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  1. mooseman109

    Low dose protocol?

    Yes. every morning
  2. mooseman109

    Low dose protocol?

    I am currently doing 8mg/ day, down from 12/ day. I can say libido has dropped off a tiny bit. Energy is the fine, cognitive fine as well. I run at 53-56 hct at 12 mg/ day. Trying to drop that back some.
  3. mooseman109

    Flying with testosterone ?

    I travel with mine all the time. In my carry one as well. I carry syringes and testosterone in a quart plastic bag in an outside pocket. I carry the testosterone in a labeled box with the prescription on it. Dozens of flights domestic snd overseas, never been a question
  4. mooseman109

    Dose Change Side Effects

    I am with Vince on this. WAY too much. I do 12mg daily and that will keep my Free T around 20 and total 700ish. Back it down to 12-16. What was teh driving force to switch? Were you doing fine on the previous dosage?
  5. mooseman109

    Went off TRT cold turkey today!

    I went off for a few months once due to high HCT. Nothing drastic as far as sudden shock. But in about 3 weeks I was back to no energy, anxiety and all the crap that started me on TRT in the first place
  6. mooseman109

    Restricted from blood donation from TRT

    so this happened to me as well. I never volunteered info about TRT, but my Hgb was high on their little BS machine. They said I must have polycemia vera and would not let me donate. I got tested for that and a bunch of other myopia stuff and took it back. Still a no go so had to do the...
  7. mooseman109

    Intermittent Fasting

    yes I started about 5 months ago. I dropped about 10# over the course or a month or two. That plateaued. My a1c was creeping up slowly, just before I started it was 5.9. After 3 months of fasting it was 5.4. I go 8 pm til noon. and I work out at 5am, cardio and heavy weights. At first I...
  8. mooseman109

    Labcorp vs hematologist HCT numbers

    I am not sure which one would be more accurat. That is a big difference. What I can comment on is a drop from 60 to 47 after 2 blood donations. I donate 500 cc and if i drop 3 points that is alot. I use labcorp. So a 13 point drop pver 2 donations seems peculiar to me. Not doubting...
  9. mooseman109

    'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health

    Exactly. BMI is a made up science by somebody trying to seek diets
  10. mooseman109

    High Estradiol in Men: How High is Too High?

    I have messed with HCG and may go back on it as my nuts are disappearing and flaccid penis is shrinking. HCG did raise my E2. I think saying on low dose test cyp has been what has contributed to my lower E2, but when free T geo sup Estrogen will follow. So it has been a 7 year journey thus...
  11. mooseman109

    'Fat but fit' is a myth when it comes to heart health

    wish they would have used something other than BMI. What a total crock of crap that measurement is I am 5' 10.5" and weigh 198#. Can not pinch enough fat on back of are or inner thighs to do an injection. Can get a bout an 1' around belly and my BMI says 29%, almost at obese. Poppycock...
  12. mooseman109

    At home phlebotomy

    We do it at home. My wife is trained though. We can buy 16 ga kits online. Big bore needle does not feel good poking around in there if the person doing the poking is unskilled. So if you have large veins that stick out you can probably be ok. Pay attention next time you go to red cross or...
  13. mooseman109

    Blood pressure issues

    In my situation, TRT for 7 years, it never affected my BP at all. I have been up and down on dosages sorting through. Like you I am low dosing, down to 70mg/ week daily injections. I feel fine and HCT is a bit less of an issue. I did have a heart attack spring of 2018 and they put me on BP...
  14. mooseman109

    6 months into TRT, sex issues

    My guess would be high E2.. Based upon your description, that is what happens to me with high E2
  15. mooseman109

    Question on recent labs

    I am also in the lower the dose camp. I am slow in everything with this. make small adjustments and give it time in between. Have you checked you DHEA? Seems for some guys it plays a roll in libido. It did nothing for me.
  16. mooseman109

    Question on recent labs

    So your numbers are at the top end but you say low libido, which is why I assume you are keeping high numbers. When yo say low libido, do you mean little drive to want to have sex?
  17. mooseman109

    Advice on low dose daily testosterone

    I have been at this for 7 years. Started with typical 200 every 2 weeks. Have tweaked and experimented over the years. I have landed on 10mg/ day over last 2 plus years. I have felt about the same on each level. All seem to keep me at mid 600 total and 20 give or take free t. Shbg 30-40...
  18. mooseman109

    Prime Body concerns

    Also been with defy a number of years. While every office can have a hiccup, they have been minimal and slight here. And serious apologies if they do happen. Care has been more of a team effort rather than a dictated approach. They listen to me!
  19. mooseman109

    pinch or no pinch when injecting sq abdominal

    i pinch. i can grab around 1/2" of fat, and I shoot into that
  20. mooseman109

    My labs. Have at it

    So can I say I am jealous that you can get your T that high and keep your hemoglobin in line!!! If you feel well, then run with it
  21. mooseman109

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    My wife is an NP in a 60 bed acute rehab hospital. She has had many patients that have come from a ventilator into her care. They are VERY sick according to her, most have scaring in lungs and or liver. But.... they go home
  22. mooseman109

    What needle length for IM TRT? Thinking of changing from subQ to IM to feel better

    There has been discussion amongst some of us that sub q is not as effective. I started. like a lot of us, at 200 mg every 2 weeks. I went to weekly and then every 3.5 days. Then jumped to daily a couple years back I have similar free t numbers taking 84 mg a week as I did with 100 mg/ week...
  23. mooseman109

    What needle length for IM TRT? Thinking of changing from subQ to IM to feel better

    I do a rotation, so fri, sat and sun are shallow IM in the gluts, all other days are around the waist sub q
  24. mooseman109

    What needle length for IM TRT? Thinking of changing from subQ to IM to feel better

    I do 27ga 1/2" needle for shallow IM and it seems to work. I do Im 3 days and sub q 4 days. I notice no difference
  25. mooseman109

    Dialing in right dosage/regiment on TRT

    Welcome to the journey. It is just that. You can go for periods of time and all will be clicking and then out of nowhere boom, things are not as good, time for a change. It is the never attainable goal of perfection that we are all striving for. We occasionally find that spot, but it...
  26. mooseman109

    HCG Pros and Cons while on TRT

    HCG puts my E2 up higher than I care for, which manifests itself in a bit of anxiety, so I stopped. Yes my nuts are like marbles
  27. mooseman109

    Guys on daily SubQ

    i feel good at 10 mg per day and maybe better at 12/ day. I am sure if i went 16/day I would see a difference , probably want ro hump everything and then punch holes in walls! Lol
  28. mooseman109

    Guys on daily SubQ

    I do daily as well. SHBG is typically in the 35-45 range. Total T is 650-750 and free t is 15-18. E2 is low 20's I dont do HCG, shoots my E2 up rapidly. I do 10-12mg each morning. I rotate around my body, some shallow IM some sub Q. My HCT is a problem, going daily helped it a bit, but...
  29. mooseman109

    Low T added T Gel, then Atrophy, added HCG ... now T Levels are dropping

    HCG caused my estradiol to rise higher than I feel good with, so I have accepted small nuts. I could probably take an AI to help with HCG induced estradiol increase, but trying to keep meds limited.