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  1. T

    How much in this syringe?

    Going for 0.2ml. Do you think a 1 ml syringe will work as well?
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    How much in this syringe?

    Look at the photo with the loaded syringe, the other is just to show the number of lines to 1 ml. Found it ridiculously hard to estimate how much this is.
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    Anybody using antidepressants with TRT? Similar to tramadol?

    I found that tramadol has a profound effect on my mood. It works by increasing serotonin, norepinephrine as well as working on one type of opioid receptor. Does anybody know of a similar AD?
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    Switched to cypionate - anxiety or cold sweats in the middle of the night

    I was on gel, trough levels were 880ng/dl. I skipped the gel yesterday morning and took instead 0.2 ml of a 200 mg/ml vial. At 3:30 AM I woke up feeling really anxious in cold sweat. Do you reckon this is because the levels shot up too high? Or allergies to the oil? Edit: Isn't this a bit...
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    It was by accident, I went with 0.2ml which is what I was supposed to do. But when I got up in the morning my brain was telling me it was 2ml that I needed to do, but then I figured something didn't add up. The protocol is M/W/F 40mg and 0.25mg anastrozole 3x per week. There is 500IU HCG in...
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    I finally switched this morning. As far as I know it went well. I almost injected 2ml as (400mg) as opposed to .2ml. Now I'm wondering how the levels will progress. My levels at trough with gel was actually a pretty high 880ng/dl. Hoping this is the correct muscle. :)
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    Ok, any opinion on length? Is 1/2" fine for quads?
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    @madman thanks! Apparently I can only get 27G (1/2 to 1”) or a 30G 1/2”. Will a 30G 1/2” work for quads?
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    Interesting to hear. I think I'll go with 1/2" 29g into quads.
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    I note that that thread says 0.5" is fine for quads. Are you guys not using a separate (bigger) needle for drawing the testosterone from the vial? F.ex. an 18g. And then switching.
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    I don't have a good reason for not doing shoulders, it's just that I don't want scar tissue there. Do you reckon 1/2" will work for quads? And 27 or 29g.
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    How Would You Improve ?

    Good point, maybe there could be one sticky that points to the others.
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    Starting cypionate tomorrow - needle size?

    What needle size can I get away with? I'll never inject more than 0,2ml (in cottonseed oil). Doctor wants me to do subq but I believe I'll do IM. And do you have any tips for muscles? I'd prefer not to do delts and was thinking about starting with quads.
  14. T

    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Interesting, if I recall your doses are really really small these days. Do you reckon that's the main thing?
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    What do you guys do to tackle mood/anxiety if anything?

    I haven't found much myself. I manage the E2 which helps. Recently I've begun taking LDN as well and all I can say is maybe it helps.. it seems to to a degree.
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    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Your SHBG levels are quite similar to mine without TRT. However I've never seen below maybe 46. What's your current protocol and do you do good on it? I seem to be very sensitive to E2.
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    Moving from gel to cypionate - do you guys feel better on injectables?

    I'm going to ask a questions that have been asked a bunch of times before. I'm moving from gel to cypionate, even though my levels on the gel are reasonable. A few things: * I seem to be very sensitive to medium-high levels of E2 * I have high levels of SHBG. 1. Have any of you felt that...
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    How Would You Improve ?

    I just want to say that I really like this site. I feel like the members here are more knowledgeable and bigger nerds than members of other similar forums. One suggestion would be to allow people to easily add their protocols in their signature, but maybe that's already possible, I just...
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    Little advice for cessation of trt

    I remember reading on here that John Crisler's view was that progesterone should rarely if ever be supplemented. But you feel better doing it? I always thought pregnenolone was a bi more interesting due to conversion to pregnenolone. I suppose this is the reason to do HCG but I don't feel like...
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    HPTA Restart and Gyno

    I've never done this. I know I got a high level of E2 on 50mg ED Clomid (high dose I realise). Some will say the best thing is to get blood tests and monitor your E2. I personally seem to feel a certain way when my E2 is high and another when it is low (dry eyes, less emotional mostly). To err...
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    Fatigue and Tired on TRT

    Curious, did you try with or without HCG?
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    Little advice for cessation of trt

    Just google "PCT", post-cycle therapy. The same rules as for steroid users apply. Many begin with high doses of HCG to get the testicles going again and then taper that down slowly. Sometimes they follow up with clomid, which basically makes your pituitary gland think there isn't enough...
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    HCG and inflammation

    Anyone looked into this? @Nelson Vergel @Cataceous @madman
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    HCG and inflammation

    Does anybody know of further studies on this? Effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on cytokine production from human endometrial cells in vitro - PubMed I'm aware that this may not be relevant, since it's in vitro on endometrial cells, and so not even in men. But as someone who is avoiding...
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    Sensitive to E2 - subq and HCG

    Super interesting, thanks for sharing that. Did you purposefully do it all in the same place to see if it showed?
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    Sensitive to E2 - subq and HCG

    Thanks a ton for the information. Will be interesting to see how this will work going forward. The doc wants me on 120mg, 40x3 per week, and 500 IU HCG per week. I might skip the HCG at the start as you suggested. P.s. what is your regimen these days? Are you on HCG?
  27. T

    Sensitive to E2 - subq and HCG

    Thanks madman. Quality information and knowledge as always! I agree with the HCG thing, I feel like I'd be adding complexity by putting it in right away. I want to see if I can find balance with just the cyp / AI. Another thing I wonder is, is everybody injecting into their stomach fat? And...
  28. T

    Sensitive to E2 - subq and HCG

    Hi guys, I'm very sensitive to medium to medium high E2. I feel like absolute shit, depressed, anxious, low libido. I talked to a new doctor who wants to put me on subq test Cyp and HCG: As far as I understand there's more aromatase in the fat, and so I'd think I would aromatise more with...
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    Early morning wake ups

    Interesting, does it matter whether you're injecting enanthate or cyp? And where are you injecting?
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    High e2 on 100mg

    Do you feel fine? Are you just talking about acne?
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    High levels on testosterone gel with AI

    I'm talking to a testosterone clinic in Europe today to see about switching to injections. I don't know whether it's the right decision or not, but I feel like it's more reliable than the gel and contaminating my partner with testosterone is annoying as well.