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  1. Vitamin_C

    Could tiredness be a symptom of high e2?

    I am not necessarily a fan of medications that suppress hormones but if you're a guy who needs to manage high estrogen levels then you should start low and go slow with Adex. I think comparing to "poison" is a bit hyperbole, and it's only bad when you crush your estrogen with it. I've crushed my...
  2. Vitamin_C

    Dr scare tactics

    He's ignorant if he believes T use will shrink your penis. He is correct that drugs have been used for thousands of years in some form or another, nothing new under the sun.
  3. Vitamin_C

    Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

    Anavar, winstrol etc all lower SHBG. There are some studies on PubMed showing the lowering of SHBG after exogenous testosterone administration if you browse around.
  4. Vitamin_C

    Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

    I know Dr. Crisler would do this for high SHBG guys. Think about bodybuilders using large amounts of anabolics, they all have very low SHBG because they are using large doses of anabolics which will drive down SHBG.
  5. Vitamin_C

    Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

    Don't you mean for low-SHBG? Generally if SHBG is high, you give a larger dose which lowers SHBG. You lower the dose and increase injection frequency with low SHBG guys.
  6. Vitamin_C

    Propecia thoughts

    Finasteride is the standard protocol for guys with BPH, there are a lot of medications I don't like, but if I educate a patient on the risks and they still want the drug, its not my place to talk them out of it, I am a strong proponent for medical autonomy.
  7. Vitamin_C

    Propecia thoughts

    "could they be permanent"....this is something in research called "fuzzy words." There is just not enough data to conclude this medication causes permanent changes in the human body, If there is, someone needs to show the exact mechanism how this happens, no speculation please, there is plenty...
  8. Vitamin_C

    Propecia thoughts

    We prescribe 5mg for prostate issues, not for hair loss. I've had none of my gero patients report PFS type symptoms at 5mg, which is perplexing because everyone who reports it is at 1mg and younger in age. I know Crisler and Shippens stance on Finasteride but the "permanent" stuff is laughable...
  9. Vitamin_C

    Propecia thoughts

    Its weird how all my gero patients taking 5mg/day don't report the PFS side effects pertaining to mood or sexual dysfunction lol, or that indigenous tribe that has a genetic defect causing dysfunction in DHT don't report PFS-like symptoms. There is a huge component of Nocebo effect with this...
  10. Vitamin_C

    TRT and LGD? Is it a bad idea?

    I've never had any issues personally running a myriad of Sarms w/TRT.
  11. Vitamin_C

    Testosterone and depression ..Dr. Mark Gordon

    Yeah, the whole "chemical imbalance" is actually a really flimsy theory peddled by drug makers to push their medications. Dopamine and serotonin are just pieces in an overall puzzle, they know little about mental health, lots of guess work. I would say proper methylation is 10x more appropriate...
  12. Vitamin_C

    Testosterone and depression ..Dr. Mark Gordon

    hormones are only a portion of things that play into mood, I see many users on this board live and die by hormones for the answer to well being when its much more complicated. Hormones do play a role, but so does gut health, inflammation, methylation etc.
  13. Vitamin_C

    Deca - Joint Health

    Its incredibly difficult to get a script for and there are some issues with long-term use and ventricular hypertrophy. I've never used it so I can't vouch for its effects.
  14. Vitamin_C

    Has anyone tried adding FSH to their protocol?

    I'm thinking about trying it, its not the cheapest but I feel like as humans we should have LH/FSH circulating around.
  15. Vitamin_C

    Metformin and SHBG

    "But there is some concern with folks claiming they have developed frontal dementia from long term anti aging non diabetic use" I wonder if its caused metformin's ability to mess with B12 levels.
  16. Vitamin_C

    A year into TRT ED worse than ever

    This looks like a classic case of psychogenic ED.
  17. Vitamin_C

    Permanent Damage from Estradiol Crash

    Correct, this is a nocebo phenomenon and so is PFS. The Harvard study with PFS showed the placebo group having more PFS side effects than the people actually receiving finasteride lol, the mind is a powerful thing.
  18. Vitamin_C

    Metformin and SHBG

    Metformin has shown an ability to decrease methylation by interfering with B12 absorption with long-term use Hyperhomocysteinemia, deep vein thrombosis and vitamin B12 deficiency in a metformin-treated diabetic patient. - PubMed - NCBI. We are just now realizing how important methylation is the...
  19. Vitamin_C

    Permanent Damage from Estradiol Crash

    "I also get chest pains from time to time which have led me to E.R several times but nothing serious was ever found. " This is simply panic disorder and is likely fueling most of your problems, not the lowering of your estrogen which rebounds back. What happens with this phenomenon is guys...
  20. Vitamin_C

    Jay Campbell caught lying

    such a dumb thing to lie about, you can still make the point of the benefits of moderate to high estrogen levels w/out resorting to lying about your numbers.
  21. Vitamin_C

    Very average orgasms and low amount of ejaculate volume

    I think a question that needs to be asked are your pornography/masturbation habits. I've abstained from porn/masturbation for almost 5 months now and my orgasms are more intense. If I don't ejaculate for a week or so my loads will be larger.
  22. Vitamin_C

    Damn do I envy you guys

    Guys who feel like crap on TRT need to look at other issues effecting quality of life, such as lifestyle and diet, genetics (MTHFR etc) nutritional/vitamin decencies...
  23. Vitamin_C

    I have been off Testosterone for a year !

    Thanks for your feedback, testosterone is really just one piece of the overall puzzle for wellness. Some put too much stock into it being a panacea, too much doom and gloom associated with stopping TRT etc. I've read many successful stories about restarts with medication or natural restarts...
  24. Vitamin_C

    Can TRT reduce sensitivity of androgen receptors?

    It would be interesting to observe some of the older bodybuilders from the 80's and 90's who are all on TRT. Jay Cutler is still jacked, Dorian Yates looks lean and healthy, these guys slammed high levels of testosterone and synthetics. I'm sure if there were issues with androgen receptors we...
  25. Vitamin_C

    Can I recover after 4 years on 150-250mg of testosterone?

    A lot of variables here such as lifestyle etc. Being as healthy and active as possible will only help you recover even more. I've seen guys recover cold turkey after 10 years, its definitely possible. As a matter of fact I've seen a lot of guys recover, some do the Clomid/HCG/SERMS route...
  26. Vitamin_C

    Sleep issues caused by TRT

    with melatonin, the lower dose the better.
  27. Vitamin_C

    Sick and tired of being sick and tired...

    It seems like your issues are more than just hormone related. Testosterone can only do so much, you need to identify any genetic issues or nutrient deficiencies .
  28. Vitamin_C

    Can Marijuana Increase Estradiol and Contribute to Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)?

    THC has always hyper-drives my libido and I become ultra sexual on it, and sex is also fantastic. I've ran into others who it does the same, its an absolute stellar aphrodisiac for myself. I don't do it often but when I used it daily (in my late teens) and even now as an adult who only...
  29. Vitamin_C

    Anyone tried Natesto yet?

    I am curious to see how patients respond to this and if it can keep T levels in the therapeutic ranges.
  30. Vitamin_C

    Receptor desensitization?

    You can't really validate the claim that "TRT stopped working for me" that some may claim. TRT is not panacea, if you are not dieting or exercising, if you are drinking alcohol in excess or smoking etc TRT isn't going to save you from your poor lifestyle . We have no way to validate the "TRT...
  31. Vitamin_C

    High natural T but option to go TRT

    try taking some nettle, usually keeps my SHBG in a good range.