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  1. Gianluca Bonetti

    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    wow 8gr I think that is too much, really
  2. Gianluca Bonetti

    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    so DHA expecially for brain health is quiet more important, a good fish oil then should be around 2:1 3:2 EPA/DHA ratio, damn I just bought something like 3:1 ratio
  3. Gianluca Bonetti

    Fish oil increasing cholesterol and suppress immune system??

    interesting, so let's say 3-4gr of the combined EPA/DHA would be the safe upper limit, I have read of people taking up to 6gr expecially when high HCT, so that is not a good deal, especially long term
  4. Gianluca Bonetti

    Fish oil increasing cholesterol and suppress immune system??

    I was searching on for a new and less expensive fish oil and I started reading about it, on the concern and cautions section consumerlab says, based on FDA recommendation, not to ingest more then 3gr of the combination of EPA/DHA to which max 2gr should be coming from supplement...
  5. Gianluca Bonetti

    COQ10 and Blood Viscosity

    I take q10 most for brain health and of course some cardiovascular, what about aspirin? would coq10 block the thinning action of aspirin as well? I was told from doc to take apirin till I donate cause my hematocrit is up at 51.1
  6. Gianluca Bonetti

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Doc. thank you very much for the help given and for recommending Doc. George Liakeas, I'm very pleased by the office visit I had with him
  7. Gianluca Bonetti

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Doc. thank you very much for the help given and for recommending Doc. George Liakeas, I'm very pleased by the office visit I had with him
  8. Gianluca Bonetti

    High hematocrit/Donation/Blood Clot

    Hi Vince, I believe most of the people who developed blood clots are plasma donor not blood, read the comments below the article
  9. Gianluca Bonetti

    High hematocrit/Donation/Blood Clot

    Hey thanks, I did it twice before but not I ran into these posts of people getting blood clots from donating....
  10. Gianluca Bonetti

    High hematocrit/Donation/Blood Clot

    yes, I found several people on line, not on TRT assuming, that after donating they actually developed blood clot, I know if you donate that would not make sense but apparently many people had this issue, just google "donating blood clot", although I'm just realizing now majority donate plasma...
  11. Gianluca Bonetti

    COQ10 and Blood Viscosity

    does Q10 have any benefits on blood viscosity?
  12. Gianluca Bonetti

    High hematocrit/Donation/Blood Clot

    unfortunately my hematocrit is up at 51 and need to let some blood out, I found several post of people on the web who got blood clot from donating, now I'm really scared, I'm already not doing well with TRT for already about a year and seriously thinking to give up as it is becoming time...
  13. Gianluca Bonetti

    Fish Oil and Hematocrit ?

    I use dr Sear fish oil, Omega RX expensive but not too much since with $48 a month I get 4gr of fish oil, I wanted to switch with Nordic Naturals but If I wanted to take 4gr it become expensive
  14. Gianluca Bonetti

    Fish Oil and Hematocrit ?

    lucky you, for me was the opposite, my first 10 months it was always about 47/48 after that it started going toward 49 now after a year I'm on 51
  15. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    I did not eat or ejaculate before blood work, not even ejaculated the day before, this is my first time testing for Prolactin, here my cortisol test was done in November 2016 Salivary Cortisol X4, Timed Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units #4 Salivary Cortisol <0.010 #3...
  16. Gianluca Bonetti

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hello Doc I was a patience of your till about a year an half a go through I find my self in NYC now and I need to do a therapeutic phlebotomy as my hematocrit is up at 51.1, unfortunately I can't donate, Do you know any place I could get that done? thank you
  17. Gianluca Bonetti

    Ask The Urologist Anything (Dr Michael Rotman)

    Hello Doc I was a patience of your till about a year an half a go through I find my self in NYC now and I need to do a therapeutic phlebotomy as my hematocrit is up at 51.1, unfortunately I can't donate, Do you know any place I could get that done? thank you
  18. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    thank you John, I thought several times to quit TRT cause it became too complicated and I do not feel good, like I responded to Vince, my first 10 months on TRT I was on 100mg twice a week HCG 350 3 x week mt TT was up at 1200 my E2 at 52 and my hematocrit about 47 and feeling great, not sure...
  19. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    thanks Vince, yes my Doc wanted me to go with everyday inj but I thought it would be to much of a commitment, but I guess i'll have to give it another thought about it, my E2 could be higher then normal because I was using progesterone, my first 10 months on TRT I was doing 2 injections a week...
  20. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    John my apologies but I'm in a rush and couldn't read well first time , the answer to your first question is : I do 3 inj a week M/W/F so I went for the blood work M am before injection
  21. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    hey John thanks for replying, sorry I probably didn't explain my self well, my anxiety is very low lately so that is not an issue, I don't understand what you mean, the iron store test is called ferritin, probably you meant "I'm upset on iron serum on the high side when ferritin (iron stored)...
  22. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    beside m total T from november BW, again went from 1100 to 840, I switched pharmacy for the month from Hallandale to Empower to see what would happen and feel
  23. Gianluca Bonetti

    disappointed/tired I feel I don't want to deal with it anymore

    Hey Guys, I just got my last lab result, beside I have not been feeling optimal for about a year now due to my adrenal fatigue, or at least what I hope it is, even things like sex drive and motivation are gone, especially the last one. I'm also weak and really hard to exercising without feeling...
  24. Gianluca Bonetti

    how to take Acetyl-L-Carnitine

    I have always known aminoacid need to be taken away from protein meals on a empty stomach of course, but what about ALCAR? on or not info about it, and other websites recommend to take this actually with food, could it be??
  25. Gianluca Bonetti

    Vit A/beta carotene supplementation help

    I have been using it now for about 10 days and I actually like it, very goof price for the quality, still I do not like the idea of getting Vit A as I personally consider useless supplementing with it, unless medical condition or deficiencies, watch this multivitamin does not contain copper...
  26. Gianluca Bonetti

    does Magnesium supp require Calcium as well?

    thank you Vince, I do take 4/6000iu of d3 daily so I should be fine, thank you
  27. Gianluca Bonetti

    does Magnesium supp require Calcium as well?

    Hi Guys I decided to start supplementing with about 400mg a day of magnesium, on top of my 100mg provided from my multi, will this lower calcium absorption? as dairy I usually eat a slice of Swiss cheese in the am and at night a cup of cottage cheese or a yogurt
  28. Gianluca Bonetti

    B-Complex Brand

    I have never tried it but a few days a go I was looking for a b-complex and this looks great, one a day and it is time released with the B' in the active form...
  29. Gianluca Bonetti

    Vit A/beta carotene supplementation help

    so I don't quiet understand, if we all know supplementing Vit A is a bit controversial, why all multivitamin contain it....I should make my own line of multivitamin! ;)
  30. Gianluca Bonetti

    Vit A/beta carotene supplementation help

    Betacarotene supplementation study, not sure how much in Units is 20-30gr but it has to be quiet allot