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    High reverse t3 raises shbg?

    We don’t test it anymore it has been good for yrs. and that is not a lot of synthroid 150 mcg's. pmgamer18
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    How to Dose Aromasin (Exemestane) -- A Proposal

    At the time we were using Quest Labs and we tested both when the senative test came out. I had the same problem senative was higher that is why I was not using it. But now it is fixed and working good as per Dr. John and I just seen my Dr. 3 weeks ago and the lab sent in the wrong E2 test...
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    How to Dose Aromasin (Exemestane) -- A Proposal

    I have been on Aromasin a long but was testing my E2 using the reg. test that was showing me to high. So I was taking 4 pills per day showing my E2 on the reg. test at 25 to 30 pg/ml. I felt OK but had a lot of fatigue so after reading at Dr. John's forum God Bless Him. He said the reg. E2...
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    Does Iodine matter while on NDT?

    I was a mod at STTM for mens only thyroid and yes I found out things I did not know from the book. pmgamer18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------  Hi All, This is a copy of a post I just sent a member at my forum...
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    how much 12.5 mg aromasin and 6.25 mg aromasin lower oestradiol ?

    High E2 is a big problem for me this is the first thing I read about Aroasin. Today I take one pill 25 mgs E3D on the day of my T shot my E2 is tested the day of my shot but...
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    High reverse t3 raises shbg?

    I am told not to take thyroid meds before doing my labs in the morning. I take 150 mcgs. of synthroid at 3 to 5 am when I get up to go to the bathroom along with 2 5mcgs of T3. Then when I get up I take 5 mcgs when I eat then 5 mcgs more at 3 pm. for a total of 20 mcgs. / day. pmgamer18
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    High reverse t3 raises shbg?

    Men on TRT need to be carefull takeing t3 only in largr amounts to lower RT3 it can make Estradiol and SHBG go up very high. Read this link pmgamer18
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    Does Iodine matter while on NDT?

    I highly recommend this book "Tired Thyroid" the iodine chapter in this book is 30 pages long with over 100 references cited. I am on Iron pills and take a very low dose of iodine per day the lowest dose of iodoral 1/4 of a pill per day. The following nis from the book. Does...
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    High HCT low iron

    Hi All, If your dehighdreaded your levels will test higher. spelling??????????
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    Needing help with my protocol

    Hi Jeky, I can't tell you what to do but can tell you what I and my Dr. ended up doing after many yrs. on TRT and feeling the way your feeling. I don't do labs any day after my shot I do them the morning of my next shot but before it. So your test is not that high at that time. We...
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    High HCT low iron

    Hi greenwaters. Get a full set of labs done it can be your thyroid is making your iron levels low. I don't give blood to keep my Hemoglobin or Hematocrit down doing the big set of labs I do every 90 day helps with the high levels. I need to take an Iron pill 3x's/week to keep my levels up...
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    Need suggestions for supplementing iron and ferritin?

    No what I am saying low Thyroid can cause low Iron problems. Also take Probiotic for you gut. pmgamer18
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    Need suggestions for supplementing iron and ferritin?

    That is why I take my Iron pills Mon. Wed. & Fri. Also how are your Thyroid levels low Thyroid can lower iron levels. pmgamer18
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    Need suggestions for supplementing iron and ferritin?

    My labs show I am level yet if I stop taking the iron levels fall 3x's/week keep me level as per labs. pmgamer18
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    Need suggestions for supplementing iron and ferritin?

    HI Systemlord, I was a mod at STTM forum for Thyroid problems and after talking to Dr. Mariano on the web. He says one needs to take some Vit. C with there Iron pills. I have been on Iron pills for yrs. I take this with it Solaray Super Bio C Buffered 1000 mgs. 2x's/day. My starting dose...
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    Help Very Low Iron Panel Results

    I have pituitary problems and my pit dose not tell my body to make hormones. I have been on iron pills for yrs. with vit. C. I take one pill 3x's a week was on 3/day taking Ferrous Fumarate Iron pills 324 mgs. pmamer18
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    Cialis, what time to take daily?

    I have been on it for years and now take it for BPH and I take it with my first meal in the morning. As for wood I am now 75 yrs. old and no problems with wood. pmgamer18
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    Which type of carnitine to pair with coq10.

    I have Peripheral Neuropathy from Statin Use and am crippled can't walk with out using a walker and have a lot of pain. I use asper my heart Dr. Acetyl-L Caritine 500mg 3x's/day. And due to have been on Statin drug it tanked my CoQ10 levels so I use Ubiquinol Capliques Featuring Kaneka's Qh...
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    More bad info about Statins

    What can I say Statin Drugs crippled me after being saved having heart bypass. Hear is a must read. e Most Profitable Pill in Medical History Is Based on Flawed Science e Most Profitable Pill in Medical History Is Based on Flawed Science pmgamer18
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    A Copy of A Post I just made

    Hi All, This is a copy of a post I just sent a member at my forum. _________________________________________________________________ Hi bstee, I am hypopituitary due to a head injury I never felt good on TRT untill I found a new better Dr. and he started a little at a time treating all my...
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    Estradiol Obsession

    I just got back from seeing my Dr. and my Estradiol E2 test came back dam good at 20.
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    Hemp Seed Oil

    Well I tried 3 diff. brands and Hempglory sold the strongest called Hemp Glory Premium + 30 ML. 1200 MG. Oil Tincture on the bottle. pmgamer18
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    Hemp Seed Oil

    Hi GlennMarsh, I take fish oil and as for the Hempoil it helps with stress feels but does nothing for my pain. I am doing 2 droppers / day at 1200 mgs and it cost $120 that only lasts 2 weeks. So I am not doing Hempoil anymore I think what they are selling is not what they are saying it...
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    Estradiol Obsession

    Hi seb288, Yes I heard about letrozole but my Dr. says no to using. Yet I am down to one pill of aromasin E3D and doing fine. Just did some labs and will be seeing my Dr. next week and will post here my E2 levels. As for Hempseed Oil I am doing one dropper full 2x's / day the stuff I...
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    The benefits of long term use of Cialis

    I take 5 mgs. / day for BPH and my health care plain pays for it. pmgamer18
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    Fish Oil Recommendation ?

    I seen on the 60 min's. TV show some yrs. ago that it is very hard to find true Omega 3 fish oil. They said the fishing boats that use to through out the junk fist now grind it up and try to sell it as good fish oil. So after reading this and burping up rotten tasting fish and smelling like...
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    How many of you are on diuretics for water retention on TRT?

    Hi All, I have been on TRT over 35 yrs. and after the 1 st. yr. my hands and feet started to swell I was holding water. My Dr. put me on Triamterene/HCTZ 37.5/25 mgs. take at the time as needed. Today I take it 3x's/wk. And for my heart I take Lasix 40 mgs 4x's / wk on days in between my...
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    Suffering with BPH

    Hi Kenny, I take 5 mgs. / day of Cialis for my BPH and it works. I have been on TRT over 35 yrs. and there is no way I would stop it. Ten yrs. ago I had Heart Bypass surgery no heart attack just a lot of heart burn. Today I am on a lot of water pills for Congestive Heart Failure and 75...
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    About to start Clomid (22M)

    Dr. John said this many yrs. ago never found out why. pmgamer
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    About to start Clomid (22M)

    Just one problem you can't test E2 Estradiol levels you need to stop using Clomid for about 3 to 4 weeks. pmgamer
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    HCG shortage

    The HCG Diet is why we are running low on it. This has been going on for some yrs. Yet they don't know using HCG can slow down your brain from sending the LH and FSH message to your testis and you can end up with low T. pmgamer