Appreciate the feedback thus far!
I belive 40mg E3D averages out to 100mg per week over the course of time. I am a patient of Dr. Saya... I'll be discussing this with him tomorrow to get his thoughts.
Yes... T/free T pulled with a separate T along with standard and sensitive estradiol. Standard Labcop ranges: T (348-1197) standard E2 (7.6-42.6), Sensitive E2 (8-35).
Yes... in addition to considering ED injections, I'm considering lowering and sticking to a 30mg E3D protocol.
I PM'd CoastWatcher to get the specifics on his injection protocol and he suggested posting the question in the forum in case it's a relevant to anyone else.
CoastWatcher was on an E3.5 day injection protocol... 60mg/injection. His estradiol went from 31 to 55 and he was opposed to using an...