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  1. Vitamin_C

    Long-term TRT with no HCG - Experiences?

    I don't notice any positives or negatives using HCG but I would not do TRT w/out it. I can tolerate it well and occasionally I'll take a month off it and then start back again. I don't like the idea of atrophy in my testicles, I want my balls plump in case I ever want to restart, only needing...
  2. Vitamin_C

    Ejaculation and Orgasm Problems

    Sounds like prolactin issues
  3. Vitamin_C

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    I’ve had good success with this stack using everything but the Doxazosin and daily Cialis. I use all the herbs and aminos and I have some liquid Cialis to use as needed but I have not needed to use it .
  4. Vitamin_C

    Testosterone vs DHT ?????

    DHT is just one piece of the puzzle, there have been men with low T and DHT that still have great libido's and erection quality. When my Testosterone was between 200-400ng/dl my libido and erections were phenomenal, I imagine my DHT was low-normal as well.
  5. Vitamin_C

    TRT without hcg = depressed mood?

    Testosterone won't help mood if other areas of health are not functioning properly, the main area would be gut/digestion health. If that is poor, doesn't matter how good your testosterone levels are.
  6. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    I don't know why joint popping gets lumped into main low E2 symptoms. My joints popped before I went low on my E2, they popped after. My wife's joints pop and she has a lot of E2. Many people's joints pop with all sorts of E2 ranges, this is a common finding, and it seems to be correlated with...
  7. Vitamin_C

    Had my DHT tested, it's through the roof!!

    I’ve studied PFS quite extensively , some of the guys who recovered had found links to poor gut health as the catalyst . Also, if you look at other drugs that have harmed some like accurate, you will see all the IBS and gut problems as well. I’ve always had a great gut, accutane just gave me a...
  8. Vitamin_C

    Had my DHT tested, it's through the roof!!

    I think this is a bit of hyperbole. While I personally wouldn't take Finasteride or prescribe it, there are many men who do and experience zero issues with the drug. I have talked to quite a few doctors who prescribe this and none of their patients have any problems, including Dr. Rassman from...
  9. Vitamin_C

    Dizziness and other symptoms

    I can’t try DHEA, my DHEA levels are always over reference range naturally.
  10. Vitamin_C

    Dizziness and other symptoms

    by what mechanism has DHEA been proven to lower estrogen?
  11. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    for what its worth, this was posted by someone who recovered, this can be applied to any type of persistent drug side effect including Finasteride, Accutane, A-dex etc: "I am making this a sticky so that others can reference it at their leisure. It was originally posted by English who is no...
  12. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    There seems to be a correlation between people who have suffered persistent side effects from certain drugs (Finasteride, Accutane etc) and poor gut health. Some of the recovery stories from PFS guys completely had to fix their gut/diet before they felt better.
  13. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    To each their own, I never felt anything off Macuna but I still take it because I like the beneficial effects on the body, but I never "felt" it before. For me Macuna was like taking a multi-vitamin or Probiotic. I think you guys should try high *** oil concentrate, fix your guts, and try...
  14. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    //However, I do not get the same effects from caffeine and adderall// Its called tolerance, I have to drink near 700mg of caffeine now to get the same effects as I used to. If I quit caffeine for a couple months completely then come back, I can get a caffeine buzz off 120mg of caffeine.
  15. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    I'll share a little story with you guys. When I was 21 I took a couple of my brothers friends Risperdals, about 2-3mg worth because he said it would help me "study and focus" more. That night I felt absolutely terrible, couldnt sleep, rigid legs, a weird buzz in my head, felt that the joy and...
  16. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    You say you had no health issues but you started on TRT at 20 years old?
  17. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Have you ever thought about consulting with Dr. Saya and Defy medical? There are few others I would trust with my hormone health. In regards to your ED issue, can get hard by viewing pornography and masturbation or you still can't get hard by viewing porn? // These guys use TRT and even use...
  18. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    My ED was strange when I crashed me E2. Prior to this I had never had ED ever except one time a looong time ago I got super stoned and couldn't get it up, that was the only time in my life. When I crashed my E2 the ED was sporatic, one minute I'd wake up from a nap with a raging hard on that...
  19. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    //minus the libido which is expected with a non functioning ER.// Why did the case study of the man born with estrogen insensitivity have normal sexual function, including nocturnal erections and no ED/libido issues? Libido/ED is much deeper than just a single hormone. With the new data...
  20. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Why would I turn down a patient with your symptoms? I might not agree with WHY you think you are experiencing what you are experiencing, and I am not saying your symptoms aren't real, I just disagree with your proposed etiology because there is no empirical evidence that this could happen...
  21. Vitamin_C

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Androgens are the key player in hair growth, not estrogens...
  22. Vitamin_C

    How long does it take estradiol to come back after a crash

    I don't put much stock into joint popping as a low E2 symptom anymore as I've had joint popping low, in-range, and high E2.
  23. Vitamin_C

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    What side effects of Cialis are you referring to specifically?
  24. Vitamin_C

    How long does it take estradiol to come back after a crash

    No longer waking up with night sweats was a clue to me my E2 was getting back in range, will take a little more time for other benefits to kick back in, but you're pretty close.
  25. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    it seems both high and low E2 can shrivel the penis and ball sack
  26. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    200-250mg of Test with Primo or Var will give you some nice lean gains, nothing dramatic but low on the side effects and gains are 100% keepable
  27. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    Yep, was feeling really good off 250mg of Sust per week, no AI.....strong in the gym, nocturnal erections, spontaneous erections, E2 was probably even a little "elevated" per a sensitive E2 test. WHen I pushed it to 500mg with no AI I started to feel like crap, dropped a .25mg of Adex and felt...
  28. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    Yeah and everyone is different, some people don't need AI with 500mg of Test per week, some people only need a little AI, some people need 5-7mg per week of Arimidex. Balancing estrogen is hard even on TRT protocols, even harder when you run AAS. After this blast I'm never going to go above a...
  29. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    For sure, that's why I only dropped a .25mg after a 250mg Sustanon shot, I know that won't drop me. My previous crash was only on 1.25mg per week with 350mg of Test, learned my lesson from that.
  30. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    I get my labs back on Monday for sensitive E2 but I am assuming its high because I am blasting 500mg of Sustanon w/no AI plus two SARMS, Ostarine and Rad140. I felt great on 250mg of Sustanon per week w/no AI, had good wood, libido, could last forever in the sack. I noticed some tingling in...
  31. Vitamin_C

    The “joint problems” from Arimidex, is it the E2 or?

    Lowest I've been was 7, definitely not fun. Sporadic ED (but not all the time), night sweats, feeling dried out, extremely vascular, thirsty, dry lips, anxiety was a little nagging. It took another month to go from 7 to 9, maybe it was the Anavar that was keeping it low as well. Two months...