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  1. mooseman109

    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    Interesting. I tried Empower three times over the years and nothing noticeabl. Switched to pregnyl and boom!
  2. mooseman109

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    I have an ejection fraction of 42, by mri, so it is precise. I have suffered a major MI nearly 6 years ago. Was just recently in hospitals for echo, angiogram and mri of heart. Echo showed 30-35! It is a very subjective test, mri is the gold standard. I have significant dead heart muscle...
  3. mooseman109

    How long does it take for HCG to kick in, or am I being impatient?

    It took al ost 3 months for me to start noticing positive changes
  4. mooseman109

    A Ketamine Revolution for Depression and Pain?

    My wife treats dolks with letmine and a similar one called spravato, sp? Tremendous success. There are apparently some tight restrictions that it worls dor if I hear her speaking correctly
  5. mooseman109

    Hello, question on being switched from cypionate to androgel.

    Just send her a note you are not happy with the results and want to switch back. If she unable to comply or at least meet again for a face to face, then so long. For me ot has to be a male Dr, but they are dumb sometimes too. Seems we hear on this forum more problems from Endo Dr than any...
  6. mooseman109

    Pregnyl success

    I‘m doing 500 sunday, Wednesday and friday
  7. mooseman109

    Hematocrit levels: what’s “high?”

    Mine stays 53-57. As high as 60 once. I can never tell with out labs, no symptoms. However, I was upper 40’s to 50 my entire adult life. So as already said, we are all different
  8. mooseman109

    Pregnyl success

    I have not. Was not sure if I could when ordering thro Defy
  9. mooseman109

    Pregnyl success

    I 500 3x a week
  10. mooseman109

    Pregnyl success

    I have been on TRT for 10 years now and most of the time just T mono therpy. I have tried hcg several times for a few months with no noticeable difference, in labs, size of balls, or anything. It has always been compounded never brand name Pregnyl. This last Dr meeting I asked Dr Calkins if...
  11. mooseman109

    The Psychedelic Revolution Is Coming

    She has tremendous results with her patients. They keep the clinic full daily
  12. mooseman109

    The Psychedelic Revolution Is Coming

    My wife prescribes ketamine and spravato daily
  13. mooseman109

    Newbie could use help adjusting

    Too much AI I would think. I take .125 mg once a week!
  14. mooseman109

    My Liraglutide Results

    My wife just started wagovi. That stuff is not cheap! I think ahe is $834/ month, running a 3 month trial run. She loat 3 1/2 pounds week 1
  15. mooseman109

    Anybody on Statin Drugs?

    I am on 20 mg of crestor. Had an MI 4 years ago that was close to killing me. 100% occulsion Chol was not high before, but not low. BP was normal before. Been on statins since. Numbers are good. No side effects for me. I know others do
  16. mooseman109

    My Defy Medical Experience......

    Dr Caulkins has been nothing but helpful and cooperative to work with. It id great to hav.e a doc that treats you and not the lab values
  17. mooseman109

    Any guys on TRT long term and how is it? Newbie androgel but haven’t began

    I have been at it for 91/2 years. Was a positive game changer for me, though mot with out it’s own problems. I was 50, total was 200-250 ish. Dr did not know what he was doing. Never checked if it was primary or secondary. Was on androgel It worked great but No insurance coverage for it...
  18. mooseman109

    Question TRT

    Yes your levels will be elevated and your dr will not have a real clear picture. So at least let him know what your dose has been. How much and of what type and what frequency are you dosing? i buy mine for about $40/ month
  19. mooseman109

    High Blood Pressure on Testosterone ( TRT )

    I have been on TRT for nine years. Never had BP issues before and not first few year. Has a heart attack almost 4 years ago. My BP will be high now if no meds. I take low dose losartan and cardiverol. Today at dr office i was high at 136/73. Typically low 120 over 70. So I don’t...
  20. mooseman109

    How do you prevent possible transfer of testosterone (gel) to your partner? (And still have sex?)

    No problems here. If we are gonna have sex in the morning I do not apply until after. if it is later during the day, I shower anyway prior, south TX heat, pretty much shower first anyway
  21. mooseman109

    Can Losartan decrease high hematocrit caused by testosterone replacement?

    Been on losartan for 3 years, 25 mg per day. No change in HCT
  22. mooseman109

    Should I start a low dose statin

    I have been ow dose crestor for 3 years now. Never had any muscle problems or other sides. I had an acute MI on April 15 2019. It was a close call. Never had high cholesterol or BP prior to. Genetics are what they are. The beta blocker for BP i take now is also low dose. I had slight...
  23. mooseman109

    How long after donating blood before changes in HCT and Ferritin is noticed on blood work

    I drop 2-3 hct points after donation. It depends on how high it is. When it is 58 or so i drop about 2.8-3 points. When I am 55 I drop 2 points. If I do not donate every 3 months I will slowly get behind the curve and be at 58. I do better if I donate every 10 weeks. This has been on...
  24. mooseman109

    Going on Vacation

    I travel quite a bit internationally and domestically. Put in my carry on and never had an issue
  25. mooseman109

    Statin use

    I had a MI two years ago, 100% occluded LAD. Put a stint in and saved me on the table. No prior history, great shape was training for “the murph” when it happened. Total cholesterol was running 150-180, LDL in the 90 range, HDL 45. Dr put me on 20 mg crestor daily. Total now is under 100...
  26. mooseman109

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    Low back pain, tight glutes are all common sides. Mine lasted about 2 weeks. Headaches went away after awhile as sam time frame. It continued to tear up my stomach though. I was eating tums like m&ms!
  27. mooseman109

    Are BCAA/EAA, HMB, Collagen Supplements worth it?

    Will Brink wrote a great little book on tons of supplements regarding what worked and what doesn’t . Inexpensive and a quick read, I recommend it
  28. mooseman109

    Did I inject this ventroglutes shot right?

    I use 1/2” there all the time, works great for me