help with testosterone dosage

    Welcome. I don't know about attaching images for labs, I usually just type out the info rather than trying to use an image. So I think maybe you are confusing LH and FSH. The pituitary makes both and they go to the testicles. There the FSH stimulates Sertoli cells for sperm production and the...
  9. Kirk001

    Need help with testosterone dosage

    The numbers are hard to read but it looks like your Estradiol, Sensitive is 33.1, which is not high unless you are experiencing some estrogenic symptoms. Nelson's target range is 20 - 40, and a lot of guys on here have numbers that are much higher that that. Your LH and FSH are practically...
  10. Kirk001

    Full Lab Results from LabCorp/Defy - Delayed?

    This is just LabCorp policy I think, not optional, as it also works this way when you order through Discounted Labs. They get the results and can email them to you a few days before they will show up in the LabCorp patient portal. And yeah I assume that is the reason. If the lab results are...
  11. Kirk001

    Intro Thyroid Labs

    Yeah my multivitamin is definitely not giving me those amounts. Thanks for the input guys.
  12. Kirk001

    Am i heading in the right direction?

    Wow sounds like you've had a rollercoaster of a year. I too have had anxiety get worse since starting hormone treatment, but I'm on clomiphene not testosterone. Clomiphene has some particular side effects of anxiety / depression / enhanced estrogenic effects I think though so it's not directly...
  13. Kirk001

    How was your journey in the beginning?

    Started out on clomiphene and anastrozole about a month ago. It's done great things for my numbers... total testosterone something like 400% of where it started, free T over 2% of total, estradiol not too high... But I do not feel better in any way. By every measure, I feel the same as before...
  14. Kirk001

    Anyone switch from Clomid to HCG?

    I don't see why guys would want to bother with clomiphene or HCG monotherapy if fertility is not a concern, or unless their doctor gave them no other choice. But then again I'm probably biased since clomiphene was such a failure for me. I guess it's about making a risk vs reward judgement on...
  15. Kirk001

    Intro Thyroid Labs

    Any recommendations or guidelines for amounts? I'm already getting zinc and selenium in my multivitamin, but it seems like in general most guys tend to supplement things at amounts way higher than what you get in a typical multivitamin.
  16. Kirk001

    Optimal vs Normal Thyroid Levels for All Lab Tests & Ages

    Thanks :cool: So it seems like thyroid meds and testosterone and suppression of natural production work about the same... With both if you were to taper off and stop your exogenous supply, your natural production should increase to wherever it would have been at that point if you had never...
  17. Kirk001

    Intro Thyroid Labs

    So I know you guys are going to say to get more tests done, and I agree and I will but all these tests ain't cheap, so for now this is what I've got: TSH 3.61 uIU/mL (0.45 - 4.50) Free T3 3.0 pg/mL (2.0 - 4.4) Free T4 1.32 pg/mL (0.82 - 1.77) It looks like based on...
  18. Kirk001

    Optimal vs Normal Thyroid Levels for All Lab Tests & Ages

    I'm also interested in finding the answer to this question
  19. Kirk001

    Almost one year on TRT... struggling to find balance

    Just a thought... I would focus on that period when I felt great. What meds was I on? Had they reached steady state or were they decreasing/increasing concentration? Get those half-life/steady state numbers and break out a spreadsheet to try to determine what were the concentrations of all your...
  20. Kirk001

    Need answers while I have the energy to do something about it...

    Well of course with any grey market or black market meds, aside from potential legal issues, you have the problem of not being sure you're really getting what you ordered. I just posted these in another thread but we have the Lipschultz study and also user experiences from here showing that you...
  21. Kirk001

    Clomiphene and Anxiety / Negative Thoughts

    Same boat as me huh... well did you switch to test and feel better?
  22. Kirk001

    Clomiphene and Anxiety / Negative Thoughts

    16 days in now. Took 0.125mg anastrozole on days 11 and 14. I feel a little better since adding in the AI, but still nothing good to report and still feeling worse off than before I started. Spoke with a nurse on the phone and I told her that because of the negative effects of the clomiphene...
  23. Kirk001

    A little help my Russian is rusty

    Hmm strange. Mine's rusty as well but I can see on the boxes it looks like Doxazosin-Flo, 30 tablets each at 2mg.
  24. Kirk001

    Please Help: Testosterone Protocol Advice Needed (Low Libido)

    You should really get a semen analysis if fertility is a concern, which you can do through Discounted Labs if not through your current doctor. I don't think you mentioned getting one. Then you will see where you stand on that. Working with a doc who is knowledgeable in this area there might be...
  25. Kirk001

    The Stockholm-3 Model for Prostate Cancer Detection

    Well this is the problem we already have with the current standard which is the PSA test. It looks like this Stockholm-3 testing could lead to fewer unnecessary biopsies and less overtreatment. But it's the same over here, breast cancer gets FAR more publicity and funding than prostate cancer.
  26. Kirk001

    Please Help: Testosterone Protocol Advice Needed (Low Libido)

    High LH pre-treatment and also the fact that his pretty large HCG protocol failed to raise T levels at all... definitely seems to indicate primary.
  27. Kirk001

    Why take Clomid if your E is already low?

    I think he's saying that clomid/SERMs "fool" the hypothalamus and pituitary into seeing less estrogen and therefore you get more GnRH and then more LH/FSH and then more T. But if estrogen is already low then how does it work? I'm no expert but I think it's still the same basic deal... estrogen...
  28. Kirk001

    Clomiphene and Anxiety / Negative Thoughts

    I also posted my current situation over at PeakT forums and Dr. Saya responded, stressing the extra demand for estrogen control on clomid due to the E agonist impact of the zuclomiphene isomer. So I'm taking his advice, I bit the bullet and took 0.125mg anastrozole this evening. Will see if that...
  29. Kirk001

    Clomiphene and Anxiety / Negative Thoughts

    Thanks guys and thanks for weighing in, Nelson. My pre-treatment lab for DHEA-S was 228.0 ug/dL (102.6-416.3). I don't really know what the optimal range for DHEA is but my provider thought I was a bit low. As I said though I have not started taking any supplemental DHEA yet because I wanted to...
  30. Kirk001

    Clomiphene and Anxiety / Negative Thoughts

    So I'm 10 days into my first experience with hormone therapy. The protocol given to me was 15mg clomiphene ED, 25mg DHEA ED, and 0.125mg anastrozole as needed. So far I have only taken the clomiphene. While waiting for the meds to arrive I did some research and asked in the forums. DHEA seems...