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  1. C

    Chris Aceto Carb Cycling Diet

    No cookie cutter approach to dieting, that is what works one stage during the season or next season ,may not work again,or at least the same.The body adapts ,therefore change is necassary
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    Is dhea an androgen?

    Not exactly ,prasterone is used as asuppository for women menapause
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    Is dhea an androgen?

    Yes they do,but when they make false medical reports that effect your treatment,it is not amusing
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    My doctor reported I was on dhea and prasterone. Is this correct since I only reported that I was taking dhea?

    My doctor reported I was on prasterone. I feel this is misleading,since I only told him I was taking she's,and prasterine is a drug used for women. Can I use him?
  5. C

    Is dhea an androgen?

    I went to a doctor to assess my spine injuries. He asked me what meds I take,I listed she's as one. But on his report he said it was prasterone,my understanding is that prasterone is mostly used for women and so I don't think he was justified in stating that I wasvtak
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    Is dhea an androgen?

    Everytime I tell a doctor I took she's,they state it is an androgen and is unsafe. Is dhea an androgen,I always looked at it as an adrenal.hormone much like cortisone
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    Trt at 61

    But I was interested in trt, just that doctors that I see are against it
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    Trt at 61

    No ,never done yet. Doctors say my test is too high
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    Trt at 61

    Hi everyone,hope everyone is well. Just wanted to share my experience. My labs say I have 590 total test, 72 free test. That was 6 weeks ago, when coincidentally is the last time I I ejaculated by myself sob,sob. 6 weeks ago I decided to try semen retention, so have not ejaculated for 6 weeks. I...
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    Dhea raises PSA levels

    In a addition dhea has been known to raise igf 1,which effects prostate growth
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    Dhea raises PSA levels

    In my opinion no. The conversion of dhea to estradiol or even dht can effect the prostate.PSA can be a response to inflammatio, and intestinal or urinary tract infections can raise it also
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    Dhea raises PSA levels

    Meanwhile my PCP said he wants to see my PSA drop in a few months ,in order to consider giving me trstosterone
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    Dhea raises PSA levels

    Well I went of dhea for 4 weeks and got my blood tested. My PSA dropped to 2.9. I started taking dhea again and my PSA went to 3.8. I will go off the dhea for 6-8 weeks and get my blood tested again
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    Dhea raises PSA levels

    I was taking 25 mgs of dhea every morning, it raised my PSA level from 2.7 to 3.8 . I have since stopped,anyone knows why this happened?
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    50-year-old muscles just can’t grow big like they used to.

    See the thing is as you get older the body loses work capacity. Just imagine how you played outside,wrestled,jump and ran all day when young. Now it is just sit and watch. So how can we increase work capacity? Only way is to work more gradually,using a way that is safe and uses basic movements...
  16. C

    Hi I am a 60 year old male with 8.2 free test level

    Well my blood work resulted in 590 total test and 8.2free test. Lh and fh levels were ok, but my progesterone and prolactin is high. Do I need try?