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  1. Z

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Just wanted to give a quick update to this. Turns out I was on bunk UGL testosterone for nearly 3 months (Mid March - Mid June). All my bloodwork came in below pre-TRT levels except AM Cortisol which was very high. Been back on legit testosterone for almost 6 weeks now, but unfortunately looks...
  2. Z

    Issues from underdosed UGL testosterone!

    Hey everyone! Is it possible to feel way worse than pre-TRT if I only dose enough to get to my original baseline (total test of 200ng/dl)? Some context: Been on testosterone cyp 14mg per day (100mg/week) for nearly 3 years. Had to switch to UGL stuff in early April because my pharmacy had a...
  3. Z

    Can estrogen crash cause desensitization/knock out of the estrogen receptor - lets discuss!

    Hey everyone - I'm dealing with the same issues. Here's my story: Despite having low SHBG and needing sub 100mg/week doses of testosterone, I foolishly increased my testosterone cyp intake too much and then crashed e2 to undetectable levels for a few weeks through indiscriminate AI use back in...
  4. Z

    low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

    Hey everyone - I'm dealing with the same issues. Here's my story: Despite having low SHBG and needing sub 100mg/week doses of testosterone, I foolishly increased my testosterone cyp intake too much and then crashed e2 to undetectable levels for a few weeks through indiscriminate AI use back in...
  5. Z

    Still feeling horrible after E2 crashing and recovering

    Appreciate your inputs! I’m averse to trying another SERM since I still have eye floaters from using Clomid and I’m concerned that SERMs’ mechanism of blocking estrogen from the brain might further worsen my existing low E2 symptoms. In your opinion, what should I expect going off cold turkey...
  6. Z

    Still feeling horrible after E2 crashing and recovering

    Thanks! That’s an interesting suggestion. Let me talk to my doctor about it.
  7. Z

    Still feeling horrible after E2 crashing and recovering

    Thanks for replying! I'm thinking of stopping TRT due to the bizarre effects I've been experiencing since my crash last year. Any tips how to go about a restart without SERMs? Can I use hcg for a month to prep my balls, and then stop everything cold turkey?
  8. Z

    Still feeling horrible after E2 crashing and recovering

    Hey everyone, please bear with my long story! I messed up big time and I'm in dire need of help!!! I was prescribed testosterone cypionate (100mg/week, split into daily shots) in July 2020 after a couple of tests confirmed low TT levels (approx 200 ng/dL). This brought my TT up to 800 - 900...