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  1. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    Yes I am concerned I have low Free T, but I am still investigating to see what has caused my symptoms of the last year and a half. Low Free T and high SHBG are my only lab values that are off which is why I feel like they are the cause of the changes I experienced. I know this doesn't effect...
  2. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    I agree, it's the low Free T that causes the negative symptoms, but when normal Total T levels are present, I feel the urge to blame high SHBG. Really I should blame the hypothalamus or pituitary for it's new Free T target in me, right? I am only 43 and my current Total T levels usually range...
  3. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    That's great to hear that your labs and symptoms are both improving. I hope for your sake (and mine) that it's not a honeyman phase and will last :) I will probably need to follow a similiar course of action. What type of T cream and what dose were you prescribed? Do you mind me asking if your...
  4. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    Interesting, I appreciate your experience with both of those approaches. I will post my results with them here as well. No harm trying them it sounds like.
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    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    That's a great article, thank you. I found this snippet from it interesting as well: "our recent finding that men with high SHBG but normal total T may still have symptoms and signs consistent with late-onset male hypogonadism"
  6. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    Thank you for that explanation, very helpful. Does SHBG bound testosterone eventually get released from SHBG and become free and usable? If so, how does that happen and what is the name of that process? Or does the body just discard the SHBG bound testosterone and it never becomes free and usable?
  7. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    That is encouraging to hear that you are feeling better after increasing your Free T. Did you try Clomid and Natesto already? If so, how did they work for you? I think I am going to try them each over the next few months, Clomid (actually hopefully enclomiphene) first, and then Natesto. Is T...
  8. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    Thank you for the feedback. I had my magnesium checked. It was 2.2 (ref range 1.7 to 2.5) during a time without any supplementation.
  9. R

    Does TRT reverse/improve sexual symptoms for most men with High Range SHBG / Lower Free T?

    The more I read about the situation of the healthy active person with normal labs and normal Total T, but higher range SHBG and lower Free T, it seems the only real solution that fixes the numbers is TRT. For all the other solutions that supposedly help (boron, nettle, more carbs, etc), the...
  10. R

    Libigrow Male Enhancement Pill (Original Year 2012 Version)

    One other thought. I have tried a few of these all-in-one "performance" pills this last year. "Horny Goat Weed with Maca" from Nature's Truth worked really well for me, though I won't take it anymore. The reason I won't take the all-in-one pills anymore is I believe it is better to identify...
  11. R

    Libigrow Male Enhancement Pill (Original Year 2012 Version)

    Do smaller dosages (i.e. 5 or 10mg) also cause these negative side effects for you?
  12. R

    Libigrow Male Enhancement Pill (Original Year 2012 Version)

    If I take more than 20mg, I can sometimes start feeling the adrenaline-like side effects you mention. I think it depends on how much I have eaten. With a full stomach I can tolerate a higher dosage. It's interesting how the effects from these various supplements are so individual. I also agree...
  13. R

    Libigrow Male Enhancement Pill (Original Year 2012 Version)

    I have used Yohimbine on days when I want some extra "enhancement". For me, it has never hurt my libido or erections. If I take too high a dose, I have also experienced the racing heart feeling. As far as headaches go, I don't get them from Yohimbine, but sometimes from a regular dose of a PDE5...
  14. R

    Test for androgen receptor CAG repeat length

    Thank you for the feedback. It would be interesting to get one. Have you encountered any special university labs or specialty clinics in the US that cater to non-commercially available type tests for a fee?
  15. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    I will have to try pine pollen as well. I have some in my cache of supplements I purchased, I just need to get around to using it. I am trying lots of things, one at a time, to see if they are helpful.
  16. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    Glad to hear you had a similar experience, I'm hoping it isn't placebo!
  17. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    This article above made me feel better about it's interaction with DHT: Pygeum inhibits 5 -reductase and binding of dihydrotestosterone to androgen receptors, although the inhibition is minimal and not clinically significant. Here is another article...
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    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    I have found Kegels useful as well.
  19. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    Interesting, I always produced pre until about two years ago (age 41) when things started changing a little for the worse down there.
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    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    It's interesting, I also saw the 100-200mg per day recommendation on a few sites. That Nutricost Pygeum I purchased is 500mg. Hopefully it's not too much. I am taking a break from it for a couple weeks to see how I feel off it and then will get back on it to see if the effect comes back. I might...
  21. R

    Relationship Between Higher PSA and Higher SHBG

    Yes I am a lean healthy active person. I am 6'1" and weight 185lbs. My body fat percentage is usually between 12% and 14%.
  22. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Thanks very much! I wish I had more labs and data from 10 years ago, so working on getting that information now so it helps me 10 years from now.
  23. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    That's interesting you have a similar PSA also. I agree the prostate ultrasound likely will not be useful, I am curious about it just to rule things out and to get baseline measurements for when I am older. Do you mind me asking what your SHBG level is?
  24. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    That's interesting you had prostatitis. I have been wondering if that might be my issue as well. Last year, my urologist did the finger check on my prostate and said it felt normal. My urinalysis came back good, so no UTIs. However, even though my PSA (1.7-1.8) is within range (< 2.5), it is...
  25. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    This is the Pygeum I tried: Nutricost Pygeum I didn't notice more semen volume, but I did notice more precum and the other changes I describe above. It seems strange that an androgen receptor antagonist would make my reproductive areas feel better. Maybe this is just one of those temporary...
  26. R

    Interesting Experience with Pygeum

    I started taking Pygeum last week. Like other posts about it, I quickly noticed increased precum. However, in addition to that, I feel like it has made every piece of my reproductive system feel less shriveled up and more full of life including my penis, perineum, scrotum, and testicles...
  27. R

    Test for androgen receptor CAG repeat length

    Has anyone found a clinic that does the test for androgen receptor CAG repeat length? The androgen receptor CAG repeat length is mentioned in many studies on PubMed, but I can't find any information on how to get the test done for an individual.
  28. R

    Relationship Between Higher PSA and Higher SHBG

    I'm almost 43, have always been healthy, not on TRT or anything, my Total T is usually 600-800, somewhat lower Free T, SHBG is 48-58, and PSA is 1.7-1.8. Doctors have never said much about my PSA when discussing labs, I guess because it was "within range" meaning less than 2.5. However, the...
  29. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Have you had any hormone labs done? What do your levels look like?
  30. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    Interesting, so some similarities here, age and all. I know it's just anecdotal, but I spoke with 4 friends about this, ages 40-46, and every single one of them say morning erections have faded and "something has changed down there". Sex still works fine enough and they haven't explored what...
  31. R

    Is Maintaining Morning Erections Important?

    For me, the diameter of the left cavernosal artery was 0.8mm, and the right was 0.8mm. At full erection (100%), Inflow (peak systolic velocity) was 82 cm/s on the right and 109 cm/s on the left. Outflow (end diastolic velocity) was 0 cm/s on both sides. I am working on getting a copy of the...