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  1. Vitamin_C

    Testicular Atrophy...How much shrinkage?

    I do 100IU/day and I love it, I wouldn't do TRT w/out it .
  2. Vitamin_C

    Is this FNP worth pursuing with a follow-up appt?

    HCG isn't that expensive at all, I either go through Empower or I get it compounded locally. If I go through Empower its like $120 for a 3 month supply, if I go locally I get it for $60 for a 2 month supply. I also switched to doing 100 IU/day and its the way to go in my opinion.
  3. Vitamin_C

    Has anyone diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadysm too accutanne?

    Yes that is correct, that’s why patients on accutane are advised not to take excessive amounts of vitamin A . Vit A also causes the same birth defects in excessive amounts , identical to Accutane . The body gets rid of accutane rather quickly, usually within 9 days .
  4. Vitamin_C

    Has anyone diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadysm too accutanne?

    Accutane, for all its doom and gloom, is a naturally occurring derivative of vitamin A. It’s similar to mega dosing vitamin A . It didn’t permanently clear my acne but it severely reduced it . I still get a few pimples here and there but nothing like teenage acne . It’s also been nearly 20...
  5. Vitamin_C

    hot flushes at 29, please help me I'm desperate

    This sounds a bit like a hypochondriac, also, why do you think you have low estrogen (your forum name?).
  6. Vitamin_C

    TRT not working

    Testosterone is not panacea, if you aren't living a healthy lifestyle its not going to magically make you feel better.
  7. Vitamin_C

    Has anyone diagnosed with Secondary Hypogonadysm too accutanne?

    I took Accutane when I was 16 for a course, I experienced dry lips and a dry face, that is about it. I had no other side effects, although I didn't get my first testosterone levels checked until I was 28, I never had any issues with mood, libido, or erection problems on Accutane and post...
  8. Vitamin_C

    Permamently crashed E2 due to Arimidex... I feel miserable

    You did not permanently crash your E2, but recovery time after a crash differs from person to person. When I lowered my E2 below 10, it took a good 2 months before it was back in the 20's and then another month or two in that range to start feeling better. When my night sweats started going...
  9. Vitamin_C

    SARMs Control Act of 2018

    I've ran SARMS plenty of times, no side effects for me and I'm on TRT so I don't have to worry about suppression. This is just another worthless witch hunt, same with banning Ephedra and 1,3 Dimethyl
  10. Vitamin_C

    Is TRT for Optimal Results worth it?

    If he's not having issues with Propecia why are we scaring him with PFS? Many men take it without issues, some get problems, yes, but its usually tolerated well by the user.
  11. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    What is false? that some guys can't recover? please show anywhere in literature where this is described and please describe the mechanism that prevents recovery, I'll await any type of peer-review study from you. Also, you can't qualify for any type of ambulance chasing lawyer lawsuit against...
  12. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    The small amount of guys who get hit the hardest by accutane and PFS can recover, but these guys are going to need to do DRASTIC lifestyle changes to heal and repair the gut etc . Guys who believe they can’t recover will likely never put in the work required to recover .
  13. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    I don’t believe they are permanent , and I think that guys who tell themselves it is will convince themselves it is . There have been PFS recovery stories , so that shows you it’s not a permanent condition . But guys who get PFS who have a risk for mood disorders are going to convince...
  14. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    This is the mystery with some guys. So you already have a relatively low subset of guys who get propecia sides, but then another subset of these men get the longer lasting sides. No one knows what causes the longer lasting sides but the rat study showed that the sides got worse after the drug...
  15. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    I’d like to follow your case, as interested as I am in TRT medicine I’m as equally interested in people coming off. Let me know what your labs look like and how quality of life is .
  16. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    I'd like to know how long he was on TRT, what was his protocol to get off, what his current testosterone levels are, and how does he feel compared to being off TRT as to on.
  17. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    So you’re off TRT or you’re doing 80mg/week?
  18. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    It’s also interesting the BPH guys take 5mg/day and report less sexual symptoms than the 20 something year old MPB guys at 1mg/day.
  19. Vitamin_C

    Morning wood vs estrogen levels

    I imagine the bone density problems have to do with estrogen levels being low and not the drug itself.
  20. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    This is called a nocebo effect
  21. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    That doesn't make sense though, at least from PFS sufferers who often claim of "muscle atrophy" when the opposite is true according to that article.
  22. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    According to that post 5AR redux tase defiecency is correlated with more muscular physique ? Huh?
  23. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    I especially loved the “propecia made me ***” thread I found on pfs forums , it’s absolute hysteria . Also, when saw palmetto got thrown into the mix was an even bigger joke , there is no clear evidence it lowers DHT levels at all. I read a story about some some tribe that lacks the 5AR...
  24. Vitamin_C


    What a terrible drug, sad thing is there will be men lining up to get take this.
  25. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    You don't have to take my advice at all, and I mentioned I wouldn't advocate for either drug personally, even as a medical professional. These aren't just "my experiences" as I have been very interested in the phenomenon and have done quite a bit of research, and I have experience in the...
  26. Vitamin_C

    Can Marijuana Increase Estradiol and Contribute to Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)?

    so is it the THC or *** chronic use that can lower testosterone? I take *** daily for the anti-inflammatory properties and it works very well.
  27. Vitamin_C

    Article: Less than 4 % of Men at the Veterans Healthcare System Get Proper Testosterone Management

    I am thinking about doing my doctoral project on this subject, I'd appreciate any data I can find on this. I know how the VA does TRT is stone-age with every 2 week protocols.
  28. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    If I were a betting man, I would wager that if you lived on a deserted island and never heard of propecia side effects you would probably never experience any propecia side effects, this phenomenon is largely nocebo related.
  29. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    But it is rare, at least clinically, I have never seen it in practice. The guys who are on the propcecia/accutane forums are rare, I have never met a patient with PFS or accutane induced sexual dysfunction and I know many who have been on those medications. I know they are out there, but you...
  30. Vitamin_C

    Here's a scary thought: Long term LH suppression on TRT- What are the effects?

    Bingo, testosterone is not panacea, some guys just think they can go on TRT and continue their crappy diet and alcohol consumption w/sedentary lifestyle and everything will be alright. I've not seen any data that HCG stops working, need a source for this claim please. "This is happening A...
  31. Vitamin_C

    Surviving Propecia

    I hate the word "permanent" in a negative connotation because the body has an absolute remarkable ability to heal itself as long as lifestyle allows. A lot of people have poor lifestyle choices and have dirty genes that need to be cleaned up, when they take certain drugs, these drugs can...