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  1. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Are you saying you switched to T as the Hcg was too costly? How long did it take you to raise your T only being on the Hcg?
  2. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Hey guys just an update. I've been on the sub-q Hcg at a 500iu 3x a week dose for the last 2.5 weeks. The last week or so I've really noticed a difference in how i feel. Seem to have more energy, had a couple of kick ass workouts, sex drive is up, noticed morning erection 3x this week which...
  3. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Thanks. I did read James Wilson's book Adrenal Fatigue last summer when i was first diagnosed. All those symptoms fit me perfect. I did find after my last post and did some reading. I agree it's worth checking out again. What is TPO, TIBC ?
  4. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Hey Chris! Thanks for the input. Much appreciated. I posted all the labs that we did so no we didn't delve any further into potential thyroid issues. What you're saying makes sense to look into further, at least from what I remember from my endocrinology class in college 10+ years ago. So...
  5. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Thanks Gene I will give them a call
  6. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Just an update I've started doing the HcG sub q injections 500units 3x week. Im hoping I respond to this alone we'll see. If I don't and once my wife is pregnant I will likely try the TRT. I do need to find another compounding pharmacy to buy the HCG from as it's really expensive. I tried...
  7. J

    Vit B-12 injectable

    How do you know if you're deficient in b12 other than a lab test? What symptoms would you have besides low energy which can mean anything as far as a dx? What is the best lab test? thanks
  8. J

    Top 5 Must-Have Supplements for Men Over 40

    Can anyone speak about DIM supplementation? Does it actually work to raise free T? Anyone use it with success?
  9. J

    Abdominal work ?

    Using full body movements in the gym will give you plenty of abdominal work. Front squats will really tax your abs and "core". Squats, Deadlifts, kettlebell swings done correctly. If you want direct abdominal work hanging leg raises, planks, and the evil ab wheel will work.
  10. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Good point. Thanks Gene!
  11. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    That's exactly what i was thinking. Although I do feel somewhat better, but that could very well be the effect of the cortisol returning to normal from the steroid therapy. I emailed my doc back today saying I want to try the injections Hcg for a few months at least until my wife gets pregnant...
  12. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    So I heard back from my doc. He said the reason that he recommended the sublingual Hcg vs the injections was that it is cheaper (I pay about $60/month). The last time he checked on the injections it was about $100/month. He also said that he has seen benefits with his patients using it and a...
  13. J

    Body Fat testing ?

    I second the bod pod for accuracy and ease of use. Relatively inexpensive, not invasive, takes about 5 min to do and you get the results right away.
  14. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Thanks for the info. I have an email out to my doc about the Hcg and injection vs sublingual. Im interested to see what he says. I've googled sublingual Hcg and only find info on a liquid drop form. The stuff im taking is a triturate tablet from a compounding pharmacy. Do you have...
  15. J

    Recent lab work and some questions

    I found this online that might help answer one my question about fertility.
  16. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Ok I copied and pasted everything here
  17. J

    Recent lab work and some questions

    Here's my post from the introduction forum Thanks for the replies guys. I haven't spent much time on the site yet but I was surpised to see all the info on Hcg as being injectable. I'll definitely ask my doc about that. Is there...
  18. J

    Recent lab work and some questions

    Hi everyone, My name is Cap, and Im a 37yo from Minneapolis area. Im a Registered Nurse with a private group of orthopaedic spine surgeons, been working in ortho and critical care for the last 10years. Im also a very active person, kettlebell instructor and very much into movement and strength...
  19. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    [COLOR=#333333]Thanks for the replies guys. I haven't spent much time on the site yet but I was surpised to see all the info on Hcg as being injectable. I'll definitely ask my doc about that. Is there really no research to say that sublingual Hcg is not effective? Does it just not absorb...
  20. J

    Hello from MInnesota

    Hi everyone, My name is Cap, and Im a 37yo from Minneapolis area. Im a Registered Nurse with a private group of orthopaedic spine surgeons, been working in ortho and critical care for the last 10years. Im also a very active person, kettlebell instructor and very much into movement and...