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  1. J

    32 year old (labs improved from last year). Now what?

    Im younger than you but my levels were similar to yours. I started trt and Its been great. I would say that testosterone isnt a fix for everything. Your moodiness might get worse if your dosage isn't right. People say theres no such thing as roid rage and trt will make your mood better but I...
  2. J

    lowered test cyp dose caused water retention?

    Hi guys. I had some blood work done on my trough day the results were as follows: total test 862ng/dl (254-916) free test 28.5pg/ml (9.3-26.5) estradiol sensitive 36.5pg/ml (8-35) shbg 19.3nmol/l (16.5-55.9) psa .6 ng/ml (0-4) tsh 2.6 (.45-4.5) free t3 2.6pg/ml (2.0-4.4) free t4 1.09ng/dl...
  3. J

    Six months on TRT and feeling great!

    Good to hear you have found success with your treatment!
  4. J

    Article: How to Increase Muscle Pump /Strength at the Gym

    Whenever I take t3 I can’t get a pump for the life of me! Anything over 5mcg and I’m flat.
  5. J

    Article: How to Increase Muscle Pump /Strength at the Gym

    Vince if i remember correctly you take thyroid medication along with trt. Have you noticed a difference in muscle pump while taking thyroid medication?
  6. J

    my bloods , libido issues

    What did you use for your blast?
  7. J

    Question about what my physician is telling me. PLEASE HELP

    Sounds like you went through normal puberty. Muscle gain is not a great indicator of puberty. Many males are very thin at puberty.
  8. J

    Question about what my physician is telling me. PLEASE HELP

    When did you start puberty? I have a friend that didn't start puberty till he was 19-20. When it started though it hit hard and now he's actually very masculine.
  9. J

    Have to lower my Testosterone dosage

    I wouldnt change protocols. Who knows, maybe your wife will have a change of heart.
  10. J

    Trt 6 week blood work please HELP

    The higher your body fat the higher the dose of testosterone required to reach optimal levels. Check out, "get more out of your steroids lose weight first"
  11. J

    TRT is decreasing my testosterone levels

    It's sad that there are Drs out there are still this clueless on how to administer trt. The problem is you are injecting too infrequently. At the very least you need to inject once per week. Start with 100mg testosterone per week. If your Dr is not keen on injecting at least once a week please...
  12. J

    Varicocele and T

    I had microsurgurical varicocelectomy two years ago. It improved my sperm count but not my testosterone levels.
  13. J

    Sun Pharma from CVS bad quality? Changing effects after using

    JCUSN, small changes in dosing can have big effects on blood work.
  14. J

    Sun Pharma from CVS bad quality? Changing effects after using

    You're right, approved meds sold in US pharmacies should be spot on in dosing but it's not impossible for a medication to be "off". Matt porter actually documented this on his instagram. He switched to sun pharma from compounded testosterone cypionate from a trt clinic. On the sun pharma, a...
  15. J

    Sun Pharma from CVS bad quality? Changing effects after using

    I regularly used Watson from cvs but I once received sun pharma. I saw that it was made in India and I asked if I could switch it out for my regular Watson. I was told no. I called other pharmacies in the area asking if they had Watson and was treated very rudely. I guess people call pharmacies...
  16. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    I'm sorry to hear that. I just wish drs would tell their patients of these possible effects of thyroid medication. Before thyroid medication I was not insulin resistant. I'm don't think I'm insulin resistant now but now after I eat I get very sleepy sometimes. Sometimes I pass out after eating...
  17. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    I'm glad you feel well on your program. I believe you aren't insulin resistant because of your diet. If you ate a normal diet (most calories from carbs) you wouldn't feel well because of insulin resistance caused by high thyroid hormones. My issue is that people are shooting for higher numbers...
  18. J

    Should We Be Managing Estradiol and Hematocrit in Men on Testosterone Replacement?

    I would not be comfortable with my hormones at such high levels long term as Dr Nichols suggests. I understand that this field is ever changing but I'd rather shoot for high normal range not supraphysiologic.
  19. J

    Decreased testosterone, DHT and estradiol were associated with higher mortality in men.

    It would be nice to see the raw data used for this study.
  20. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    I had been taking 10 mcg t3 and 50 mcg t4. On this amount of medication I can't get a pump in the gym. I don't think it's a question of food intake because I've tried to increase my calories. I was getting in 450 grams of carbs per day but still no pump or fullness in the muscle. I was also...
  21. J

    Thyroid Therapy: Its Long-Term Effects

    15% of people who take levothyroxine do not convert well to t3. Blood work while on Levo would tell you if you convert well. I have seen that chart many times. Many people swear by it. The research I've done points to elevated thyroid levels within the normal range to negative health markers. I...
  22. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    Thanks for your responses. Do you take all your thyroid in the morning or do you split it up?
  23. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    Can you tell me if you're on thyroid meds and if so which ones? How long have you been on thyroid meds? Are you on trt? Do you get sleepy after large meals? Do your muscles feel flat? How are your pumps in the gym?
  24. J

    higher thyroid levels associated with insulin resistence

    So Ive done some research on "optimal thyroid levels" for some time now. I am a patient myself and I haven't had many benefits from thyroid medications. The only difference i notice is Im warmer and I sweat easier. This isnt about my symptoms yada yada... This is about what really is optimal...
  25. J

    Has TRT Caused Thyroid Problems For Me?

    Your thyroid looks great. I wish I had numbers like that
  26. J

    Thyroid Therapy: Its Long-Term Effects

    Your thyroid levels are perfect why would you want to medication?
  27. J

    Help! thyroid issues?!

    So along with trt I take 10mcg t3 and 50mcg t4 daily. I was prescribed this thyroid medication based on multiple tsh of 3.64, 3.48 (.45-4.5) and free t3 3.0 pg/ml (2.4-4.4). Before taking any thyroid medication the only symptom I had was being a bit cold. Since ive been taking this medication...
  28. J

    Blood work interpretation

    Ok gents I retested my total and free testosterone. The test was done right before my next injection. total testosterone 649 ng/dl 348-1148 free testosterone 20.8 pg/ml 9.3-26.5 So, the previous was inaccurate. I wanted to increase my dose but my numbers look good. What do you think?
  29. J

    Blood work interpretation

    Forget to mention I have bilateral varicoceles. Left side grade 3 right side grade 2. Both were repaired over a year ago but I had them since I was 13 years old. My urologist said the varicocele prevented the testicles from developing properly. After the repair there was no change in symptoms.
  30. J

    Blood work interpretation

    Chris, I did not have tgab antibodies. The TPO test was negative and my pcp said no further antibody testing was needed. I have not ran a reverse t3 either. I started having symptoms around 20 years old and my tsh was 2 at that time. Over the years my tsh kept going up. When it got to 3.64...
  31. J

    Blood work interpretation

    From my understanding t4 t3 won't cause any muscle loss if levels are kept physiological and you meet your calorie requirements.