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  1. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    hopefully the procedure I did will help with sleep apnea, if I can ask what are your numbers and protocol?
  2. Gianluca Bonetti

    low SHBG guy, free T high, too much medication or SHBG creates imbalances?

    I have been wondering, since last conversation with Doc. if I actually I'm using too much Testosterone medication, the low SHBG confuses me a bit, before talking to doc I had always thought that to feel well TT would be the number to look at, I was wrong, Free T would be the testosterone ready...
  3. Gianluca Bonetti

    HELP...TRT Results Changing Over Time - Would greatly appreciate some input

    I have the same feeling, if I stay on same protocol, number change and when I had switched protocol or increased dosage I felt better for first week or so
  4. Gianluca Bonetti

    Blood Pressure

    if you already are not taking them, look into Fish oil, Ubiquinol, and lots of Magnesium, like they say above beet juice is amazing, L-citrulline L-Arginine
  5. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    i see so it may still have to kick in, cause as now I don't think I feel any changes for now
  6. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    interesting, you probably didn't need it from the begining, how much were you taking it? I'm on 0,125mg twice a week thank you for sharing
  7. Gianluca Bonetti

    Does cabergoline affect FT levels?

    I was exactly about to make this question, probably increase in FT is seen in people that are not on TRT
  8. Gianluca Bonetti

    How long to start feeling Cabergoline working?

    just started Caber this am and wondering if anyone has some experience to share, sources says after ingestion level of Caber in the blood raise in 2-3 hours, half life is 60hr and if I understood well, Caber dose over the time may overlap increasing the lowering prolactin effect.
  9. Gianluca Bonetti

    GAC Glutamine/Arginine/Carnitine

    interesting though, I usually use L-citrulline powder, but tri amino injectable looks interesting to me, if the price for a months is reasonable I'will give it a try
  10. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    LabCorp scale is between 16.5 / 59.5 nmol/L so below that is probably considered low, although I'm not really educated on the subject too much
  11. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    I get it, I'm still curious once I fixed sleep apnea and lowered prolactin to check on SHBG again
  12. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    absolutely beside low SHBG could be hiding something else
  13. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    if I understand well, high FT alone won't do the job, there has to be a balance btw FT TT and SHBG
  14. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    do anyone of you believe in the association of low SHBG to other factors? from I found an article about SHBG, things like sleep apnea and high prolactin also are associated with low SHBG, now it turns out I have a mild sleep apnea and I found my prolactin at 18.2 ng/ml on a...
  15. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    Making some research, actually most LOW SHBG guys don't really feel well nor building more muscle or strength as suppose to since high FT, mostly everyone complains not to feel the Tesosterone, I think SHBG has a role as well,
  16. Gianluca Bonetti

    Daily Injections of Testosterone

    I'm a low SHBG guy as well so I was recommenced by Doc to go for everyday injection, but I just don't like the idea to do IM injection for the rest of my life everyday, and I wasn't doing well on subQ when I tried it, I do, though, HCG 5x week instead of 3 x week and I have to say that, talking...
  17. Gianluca Bonetti

    supplements and drug interactions?

    hey Nelson! not me! my father was prescribed all of that in once! he is 65 and they found his BP at 220/110 tot cholesterol at 250, now BP is down about 120/75 but also HB is down to 55, I'm thinking to start him with that supplements to give the body back what it lost/need and stopping the...
  18. Gianluca Bonetti

    Been on Trestolone for 2 weeks

    it sounds good but if not legally prescribed in the US and my doc has never mentioned that I would'n't look any further
  19. Gianluca Bonetti

    Cabergoline or Not?

    I'm very curios Doc to see how I feel after starting Cabergoline twice a week, I've read people improving sex drive and resolving that foggy mind as well, so it may be a great thing for me, probably just another piece of the puzzle
  20. Gianluca Bonetti

    Cabergoline or Not?

    Vince do you remember the name of the video?
  21. Gianluca Bonetti

    Whole blood vs. Double Red Blood Cell donations

    Vince I personally wouldn't do double RBC and just go with whole blood, I don't trust that machine recirculating blood back in, lots of people got blood clot from it, google : donating plasma or RBC
  22. Gianluca Bonetti

    supplements and drug interactions?

    my father in Italy was prescribed for HBP and Cholesterol Valsartan/hydrocloritize 160mg/25mg, Atorvastin 20mg and nebivolol 5mg, I'm insisting so much to give him 3gr daily of fish oil, magnesium, ubiquinol and a multivitimin without Vit K in it, I checked on line if there is any interaction...
  23. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    thank you Vince, I feel I would do the same just reverse, I would test TT just once a year, I always thought being a low SHBG guy would mean having a disadvantage and more challenging to keep a good level up , so at the end, if i understand correctly, being a low SHBG guy is actually better
  24. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    thank you Jhon, could we say that for low SHBG guys TT should not a number to look at? example my TT is within normal range but free T is at 30, over the normal range, could we say that actually my Testosterone level is higher then normal physiologic? of course based on LabCorp numbers, where...
  25. Gianluca Bonetti

    Low SHBG guys Free T/ is TT a worthless test in general?

    I just had my follow up with the great Doc. Saya yesterday, speaking about TT and free T, I had always believed that to achieve the benefits of TRT the number to keep in check would be TT, and low SHBG guys have in general this trouble and needs more feq inj to keep TT up, Doc actually told me...
  26. Gianluca Bonetti

    Pregnenolone empty stomach along with aminoacid ok?

    Vitamins along with minerals fish oil should be taken with food to avoid upset stomach and enhanced absorption, amino acid must be taken on empty stomach for sure, not sure hormones like Pregnenolone or melatonin, probably best empty stomach as well
  27. Gianluca Bonetti

    Pregnenolone empty stomach along with aminoacid ok?

    I have been taking Pregnenolone supp for sometime, but I just realized a couple of weeks a go that I may have done it all wrong, I was taking it with food! as I thought since it is an hormone would be OK, I found some posting from Gene Devine, and other online, recommending to taking it on empty...
  28. Gianluca Bonetti

    How Much Fish Oil is Enough?

    I see, I thought 8gr would be the combination of EPA plus DHA, so basically you getting about 6gr of it, that's, I believe what most people consider upper safe dosage, I'm getting deeper into researching FO for mental health and anxiety and Panic disorder so definitely over 2gr is where benefits...
  29. Gianluca Bonetti

    Fish oil increasing cholesterol and suppress immune system??

    Agree, down side fish contain lots of metals and pollution, probably a safer way to get EPA/DHA is fish oil supplement, or At least what i believe