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  1. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Thank you guys for all the responses. I talked to my doctor today and she will increase my dose to 160mg per week divided in two doses every 3.5 days. No other changes. My E2 is low so will not add an AI. She still thinks I don't need HCG if feeling good and if I have no issues with my testis...
  2. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Ok, I'll talk to my doctor about it. Not sure how much she will increase it by. Hopefully she will help me out with the HCG, but I'm sure I'm gonna have to pay for it from my own pocket. I will continue my protocol, but I will see her in two days, so she might change things around. By the way...
  3. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Thanks, Vince. Should I stay with the same injection frequency also? Or should I try IM once a week? I read a thread here about how that could help reduce SHBG.
  4. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Right, the Estradiol test done was not the sensitive assay. I will have to re do it to get a better reading of E2. Currently, I am not on an AI, which that's why I was surprised to see a lower E2. Could it be the fact that I am injecting twice a week Sub Q? I have been thinking about HCG, but my...
  5. K

    Question about high SHBG and injection frequency.

    Hello all and thank you in advance. Little bit of history, I'm a 42yo male, 6'1”, 193lbs and 13% BF. Workout with heavy weights 5 times a week and cardio once per week. I'm on my 6th week of TRT recommended by my doctor for low energy and low libido, poor erections. The doctor found issues with...
  6. K

    Hematoma following subQ injection

    That happened to me a couple of times going Sub Q on my belly. It happened only when I injected straight into the fat using a 27ga 5/8” needle. After that I started going at a 45 degree angle and have had no more issues. Not sure if going 90 degrees is what the problem is, but it seemed to help...
  7. K

    Not sure if I should have started TRT. Need advice

    Hello all, I’m a 42 yo male and currently on a TRT protocol of 100mg per week of Test Cyp divided in two doses (50mg) Sub Q without HCG nor an AI. I’m fairly lean and muscular and have been feeling great on the protocol. However, the more I learn about TRT the more I think I may have not needed...