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  1. D

    Anastrazole makes me so tired

    I try not to take too much anastrozole. I take a once weekly dose of T and then .25mg anastrozole the day after injection. When I take the anastrozole, sometimes I think it decreases the libido spike I might feel after the injection. Is that possible? I think the only time the anastrozole...
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    Question TRT , venous leak, and penile implants

    I asked urologists the same question. Sometimes it comes from an accident or injury. Other times it simply comes with wear and tear or aging. There is really no explanation. I'm in my 40s and in good health as far as I know Basically its when the corpus cavernosa (the chambers) in the penis...
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    Question TRT , venous leak, and penile implants

    Thank you. How do I email you or find your email address? Still learning how to manuever this forum.
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    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    Thank you very much. I posted three times partly because I wasn't sure if I posted in the right place, or maybe wasn't clear with the title. Quick question-- Why wouldn't I want to start the smaller twice weekly injections on Thursdays after my last Monday weekly injection, when my T would...
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    TRT and venous leak

    Are there any guys on this forum who are on TRT and dealing with a venous leak at the same time? I'd be interested in hearing your experience and knowing how you judge the right TRT regimen.
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    Would like to know why some men choose more frequent injections at smaller does like twice weekly or E3D. Thinking of going to twice weekly

    Greetings all. I am on a once weekly injection schedule with 150mg of T cyp on Mondays, then .25mg anastrozole on Tuesdays, and .1mg anastrozole on Fridays and Sundays. This causes my T to range from approx 1200 at peak and 500 seven days later before next injection. Is this a normal swing...
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    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    On once weekly, I usually feel a libido spike the day of injection or the next day. I take 150 mg (.75cc) on the once weekly shot. I then take .25mg of anastrozole the day after injection, but sometimes I sense the anastrozole decreases the libido spike. Would the libido be more consistent on...
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    Venous Leakage: The Cause of Your ED?

    So these posts lead me to a question. How does a person judge which TRT dosage regimen is best when you also have venous leak.? If a guy has always associated libido with getting an erection, then if you are not getting a good erection because of a venous leak, it can make you think your TRT...
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    At my wits end - progressively cannot achieve an erection

    Have you ever been tested for a venous leak? If your hormone levels are normal and you're having erection problems, you could have a penile occlusive venous leakage.
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    Thinking of going back to twice weekly injections-- your thoughts? And trying to judge the right TRT regimen when you have a venous leak

    I have been on TRT for about 4-5 years now. I am thinking of going back to twice weekly injections. Have been doing once weekly for about 1.5 years now. I inject .75cc of T cyp on Mondays, take .25 mg of anastrozole on Tuesday or Wednesday, then .1mg anastrozole on Friday and Sunday. When I...
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    Question TRT , venous leak, and penile implants

    Is there anyone in this forum who has dealt with a venous leak and chosen to get a penile implant? Would you be willing to share your experience? I am on TRT but have been diagnosed with a venous occlusive leak which prevents me from keeping an erection. For a long time I was wondering why my...
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    How does the release of testosterone work after injections?

    For my own knowledge, let me ask you guys something. When T cyp is injected into the body, I understand it peaks at 48-72hrs. Does it release all the T at one time, or does it spread out the release of T in more of a timed fashion? I was told that T cyp is timed to release throughout the...
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    Nelson, I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on these numbers. I've learned much from this forum. In the beginning of my TRT experience I was taking 150-200mg once a week and getting TT levels of 800-1200 and feeling pretty good, in th gym, with energy, etc. When E2 levels got in...
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    mg change and total test

    I started TRT with that same dose. How do you keep your E2 in check with that? Has your estradiol not elevated?
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    The only things I ever had measured pre TRT was TT, FT, LH,FSH, and PSA, and CVC. My pre TRT testosterone was 159 and 238.
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    Jackie, those are not pre TRT numbers. Those are numbers while doing .2cc E3D, mixed with sporadic use of anastrozole. Next blood test will be mid January on a stable .3cc (60 mgs) twice a week. I've committed not to change anything for four weeks. Those previous numbers show me why I...
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    Your Experience with Defy

    Thanks Nelson. I took it with a grain of salt, but I take my health seriously and always like to research something before I do it. Especially since learning there was so much I did not know or was not told before starting TRT. I have even done things that have hurt my TRT because I did not...
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    Your Experience with Defy

    I just googled Defy and came across this link, not sure what to think. Does anyone know anything about...
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    Defy Medical

    Sorry. I think I worded that wrong. I read that they want to be able to send your lab results to your local PCP so they are informed. Not necessarily work with the PCP. Unless I misinterpreted what I read.
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    Yes, I see what you're saying. That's what I did in the beginning of TRT two years ago. I took 150-200mgs once a week which got my TT between 800-1100 and estradiol 40s and I had good energy, never tired. I only started with Anastrozole after some issues with erection and libido. When that...
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    Vince, so what do I do about that? My DHT and DHEA have rarely been measured. It was only measured this time because I requested it.
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    Defy Medical

    Nelson, I am most likely going to do a consultation with Defy. Your post mentioned that ExcelMale members get a discount on the consultation? I notice Defy still wants to work with your PCP. Do you know of some good TRT docs in St Louis area?
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    Guys, I told you I'd post my most recent bloodwork I got back today. But as I said I don't know how helpful it will be because it was during the time I was changing my dosages frequently---- I was doing. 3cc or .25cc twice weekly and using .25mg of anastrozole when I felt I needed it, then...
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    Does anyone do well on weekly injections?

    Thank you guys for sharing, and Jackie, Coastwatcher, Bballer, and EROs, etc. I get the message and the spirit in which it is shared is accepted. I don't mind plain talk. I should not have kept changing so frequently. I should have stayed on the regimen I was on a year ago. Thanks for...
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    Symptoms of high and low E2

    Thank you. So, from what I'm reading, does HCG also help with libido. I know any libido issues are hormonal, because I don't have any other medical issues, no diabetes, blood flow is OK, had stress test, etc.
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    New to Forum with some questions on TRT regimen.

    Thank you EROS and others, I do appreciate your comments. I am having to think this through because I thought my E2 was too high but you're saying it is too low. Even at E2 of 69 I still had same issues of erection and libido which I interpreted to be too high E2. I also had the same...
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    Anastrozole or not

    ERO, yes I do understand. But if I'm not having morning erections, isn't that a sign of high E2? Also, Where does the T/E ration of 14-20 come from?
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    Symptoms of high and low E2

    Jackie, I do realize I need to be more patient. It's just that whenever there was a libido or erection issue, the lab test (standard) always showed my E2 was high 30s or low 40s or above. That's why I concluded that my E2 was too high and I would lower my T dose or use AI. But now some of...
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    Symptoms of high and low E2

    Jackie, I have read about HCG and I think I pretty much understand its use. The reason I was given as to why my local clinic doesn't use it is they say it is really only for guys want to maintain a sperm count and plan to have more children. So they don't offer it.
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    Your Experience with Defy

    Bballer, this is a self pay, and I realize it is a pretty good price. But they are growing and the doc is not in the clinic much because this is not what he does full time. So the more it grows, I wonder how much individualized attention I'll be able to get. They didn't test my E2 in the...
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    Symptoms of high and low E2

    Did HCG make a difference for you?