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  1. R

    Natesto Success Stories

    Thanks! You got the headache from the beginning or it developed after?
  2. R

    Natesto Success Stories

    Hi how's the natesto going for you ? Are you still on it? I tried it so far 3 months it's great.
  3. R

    Does anyone know a good hormone doctor for women in New York?

    I appreciate the help guys thanks allot. If anyone else has other options we're willing to find the best option.
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    Does anyone know a good hormone doctor for women in New York?

    Thanks. Do you have any experience with her?
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    Does anyone know a good hormone doctor for women in New York?

    Does anyone know a good hormone doctor for women in New York? If not what type of doctor should i be seeking out for hormones for ladies?
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    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    My wife age 37 gets very close to climax but has hard time reaching there. Even when she gets there it takes her very long.Any supplements or suggestions are highly welcome. Or a link to a prior post about this also would be helpful. Ty
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    TRT used as birth control?

    Just another note. I restarted hcg to see if that was the real culprit and all issues came back. So for it me it was clear
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    TRT used as birth control?

    ED, loss of sensitivity, leg edema, loss of libido. I was trying to fix those issues by taking pt141 which did help a little but once i stopped the hcg everything resolved with only taking testosterone. Everything is great with only fertility being the issue. I haven't experienced any side...
  9. R

    TRT used as birth control?

    Well I'm trying to get my wife pregnant and hcg gives me terrible side effects. I hope i will be from the minority who are able testosterone alone. Is there anything else i can take besides hcg if I'm looking for fertility?
  10. R

    Testosterone leakage

    How close to the skin do you pinch? And is it still working for you
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    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    Like 3 months. I only had in legs
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    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    Yes even less than that. Never tested shbg
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    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    Tried different protocols but worked best for me is daily test cyp injections of 16mg. Hcgs tried all different from 500 three times a week to 100 per day three times a week. Always gave me ed , water retention and a lack of sensitive. Once i stopped everything fixed. Thanks to systemlord for...
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    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    Hi it took me a few months to realize that hcg was causing all my issues but once i stopped it trt was the best thing that improved my quality of life. And yes I'm the beginning when i had issues i would be on this forum. Once i figured it out i hardly look at this forum so you never know how...
  15. R

    Unlocking the secrets of nitric oxide

    Hi madman. You are very knowledgeable and have a lot of wisdom to share. My problem is i don't have time to watch all these videos or studies that you post. If you can do us busy men a favor. When posting a study or video can you first summarize the conclusions in your own words in simple...
  16. R

    Here's an easy way how to get the last drops out of the vial

    Yeah i tried that initially but the needle keeps coming out. I guess i don't know how to do it. This way i found to be much easier
  17. R

    Improved penis sensitivity with HGC while on TRT

    I've had a similar experience as you in the beginning but after a few weeks hcg was causing me Ed. Just making you aware because it took me fine to figure that out. Hope that doesn't happen to you and hcg is your solution. I'm using pt-141 now and that's helping me regain sensitivity. Good luck
  18. R

    Here's an easy way how to get the last drops out of the vial

    Here's good advice if you want to get the last 5-10 units from the vial without them going to waste. Remember as she says this should only be done when you're done the whole bottle . To open the bottle early you'll risk serious contamination and infection.
  19. R

    Does testosterone cause swelling of feet? How to fix

    What helped me also is socks that are compression socks for the ankles. I bought them on Amazon and it made a big difference.
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    HCG one week per month?

    Thanks i tried low daily doses and still i got ed.
  21. R

    HCG one week per month?

    I've had the same issue as you. Thanks to systemlord who pointed out that hcg can cause ed. Luckily it took me a few months to figure it out. Not a few years. Luckily so far i didn't see atrophy. But im planning on having more kids. I might try enclomiphene. Worst case scenario I'll go on it...
  22. R

    Does testosterone cause swelling of feet? How to fix

    Hi i raised my feet during sleep and it basically fixed the issue. Do i still need the test
  23. R

    Ankle swelling after starting testosterone injections

    Thank you. I raise my feet at night and it helped tremendously. Do i still need to take this test?
  24. R

    Does testosterone cause swelling of feet? How to fix

    That's what I'm saying. I didn't gain weight . I tried taking an over the counter diuretic a half dose and i got dehydrated for two days from it. So I'm not sure if it's water retention
  25. R

    Does testosterone cause swelling of feet? How to fix

    Do you think it's fluid retention if it's only my feet and ankles mainly that are swollen. Nothing else is swollen
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    Does testosterone cause swelling of feet? How to fix

    My feet are a little swollen on testosterone and i recently got a bad cellulitis ( which might be due to the swollen feet). Any ideas how to prevent this from happening? I would like to hear medicine ideas or any supplements that are over the counter. I hope this resolves over time. I'm on trt...
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    ED with Enclomiphene and HCG

    Hcg gives me Ed. Tested it multiple times because i wouldn't believe it due to all the positive reports here on HCG but after many experiments for me that was the culprit. Tried lowering to a very low dose but the same results happened.
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    Pt141 - anyone had normal success without taking over his life?

    Peptide sciences is a reliable company?
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    Pt141 - anyone had normal success without taking over his life?

    Where do you buy it from? I got from defy it's pretty expensive
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    Pt141 - anyone had normal success without taking over his life?

    Thank you for that helpful information. How long have you used it for? I'm wondering(and worried) if it's gonna eventually stop working . Did you get nausea? And if yes how did you control it? What's the dose you take