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  1. JayD

    Thinking of quitting TRT

    Almost 2 years. No I never did on TRT. Never liked the fact my natural production was shut down. As I'm only secondary I suspect Kisspeptin10 may work for me
  2. JayD

    Thinking of quitting TRT

    I actually quit TRT about 3 weeks ago. Just on Kisspeptin10 now.
  3. JayD

    Thinking of quitting TRT

    I haven't had a blood test yet but will get one later this year
  4. JayD

    Thinking of quitting TRT

    8mg test cyp daily. TT 22 FT 620
  5. JayD

    Thinking of quitting TRT

    Yes its relatively new so not a lot on it. Stimulates LH and FSH opposed to HCG which just stimulates LH. I take 150mcg per week split into 50mcg Mon Wed Fri in a 0.3 insulin syringe. I bought my first vial from Lotus peptides in the UK, but now buy it directly from a lab in China.( Can PM you...
  6. JayD

    Thinking of quitting TRT

    I had these symptoms for over a year until I switched to daily subq injections with an insulin syringe. The fatigue and slow recovery and poor mood was horrible. I was ready to quit TRT aswell. Took around another 3-4 months on dailies before I felt the positive effects of TRT that people talk...
  7. JayD

    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    My wife had success with Kisspeptin10
  8. JayD

    Add HCG or Testosterone

    So I'm damned if I do an damned if I Don't. At this point I felt better before TRT, as the only thing it has done is reduce my anxiety. But I can't live like this with constant fatigue, and 3 days to recover from an average gym workout.
  9. JayD

    Add HCG or Testosterone

    If you add HCG to a protocol will it further lower ferritin and raise haemoglobin and RBC ? I have ordered some HCG from Radiance internationals in India, as not available in my country. Hopefully by adding this to my protocol I can raise my testosterone, but not all the other annoying stuff...
  10. JayD

    TRT + Low Dose SSRI ...anyone doing this protocol?

    Try Sam E starting at 200mg once per day
  11. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Just thought I would give an update, as I hate it when someone leaves a post like this then disappears. Since lowering my dose from 8 to 7mg daily, as well as adding in 25mg of bisglycinate iron all of my symptoms have disappeared. Looking forward to my next bloods to see how things are...
  12. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Once i have reached the desired blood levels of iron, say for example 80-90. What would be the dosing regime moving forward, provided i kept my testosterone dosage the same? Wont it just keep rising with a daily dose of 25mg?
  13. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    How long would it typically take one to raise iron levels from 59 to say 70-80 using 25mg Bisglycinate(taken with 1000mg vit c on empty stomach)of iron per day?
  14. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    it was about 3-4 years ago i played around with compounded cream. I cannot remember specifics. My doctor said blood work was good at the time. It got my total testosterone up to around 16-17. Unfortunately i have a super sensitive constitution to alcohol, drugs etc etc. coupled with lifelong...
  15. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    I was on the cream for around 3 months until It became absolutely unbearable, I really dug deep to make it work. I have felt slight better over the last few days since dropping my dose and adding 25mg of bisglicinate iron Time will tell
  16. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    The thing is i have been on injectable cypionate for almost a year with no issue. These symtoms have only just arisen over the last few weeks. Scrotal cream was the opposite for me, it was a hideous experience of highs, lows, insomnia & anxiety.
  17. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    I forgot to add, when I wake in the middle of the night for a pee, I have noticed in the mirror that the whites of my eyes are pink and feel irritated. So weird
  18. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    So I skipped my dose today and feel good, just a dull headache which was transient. I'm lowering my dose to 7mg, hopefully this resolves it.
  19. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Are you low in these hormones? Or were you just experiencing?
  20. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Do you supplement with pregnenolone? I see a lot of guys that don't use HCG often supplement with 5-100mg per day. Everytime I try to take it with 5/10/50mg it gives me a poor night's sleep along with just feeling out of sorts.
  21. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    I completely agree. I just don't understand how this has happened on such a small dose of 8mg per day. My total T is also only 16(450). I have now lowered my dose to 7mg per day, plus added in 25mg of bisglicinate iron supplement. Will get bloods done in 6 weeks
  22. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Haha lucky it's only 3 days
  23. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    No I haven't. I guess this is something I could try
  24. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Yeah I hear ya. I have actually already reduced my dose from 10mg to 8mg for this very reason. I intend to lower it now again to 7mg. I know from experience by adding prolactin back in, this gives a small boost to my total testosterone. Hopefully 7mg is the sweet spot or im possibly done with...
  25. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Is a low dose typically around 25mg per day? And how long would it typically take to get my levels up to say 80 from 59? I just read online some fella promoting a method of 70mgs 3 times a day for 3 days, that can bump your iron up 10 points? Is this safe?
  26. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Thanks for this insight do you think I should start taking a daily iron supplement? My Ferritin before TRT was 189 i also forgot to add I have developed slight tinnitus in my left ear
  27. JayD

    Over the last week i have felt out of sorts

    Hi Guys Over the last week i have felt out of sorts and are experiencing the following side effects, i believe it is possibly Testosterone related. I give myself my injection at 8am every morning and by around 1030-11am i am experiencing mild symptoms of Headache, nausea, anxiety, brain fog...
  28. JayD

    SubQ experience?

    Do you take any supplements like pregnenolone, progesterone etc?
  29. JayD

    Keto and libido??

    I was on keto for a few years but have since transitioned to a high fat protein low carb diet, for the past 3 years. I mainly eat animal based red meat, chicken, pork, fish, organic milk, butter, cream cheese, Atkins bread, low carb potatoes, keto wraps, keto crackers, veges(broccoli...