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  1. N

    Should I Try TRT Again?

    I’m thinking maybe a fresh start with my hormonal system reset to baseline might make a difference. Fifty- you are off TRT right ?
  2. N

    Should I Try TRT Again?

    Thanks. How low would you start?
  3. N

    Should I Try TRT Again?

    ...and here is the thread I started just before I quit What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?
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    Should I Try TRT Again?

    Here is an old thread with some additional background Help with sleep issues
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    Should I Try TRT Again?

    I had been on TRT for around 4 years. Went on originally because I was always low energy, tired. As a 51 year old My total T levels were as low as 180 so I decided to give it a try. Over the years it has been a struggle with side effects (poor sleep, elevated heart rate) and the docs that I...
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    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    Dry mouth could very well be the issue. You should look at meds you are taking that could be causing this and see if adjustments can be made.
  7. N

    Ceasing TRT Cold Turkey After Three Years - Restart Log

    As a dentist I wanted to comment on the teeth decay issues. Beyond the obvious causes of tooth decay- namely sweets and poor home care, there are other potential causes that are less obvious- possible causes being gastric reflux and dry mouth. Could either of those be an issue for you ?
  8. N

    New Protocol, Elevated RHR/Poor Sleep/Eye Floaters. Abort or Stay the Course?

    I was fine for a while. Maybe 8 months? The first thing I started to notice was the heart pounding issue. Then over time the sleep started to deteriorate. I just wasn’t sure if it was because I was just getting older (I’m 56) or due to the TRT. All I know is that since I’ve been off TRT I’m...
  9. N

    New Protocol, Elevated RHR/Poor Sleep/Eye Floaters. Abort or Stay the Course?

    Keep us posted. The issues you are describing is exactly why I gave up.
  10. N

    New Protocol, Elevated RHR/Poor Sleep/Eye Floaters. Abort or Stay the Course?

    Here's the thread with more detail of what I was dealing with and my protocols towards the end. Post #14 has the info you are looking for What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term? My HCT was borderline high. I never took a cortisol test. My initial huge dose of AI was...
  11. N

    New Protocol, Elevated RHR/Poor Sleep/Eye Floaters. Abort or Stay the Course?

    I was on TRT for nearly 5 years. Started at 200 mg Test Cyp a week split in 2 doses, 500 IU HCG 2x a week and 1 mg of Anastrozole a week. I started noticing issues with the RHR and awareness of my heart beat and sleep a few months in but it wasn't that bad. It became a bigger issue after a...
  12. N

    New Protocol, Elevated RHR/Poor Sleep/Eye Floaters. Abort or Stay the Course?

    I was dealing with the same issues minus the floaters. I had elevated RHR, awareness of my heart beat, and horrible sleep. I tried all sorts of things and eventually just gave up and went off TRT cold turkey. It has now been 33 days. All my issues went away correction- it has been 41 days
  13. N

    TRT shuts down urination almost completely within 48 hours?

    I assume you have been to a urologist? If they can’t find anything then maybe it could be worth investigating pelvic floor tension?
  14. N

    125 mg a week

    Is this at the trough- right before your next injection? Do you take anything else with this (HCG? AI?)
  15. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks- yeah I was thinking of skipping a day to keep at 3 doses a week. Perhaps sticking to an EOD schedule might be better?
  16. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks to all for their responses. This thread has been extremely helpful. For most all this time I have relied on my TRT docs to prescribe the proper dosage for me and help me get dialed in. I figured that since they are the experts they should know how best to do TRT. It is clear now that...
  17. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    When I started TRT 4+ reads ago, my doc put me on 200 mg of Test Cyp a week split in 2 doses (along with HCG and Anastrozole) Needless to say I had horrible side effects. I eventually convinced him to let me drop to 180 mg Test Cyp. and my sides continued. The Doc was an idiot so I left him...
  18. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    This is exactly what has happened with me.
  19. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Awesome post John. Yeah I could never understand why the TRT docs insisted on starting at such high doses and titrating down rather than working up from a low dose. I also can't understand why they all throw so many meds at you at once, making it nearly impossible for you to figure out which...
  20. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks. I might have to look into this progesterone cream
  21. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks for the responses. I was only able to try the lyothyronine for a week. It messed me up big time. As far as other things I've tried, yes I will use melatonin sometimes. I've tried Magnesium Glyconate and it made me groggy all day. My sleep issue on TRT is not falling asleep, it is...
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    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks. Do you use anything else with that?
  23. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Here are my test results taken 24 hours after injecting 60 mg Test Cyp. No HCG no AI when this was drawn. It was after this draw that Defy decided to put me on the DHEA, Lyothyronine, AI, HCG, Test Cyp.
  24. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks for the response. I've been trying to get dialed in for 4+ years. I actually went off TRT 15 months ago for 3 months but went back on because I truly want it to work and I know I hadn't exhausted all protocol options. I have been under a Dr's care the entire time I've been on treatment...
  25. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    Thanks for the responses. I’ve decided to quit. I’ve had too many bad days on TRT. This last attempt was with a Defy doc. I gave his protocol a shot and have had 6 horrible weeks. I’ve narrowed down the issue to elevated heart rate and sleep quality. The 2 are interconnected and when my...
  26. N

    What is the Lowest Dose Protocol That You Find Works Long Term?

    I'm close to giving up. In my continued quest to get "dialed in" over my 4+ years on TRT, I'm finally down to few final options before I throw in the towel Through trial and error over time I've found that HCG, AI, and other supplements that docs have put me on make me feel horrible, and...
  27. N

    Trt higher resting heart rate

    When I spoke with my GP at my physical- he didn't seem concerned. He said resting heart rates can range all the way up to 100 bpm. Still this worries me a bit. I've been experimenting with skipping injections if my resting heart rate goes over 84 bpm (I use a fitbit to monitor this)
  28. N

    Trt higher resting heart rate

    Bump for any other thoughts. My resting heart rate climbs from around a normal of 77 bpm when off trt to around 82 bpm when on. This will then fluctuate and has gone as high as 88 bpm. It does worry me. Should I be concerned?
  29. N

    Perfect Labs - Libido , ED, GARBAGE! On Trimix! Why?

    It could be your brain that is the problem. Have you checked out Your Brain On Porn?
  30. N

    What Are The Long Term Consequences of No HCG While On TRT ?

    Just had a consult with Defy doc. He is the fourth and likely final doc I will use on my journey. My biggest issue with my TRT journey is that my sleep deteriorates when I'm on it. I will wake up and not be able to go back to sleep. I've tried all sorts of things including all that you have...
  31. N

    What Are The Long Term Consequences of No HCG While On TRT ?

    I'm 55 years old and have been on TRT for 4+ years and struggling to get dialed in all this time. I am almost ready to throw in the towel but have been trying a few final approaches before giving up. One thing I'm doing which seems to be working so far is to stop HCG all together. I am...