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  1. M

    Testosterone Cream + Injections

    And what was the protocol?
  2. M

    Daily injections-what is the average dose of people that inject daily?

    May i ask why you occasionally go to 20mg?
  3. M

    Alternating Dosage Every other day on Daily Dosing

    How long did it take to feel the positive effects from daily injections? My shbg came back at 20. So i just started doing daily injections this week
  4. M

    Test Prop @ 15mg ED/SQ vs Test Cyp @ 20mg ED/SQ... Results.....

    These numbers are still low AF.. You have a lot of room to up your dose! No wonder you still have symptoms.
  5. M

    Daily Intramuscular injections.

    @ivkonst2017 What is your dose on sustanon and how many times per week do you inject?