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  1. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    from the lowered E2, most of Adex's side effect profile comes from if you lower E2 too low. Breast cancer women take 1mg/day for 7-10 years, on their forums you can get a good example of common side effects.
  2. Vitamin_C

    How long does it take estradiol to come back after a crash

    It took about 2 months from me to get from 7ng/dl to the 20's ng/dl, then about 2 months after that to start feeling better again, but yes, it really depends on the person. I hope you dropped the Adex for now, even the .125 mg dose.
  3. Vitamin_C

    Low estrogen on TRT

    Which is weird because the ancients used it as an aphrodisiac and for male health, and some guys say it actually helps with libido/erections, some guys say it makes it worse, who knows? I've taken it in the past, I didn't have any issues, it seems to be user dependent. An excerpt from one...
  4. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    That is good news man, baby steps, it will take time but you will recover, you're already starting too, just remain positive. A positive mood will work wonders. I get my 24 hour cortisols from ZRT labs on amazon, they are about $150. Also, stress can cause you to shed more, I think once...
  5. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Definitely get saliva Cortisol tested. I would also look into doing CDnuts PFS protocol, you may have to make some extreme changes to your diet/lifestyle....fixing gut/gluten free/paleo, potentially water fasting if its bad enough. Your body will heal itself if its not busy detoxing other...
  6. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    See, you're not pissing out all your electrolytes and minerals. If I were you, I'd look into those aldosterone and renin numbers, you appear hypoadrenal which is probably causing all of your problems and then compound the fact that you are worrying about an imaginary problem that doesn't exist...
  7. Vitamin_C

    Estradiol Issues

    It may be lab dependent, but Sonora Quest labs in Arizona's regular estrogen assay always reported me lower than the sensitive. Maybe Labcorps non-sensitive assay over reports, but I only get the sensitive now. I buy my 24 hour saliva tests from ZRT labs on Amazon, they are around $150 ish.
  8. Vitamin_C

    Low SHBG guys

    I don't think there is a relationship between the two, muscle twitching has a wide variety of causes from dietary to stress/anxiety.
  9. Vitamin_C

    Sex Issues on TRT

    I took it when I was 16 for a round. I would go back and time and not take it, but I was never effected by this drug other than a dry, red face. Thank God I never had any sexual sides, I was unbelievably horny all throughout my teenage years and could get an erection if a girl touched my leg...
  10. Vitamin_C

    Low SHBG guys

    I get muscle twitching in my legs but my SHBG is in the 20's.
  11. Vitamin_C

    Anastrozole and lipids

    Arimidex can lower cholesterol if it lowers estrogen too low, not directly. Estrogen has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels.
  12. Vitamin_C

    Estradiol Issues

    that is not the sensitive assay, the regular E2 test always showed me LOWER than the sensitive assay. Your DHEA is pitifully low, I would look into possible adrenal issues and get a 24 hour saliva cortisol test.
  13. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Bro that is crazy stuff, OCD=anxiety, probably perpetuated your symptoms but no doubt the diet/lifestyle clean up helped you. Why at first did you have such a dramatic decrease in strength do you think?
  14. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Damn dude, that is crazy stuff. Did you do anything to change your symptoms? like lifestyle changes? what happened with you and Clomid?
  15. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Do you have labs to indicate you have muscle wasting/muscle loss? //There has to be something that happened it can't be in my head because there are also physical symptoms.// Brain/body connection is extremely strong, have you heard of phantom or referred pain? Don't you think its odd that...
  16. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    //You have to be extremely low, not necessarily zero, but have extremely quick rebounds in E2 that go much higher in a short period of time, causing negative feedback on receptor signaling. I strongly believe that corepressor proteins have something to do with this. // So you're speculating...
  17. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    //You need need to stop bringing up women's breast cancer forums unless you bring blood work with it. If these women E2 readings are <3 pg/ml we can talk.// There are a few threads on breast cancer forum where women have posted their estrogen levels because there is a particular target number...
  18. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    The dude from the PFS forums that committed suicide also didn’t even take Finasteride, but believes he gave himself PFS from saw palmetto and Spiralactolone. Sheesh, from the Rogaine and saw palmetto causing PFS those guys on that board are toxic. Here is a study on Finasteride and saw...
  19. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    "Over the next 6 months i started rapidly degenerating with numerous new physical, neurological and sexual symptoms. The connective tissue all over my body lost all tensile strength and i can no longer bend any joint without risk of injury. My small and large intestine totally lost peristalsis...
  20. Vitamin_C

    Anastrozole and lipids

    Estrogen has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, lowering estrogen too low and you can have cholesterol issues.
  21. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Then men on TRT would be insensitive to FSH and LH but we don't observe this happening with anyone who does a restart. Their T-levels may still be low, but FSH and LH and respective receptors recover. We also don't observe insensitivity in human models either nor do we know how low and how...
  22. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    The first study showed ENHANCED sensitivity to the receptor on tumors . As far as PFS forums go, the anecdotal accounts can be toxic , particularly the hundreds of guys that believe they gave themselves PFS from Rogaine lol. Also, I just read a study on men with finasteride and the placebo...
  23. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    Go to the breast cancer forums, women there taking huge amounts of Arimidex for years report hot flashes and night sweats, not cold cold extremities . That sounds adrenal/thyroid related.
  24. Vitamin_C

    Estradiol Issues

    My E2 took a couple months to go from 5 to 20's ...
  25. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    Make sure its saliva cortisol, its more accurate than urine. You can buy them off Amazon through ZRT labs. Let me ask you, if all these labs come back fine, would you start to feel better?
  26. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    Have you had a 24 hour saliva cortisol done? Get a DEXA scan, test for muscle wasting, rheumatoid/inflammation markers, cholesterol, CBC, CMP.
  27. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    I understand, but to be the first person this has happened to in medical literature would require you to take large doses of ethinylestradiol to see if you respond but you are unwilling to do so. There is also no known pharmacological means in which Arimidex would do this, and this is a VERY...
  28. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    Dr. O knows a great deal about receptors being a neurosurgeon and a ton about TRT, dude knows what he is talking about, he's never seen this in practice, I don't think anyone has. Low E2 can cause anxiety, anxiety can perpetuate symptoms and make you believe there is "permanent" damage...
  29. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    What is the mechanism behind "becoming" worse when your E2 raises? Pharmacodynamically, what is the mechanism behind Armidex causing the estrogen receptor to be desensitized? I mean I could see it with Nolvadex with has play on the receptor, and thats even a stretch, but dude we have THOUSANDS...
  30. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    Just checking for symptoms of high prolactin. I messaged doctor Brett Osborn, a neuro-surgeon who also specializes in TRT about this and if he's ever seen or heard about it in practice and this is what he had to say "Nope. More garbage. And we don't “see” anything with DHT/finasteride either...
  31. Vitamin_C

    I accidentally took too much Arimidex...did I screw myself!?

    Do you have labs to indicate you have electrolyte imbalances? DEXA scan to show bone loss or any other lab to show muscle wasting? Do you have labs showing elevated lipids and cholesterol? Elevated prolactin? High CRP? High BP? What do your labs look like pertaining to cortisol and thyroid...