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  1. Gianluca Bonetti

    Vit A/beta carotene supplementation help

    Hey Vince! yes absolutely, the benefit of betecarotene are mostly from the fruits and vegetable, study on betacarotene supplementation show no benefits or harm actually, not sure why it is always included in a multivitamin
  2. Gianluca Bonetti

    Vit A/beta carotene supplementation help

    if there is a Vitamin I understood I do not need to supplement with is Vit A/beta carotene, from my reading we do get plenty from diet and researches prove that unless illness or deficiency supplementing with it can be actually harmful long term so I decide I don't want that anymore....too bad...
  3. Gianluca Bonetti

    Help on creating my multivitamin

    thank you guys, wow on top of the multi you need supplemental b's? the lif ext 2 a day has plenty of b's, I really have to make up my mind about Vit A in supplement , all of my reading show just a good use of supplement when there is deficiency, harm on long use, high level of beta-carotene has...
  4. Gianluca Bonetti

    Help on creating my multivitamin

    thank you Vince! it does look pretty good actually, lots of Bs and b6, folate b12 are in the active form that is a good deal for sure, copper is missing though, I was looking at this one as a multi but Life ext is the deal btw them for sure, medical studies prove that supplementing with A it is...
  5. Gianluca Bonetti

    Help on creating my multivitamin

    Hey Vince yes I agree, or there is a nutrient missing or there is too much of something...I'll check that thank you!
  6. Gianluca Bonetti

    Help on creating my multivitamin

    I'm actually just changed my mind about that product above, too much B12....
  7. Gianluca Bonetti

    Help on creating my multivitamin

    After reading all the research on and on vitamins/minerals I made a personal understanding that the vitamins mineral worth to supplement with are C,D B complex Zinc/Copper, calcium/magnesium, iodine. Unfortunately I can't find a multi that has the formulation I want...
  8. Gianluca Bonetti

    General use Stop Aging Now multi360

    I have used for years a high potency multivitamin, I switch my thought about it and realized it is a waste of $ and vitamin, so I have been searching for something less expensive but balanced and I very like this formulation beside the Vit E in there which I would not want, I was actually...
  9. Gianluca Bonetti

    Peter Langsjoen, MD discusses why we should take Coenzyme Q10

    interestingly I was reading the 5 supplement to use over 40s and I decided to look into a few of them including coQ10, after almost a day of researching the difference btw ubiquinol and CoQ10 (ubiquinone) I decided to go with ubiquinol, for example life extension, for Parkinson related issue...
  10. Gianluca Bonetti

    what do you guys think about

    I have read Nelson suggesting so as I trust him I would trust this site, do you guys use it? I'm giving it a try but it seems hard for me not to think that some company may actually pay to favoritize their product, what is your experience? after all how can we sure that what is...
  11. Gianluca Bonetti

    NOW Sports Nutrition

    I will certainly give it a try
  12. Gianluca Bonetti

    NOW Sports Nutrition

    Hey Vince, sorry for super late response but I just realized now how to check previous posts I'm subscribed, I have seen that brand but actually never looked into it, do you use them?
  13. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    assuming you are saying to producing cortisol right?
  14. Gianluca Bonetti

    How to increase cortisol?

    hey Rocc I believe the same is happening to me, I had panic attacks before but now on TRT it probably feels different, anyways my cortisol drops dead about noon, what happen is as I encounter stress weather physical or mental I go into shock like I'm freezing, I become super weak and not able to...
  15. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    Hey Nelson I'm already on HCG, 350IU 3 x week, we are just trying to help adrenal produce more cortisol as it seems this low cortisol thing is creating me lots of truble
  16. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    well I'm just saying that my e2 may be higher now due to progesterone, that is why I feel more horny now maybe....yes I'm pretty sensitive to E2 the way that too high I get some type of anxiety and too low I get some other type of anxiety, but I really think the adrenal are causing me all the...
  17. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    consider that I started progesterone about two weeks a go so things like e2 may have changed......btw my Doc is Justin Saya so he know what we are doing
  18. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    sorry I had to copy and attach my blood work this way hope it is not too confusing, the discussion about hydrocortisone started because the feeling that I have, every time I start exercising or even putting my self into a stressful situation I freeze, meaning I literally have to stop what I'm...
  19. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    that for sure but Progesterone is a precursor to cortisol and since I didn't like the idea to try hydro cortisone to help my adrenal making more cortisol Doc put me on Progesterone to see if it helps, I probably should I have just listed to him, cause I don't think is working, maybe doing worse
  20. Gianluca Bonetti

    anyone on Progesterone? how do you feel?

    Hi guys, I'm on progesterone 7.5mg caps twice a day to try to have my adrenals making more cortisol, I'm also taking pregnenolone, doc wanted to put me on hydro cortisone but I was a bit scared of the idea so we decided to try with Progesterone. The first week I noticed right away that I was...
  21. Gianluca Bonetti

    HCG Efficacy: Should We Measure 17-OH-progesterone to Titrate HCG Dose?

    why not testing Pregnelonone to see if HCG is working?
  22. Gianluca Bonetti

    NOW Sports Nutrition

    I have started using NOW L-glutamine and L-citrulline a few months a go, there are relatively inexpensive and they are decent for the price for sure, but montiff amino acid are the absolute best, expensive though,
  23. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    that could probably be it, I should be waiting another 2/3 weeks to see levels, although I think I'll go ahead and switch back to IM injections cause SubQ make me feel even worse
  24. Gianluca Bonetti

    Pregnenolone – By Gene Devine

    I'm using a 50mg trochee compounded by pharmacy, half before brekfast and half before lunch, helps with mood and I believe libido as well, by the way I saw Pregnenolone sold in supplement form as pills, much cheaper then the trochee I buy from pharmacy, is it worth to spend over $40 a month for...
  25. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    yes with 200mg a week mt total was about 800 and not feeling good at all, just switched with about 65mg 3 x week subQ,
  26. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    that is interesting, do you believe that going months with high e2 like I did around 52 could be fine and feeling ok until a point when your body start showing all symptoms even though I started treat high E2 and numbers went down? like I would need now months of low E2 number to get rid of...
  27. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    Hi Guys, unfortunately my TRT hasn't been going well for several months now and really trying to figure things out with the Doc, so I had my last conversation with Doc Dr John Crisler not long time a go, my E2 levels on June was 27 pg/mL on a scale 8 to 35, last blood work LabCorp tested for...
  28. Gianluca Bonetti

    Is anyone a patient of Dr Rotman in NYC ?

    I had Doc Micheal Rotman when I was with he is pretty good and follows TRT protocols that work and he will prescribe what you need
  29. Gianluca Bonetti

    Does low estradiol cause joint pain in men because of inflammation?

    interesting, last summer mt total T was 1300 and E2 was around 50pg/mL and feeling great and I was pretty lean, now my T is about 700 my estrogen around 25, not feeling good at all and I do have water retention more now that my estrogen are low