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  1. C

    Confused over free tesosterone levels

    thanks thanks yes I found this online the problem is I never had my shbg results
  2. C

    Confused over free tesosterone levels

    Hi i was wondering if any one can help me out as im in France and im confused with free tesoterone results My total tesosterone came to 18nmol/l and the results for free say 63,8 pmol/l and 18,4 pg/ml ? im having a hard time trying to convert them and see if they are low high or normal is...
  3. C

    My daily Testosterone Propionate diary

    so you inject test prop twice a day now? im or sub q?
  4. C

    DHT: Adding T Cream vs Higher Injections + AI

    yes i understand and agree i prefer to use prop any way due to quicker time to adjust
  5. C

    DHT: Adding T Cream vs Higher Injections + AI

    I see are you taking the test prop daily or eod ? im or sub q sorry for many questions just find the concept intresting
  6. C

    DHT: Adding T Cream vs Higher Injections + AI

    What dose of TNE were you using and was it injceted every day ?