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  1. J

    Scientists report that enzyme that alters testosterone to estrogen has big impact in healthy brain

    I took Arimidex for a few years along with my test cyp. I never used more than 1 mg per week. After about two years on Arimidex and test cyp I started noticed I would forget what I was saying mid sentence. This would happen multiple times a day. I had a feeling my estrogen wasn’t optimal but...
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    Highest numbers of total T and still be with in healthy range.

    True madman, I felt BETTER on 500mgs. Lol
  3. J

    Highest numbers of total T and still be with in healthy range.

    According to dr Keith Nichols, 2000ng/dL is optimal
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    2nd lab back 1100 total

    when you get your blood work done, post it so we can take a look.
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    2nd lab back 1100 total

    Did you reduce your dose to 100mg per week?
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    my trt protocol 75 mg e5 d t.e....beginning tired week 8 what change?updates..

    In post #9 you said you’re trying to gain weight, eating 2500 calories is not enough food to gain weight. I know we all have different metabolisms but 2500 calories is below maintenance for many guys. Don’t be shy to increase calories more.
  7. J

    2nd lab back 1100 total

    Did you have your blood draw on the day of your injection?
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    Sensitive Estradiol high what to do about i

    Klawler9, maybe you need to increase your testosterone dose? Not everybody is going to feel their best in the normal range. What is the normal range anyway? We all know the range is incorrect so why do people follow it so strictly. Don’t be scared to experiment. This is your protocol. This is...
  9. J

    Estrogen treatment to increase estradiol in men with low E2

    You stated the range of free t as 6.6-18.1. Are those numbers in pg/ml? I agree with userjoe, losing body fat might not decrease your estradiol at all. I believe that’s more of a bro science myth.
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    Low free t3 cardiovascular mortality

    Has your ldl gone down since starting thyroid hormone replacement? I’ve noticed my ldl is lower while taking thyroid replacement.
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    Just fot thyroid results, not sure next step

    If you feel fine then there’s no need to a do anything. Your numbers look good. Crash at mid day could be diet related.
  12. J

    Do estradiol levels "move" in parallel to test levels?

    E does follow T but E does linger. When I had to lower my testosterone dose I felt off for a week. I believe that’s because my estradiol was still elevated but my testosterone dropped so there was a short period of imbalance. After about a week my testosterone and estradiol found and equilibrium...
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    Low free t3 cardiovascular mortality

    An increase in cardiovascular mortality might not show as an increase in all cause mortality. Almost as if cardiovascular mortality is diluted when combined with all cause mortality but by itself it is still significant.
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    Low free t3 cardiovascular mortality

    On the other hand, compared to the highest FT3 tertile, the lowest FT3 tertile was associated with higher cardiovascular mortality, even after adjusting for confounders
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    Low free t3 cardiovascular mortality

    I was researching this topic and I found this study online. A few of you may know I questioned targeting higher free t3 during thyroid hormone replacement. Low free t3 and it’s effects on the cardiovascular system may have changed my mind. Theres accutually a good amount of research on this...
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    Vince's Thyroid Labs from 8/29/2018

    Did you speak with your dr about your results Vince?
  17. J

    Low SHBG high Free T Injection Protocol

    Have you ran thyroid labs? Hypothyroidism can lower SHBG.
  18. J

    Has anyone ever regretted TRT?

    After about a year on trt I started to regret going on. I learned later that ai’s weren’t necessary. When I dropped the ai libido and erectile function improved dramatically. I still have thyroid issues. I believe the body changes with time and we need slight changes in our protocol every once...
  19. J

    Take your thyroid meds before of after your Labs?

    I have seen that information on half lives before. I was trying rationalize why my levels were the same on twice the t3 dose. It could be that 5mcg is such a small dose that my thyroid is still active. When I increased to 10mcg my thyroid down regulated and the extra exogenous t3 made up the...
  20. J

    Take your thyroid meds before of after your Labs?

    When using 5 mcg t3 my fasting free t3 levels before taking medication were 3.0pg/ml (2.0-4.4 pg/ml). I increased the dose to 10mcg t3 and tested again, fasting, before taking medication. My result was still 3.0pg/ml. I could feel a difference going from 5 to 10 mcg but labs didn’t show a...
  21. J

    Increased insulin resistance when FT3 and FT4 at high end of normal has a lot of great information. There is a great article on high t3 correlating with insulin resistance. Vince, when to draw blood do you take your thyroid meds two hours before the blood draw? Or do you draw blood then take your thyroid meds?
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    Increased insulin resistance when FT3 and FT4 at high end of normal

    There are studies suggesting low free and total t3 can also cause insulin resistance. More research needs to be done.
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    Increased insulin resistance when FT3 and FT4 at high end of normal

    I believe this is a huge issue that no one talks about. Dragonbits thank you for posting this.
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    Increased insulin resistance when FT3 and FT4 at high end of normal

    Jay Campbell did a podcast on his own blood work and his fasting blood glucose was 110. He’s taking nature thyroid twice per day. He didn’t even comment on his blood sugar, just totally over looked it like it wasn’t a issue. He also intermittent fasts and eats low carb. Why is his BG so high?
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    Increased insulin resistance when FT3 and FT4 at high end of normal

    Google body composition and thyroid levels in men. They found that the men with higher levels of thyroid hormones had more body fat and less muscle mass than men with lower levels.
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    Increased insulin resistance when FT3 and FT4 at high end of normal

    I’ve been researching this topic for the past year. I actually posted a similar study a while ago. On the insert for most thyroid meds it states glucose levels can rise while taking medication. I have experienced insulin resistance while taking thyroid meds, it happened with months of use. It...
  27. J

    thoughts re my testosterone panel for defy ...

    Without the sensitive test I would be guessing. You said your not able to get the sensitive test? How long have you been on nandrolone?
  28. J

    thoughts re my testosterone panel for defy ...

    Nothings wrong with your prolactin. Problems with orgasm are probably from test and or estradiol being too low. Estradiol is not sensitive so we really don’t know your level. Why are you taking nandrolone? Defy prescribed that for you?
  29. J

    thoughts re my testosterone panel for defy ...

    60 mg of test per week is not very much. Hcg units are iu not mg.
  30. J

    Vince's testosterone panel from 6/12/2018

    Wow those labs look great. I’ve never seen estradiol in range with test levels that high without an ai.